


An eclectic group of people drawn from all walks of life find themselves under one roof for twenty-eight days with one thing in common, addiction.

Nataly Fish



An amnesiac suspects that the friends trying to help her recalls her memories are hiding the truth about her near fatal accident.

Nataly Fish



There comes a time in every crack addict's life where he can still beat the addiction and get clean. Once that time has come and gone, the addiction will take him over. This is that moment. What will he choose?

Nataly Fish



An avid baker who aspires to open up her own bakery is offered the opportunity to make enough money to do so by playing girlfriend to her friend’s boss whose parents are coming into town for the weekend, however his arrogance threatens to ruin the whole deal.

Nataly Fish

Intervention Divine

Intervention Divine

Es, un Palestinien vivant à Jérusalem, est amoureux d'une Palestinienne de Ramallah. L'homme est partagé entre son amour et la nécessité de s'occuper de son père, très fragile. En raison de la situation politique, la femme ne peut aller plus loin que le checkpoint situé entre les deux villes. Les rendez-vous du couple ont donc lieu dans un ..

Nataly Fish



Inspiré de faits réels. 1976 à Djibouti, dernière colonie française. Des terroristes prennent en otage un bus d’enfants de militaires français et s’enlisent à une centaine de mètres de la frontière avec la Somalie. La France envoie sur place pour débloquer la situation une unité de tireurs d'élite de la Gendarmerie. Cette équipe, a..

Nataly Fish

Intervention Delta

Intervention Delta

Un homme engage des mercenaires pour récupérer sa femme et ses enfants kidnappés par des terroristes.

Nataly Fish

The Intervention

The Intervention

L'escapade de quatre couples, le temps d'un week-end, prend un brusque virage quand l'un des binômes découvre que l'excursion entière a été conçue comme une intervention sur leur propre mariage.

Nataly Fish

Democracy Under Attack - An Intervention

Democracy Under Attack - An Intervention

A completely black background and, before it, a microphone; during this film a total of ten women and men will step up to this microphone. In December 2011, Berlin venue Haus der Kulturen der Welt held a symposium on the topic of the current state of our democracy. The speakers’ appraisal is shocking: the Euro crisis and so-called best alternativ..

Nataly Fish

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

Checo and Chuma decide to use their criminal skills to do good and help people. Along the way, they learn that friendship and love are more than just clichés.

Nataly Fish

Intervention malencontreuse

Intervention malencontreuse

A fighting couple gets interrupted by the landlady.

Nataly Fish

Spy Intervention

Spy Intervention

Lorsque le plus grand espion du monde rencontre la femme de ses rêves, il abandonne son existence aventureuse et s'installe dans la sécurité de la banlieue.

Nataly Fish

An Intervention

An Intervention

Chelsea Bledsoe and her husband Graig throw a surprise intervention for her old high school boyfriend, Henry, with a mismatched group of acquaintances from back in the day to fill out the guest list.

Nataly Fish

The Intervention

The Intervention

Sometimes one's friends may gang up on you to get you admit you're an alcoholic (after all its for your own good). What if they ganged up on you to get you to admit something else?

Nataly Fish

The Intervention

The Intervention

All good things must come to an end. Or do they? Adam Green comes face to face(s) with one of his worst nightmares in the 20th annual ArieScope Halloween short film.

Nataly Fish

Alien Intervention

Alien Intervention

A woman's purpose is redefined when a space alien she encountered as a child returns to reclaim what was left behind.

Nataly Fish

Define Intervention

Define Intervention

When an Irish priest begins to lose faith, Jesus intervenes.

Nataly Fish

U.S. Interventionism, the Third World, and the USSR

U.S. Interventionism, the Third World, and the USSR

Michael Parenti speaks the truth about the Cold War. Recorded on April, 15 1986 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Nataly Fish

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

Le révérend Robert Gibbs est un jeune pasteur branché qui prend temporairement la tête d'une église baptiste fondamentaliste pendant que son prédécesseur, le révérend Matthews, se remet d'un accident vasculaire cérébral. Tout en essayant d'impressionner le révérend Matthews, Gibbs doit gagner l'approbation de sa congrégation, du conse..

Nataly Fish

George: A Zombie Intervention

George: A Zombie Intervention

George's friends have all gathered for an intervention... George's intervention. You see, George is a zombie and George's friends are attempting to convince George to stop eating people and to enter 'zombie rehab'. But the intervention doesn't go quite as planned.

Nataly Fish

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