


A Montreal DJ, following his girlfriend to Los Angeles, falls into a deadly relationship with a couple of female hitch-hikers.

Nataly Fish



A man traveling down a dark interstate highway hears ominous messages broadcast over his car radio... warning him that he is about to die.

Nataly Fish



Interstate, 2006, 10 min., Beta SP, Music: Stefan Németh

Nataly Fish



A directionless young man contemplates his aspirations whilst on a dirty job.

Nataly Fish

Interstate 84

Interstate 84

La police repêche un cadavre dans l'Hudson River. Celui d'un marginal, d'un supposé simple d'esprit. Chargé de l'enquête, l'inspecteur Joe Weldon remonte rapidement jusqu'à Vinny, un père de famille vivant de petites magouilles. Tout porte à croire que c'est lui le meurtrier. Mais pour quel motif ? Weldon découvre progressivement que les ch..

Nataly Fish

Interstate 60

Interstate 60

Neal Oliver, un jeune artiste très confus rencontre un certain O.W.Grant, qui lui accorde un voeu. Il entreprend donc le voyage d'une vie sur l'autoroute 60 qui n'existe sur aucune carte, se rendant dans des endroits dont il n'a même jamais entendu parler, à la recherche de la fille de ses rêves.

Nataly Fish



Un tueur à gages, en pleine crise existentielle, décide de quitter sa mission, sa ville et la femme qu'il aime. Mais ses plans sont perturbés par un jeune homme mystérieux et son impitoyable ancien boss.

Nataly Fish



En ce début de week-end du 04 Juillet 1976 qui s'annonce splendide, des centaines d'automobilistes se pressent sur l'Interstate 5, et ne songent déjà qu'à leur destination et aux moments de détente qui les attendent. Mais le rêve s'apprête à faire place au cauchemar : sept personnes vont être confrontées à une terrible catastrophe...

Nataly Fish

Miracle on Interstate 880

Miracle on Interstate 880

A man attempts to rescue people trapped on the I-880 bridge after the top half collapses during the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.

Nataly Fish

Interstate 8

Interstate 8

In the southern United States, two young women meet by chance in the back of a police car and, without saying a word, experience the injustice hovering above them.

Nataly Fish

Divided Highways: The Interstates and the Transformation of American Life

Divided Highways: The Interstates and the Transformation of American Life

America's desire for freedom and the open road resulted in the construction of thousands of highways during the Eisenhower administration. Through interviews, archival footage and photography, America's interstate highway system is revealed to have shaped every aspect of American life and affected the nation's history for better and for worse

Nataly Fish



An escapist hacker and his high-tech counterpart journey through surveillance state America, crossing frontiers that test their friendship and ignite a fight for independence.

Nataly Fish

Interstella 5555

Interstella 5555

Quatre musiciens d'une autre galaxie sont kidnappés par un manager maléfique qui veut en faire le plus grand groupe sur Terre. Quand la musique des Français de Daft Punk rencontre les dessins de Leiji Matsumuto.

Nataly Fish

Interstellar Wandering

Interstellar Wandering

The film tells that the catastrophe era, the earth is a waste land, the survivors are divided into wanderers and civilians, they are attached to the rule of the interstellar armed groups, in which the rogues rely on the plundering of civilian materials as a livelihood, making civilians in this harsh It is difficult to survive in the environment. Af..

Nataly Fish



Two years after the tragic death of Zack Lorenzo's best friend, Andrew Ridge, Zack attends a magician show. During the spectacle, Zack becomes part of the show, and the Magician conjures a tremendous shift in Zack's perspective on the horrific incident of his past.

Nataly Fish



When Anders makes an indecent proposal to his younger boyfriend Micke, things take a very sudden dark turn.

Nataly Fish

In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo

In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo

Feature documentary about ex-maverick filmmaker António de Macedo.

Nataly Fish



Year 2020. Famine has begun in the world, and superpowers have begun to look for food. Russia has found a whole planet of food. Year 2024. Russia sends an ordinary clerk into space to the planet of food to save all of humanity.

Nataly Fish

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