


Infatuation is based on Caesar's Wife, a story by Somerset Maugham. Dazzlingly British socialite Viola Morgan falls madly in love with professional soldier Sir Arthur Little at a dinner party. The two marry, and before long Viola has relocated to Egypt with her husband. Soon bored by her hothouse existence, Viola succumbs to the attentions of young..

Nataly Fish



A male artist indulges in his love of the female form. That love is tainted when the female subjects make a choice to admire their own beauty. A short that loudly echoes society's treatment of black beauty. Infatuation is an experimental short film lasting just over four minutes.

Nataly Fish



A youth falls for an ageing actress and discovers she is his mother.

Nataly Fish



A night of passion turns into a lifetime full of pain. A washed up singer tries to reclaim his fame by being the manager of a hot new talented singer. When true intentions are revealed, feelings are overwhelmed & hurt. Rage takes over. Revenge is amongst them.

Nataly Fish



Infatuation is a Hong Kong Romance starring Ricky Hui.

Nataly Fish

Irene's Infatuation

Irene's Infatuation

Irene and Helen are worshipers at the shrine of Frangiapani, the tenor of the hour. When he sings at a concert, they meet in Irene's room, take the printed program of the concert, and one of them plays the accompaniment of the song he is actually singing. Irene sees an advertisement for a maid and waitress at Madame Frangiapani's home. The wild tho..

Nataly Fish

Mr. Bolter's Infatuation

Mr. Bolter's Infatuation

Mr. Bolten is hoping to woo the dancer Céleste and invites her for coffee. Her answer is that she will wait for him in hotel "Des imbeciles' in New York. He obviously cannot find the hotel, and to make matters worse he is robbed by a pickpocket. As a consequence he cannot pay his restaurant bill and is arrested. Luckily for him, a friend pays his ..

Nataly Fish

A Dancer's Infatuation

A Dancer's Infatuation

A budding singer falls in love with his colleague in the dance troupe and they agree to get married. A famous dancer joins the troupe and falls in love with the singer, but he rejects her. The dancer decides to take revenge and create a quarrel between him and his lover.

Nataly Fish



A Hong Kong version of Fatal Attraction

Nataly Fish



Flora Nys, a poor flower girl of Paris faces hard times. Her rent overdue, Le Baron, the landlord, oppresses her and puts before her a shady proposition. Indignantly she orders him out of her room. When she takes up her flowers, preparatory to going forth to sell them, she discovers that Le Baron has trampled on them. Tempted by her poverty she ste..

Nataly Fish

The Night of Infatuation

The Night of Infatuation

This vibrant documentary takes us on a historical journey of Iranian music throughout the 20th century.

Nataly Fish

An infatuation of Kyushu

An infatuation of Kyushu

A Chinese student who always want to be a film director came to Japan for the next step of his life. Then he contact his college classamate to do a documentary film project out of his love experience. Unfortunately he got dumped by a girl who is in Kyushu. Eventually, they created a hybrid film.

Nataly Fish

La Tentation de mon mari

La Tentation de mon mari

Sean, un concepteur-rédacteur de publicités, est engagé dans l'agence de ses rêves. Katie, sa directrice, lui assigne une jolie assistante avec laquelle le courant passe très vite. Lors de la première réunion client, il sauve l'agence en proposant une idée brillante, qui leur vaut de décrocher le contrat. Jen se fait de plus en plus entrep..

Nataly Fish

Wild Child

Wild Child

Laurie has just made it in Hollywood by landing a role in a TV show. To celebrate, she decides to invite the old gang from high school to her Los Angeles home for a weekend. It's then that she realizes she still has the hots for her old flame Todd.

Nataly Fish

Comment j'ai rencontré ton meurtrier

Comment j'ai rencontré ton meurtrier

Mack, une jeune femme qui présente un blog très populaire sur les affaires criminelles, se retrouve elle-même harcelée sur les réseaux sociaux par une personne qui l’accuse d’être mariée avec "Le tueur du bal". Nouvellement arrivée dans la petite ville de Clarksville où elle a suivi son mari Henry, elle découvre en effet qu’il a ét..

Nataly Fish

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