
In the Fade

In the Fade

La vie de Katja s’effondre lorsque son mari et son fils meurent dans un attentat à la bombe. Après le deuil et l’injustice, viendra le temps de la vengeance.

Nataly Fish

In the cross-fade of time, sense and the three elements of our existence

In the cross-fade of time, sense and the three elements of our existence

The mystery of fire, air, and water anonymously countering the past, present, and future. Their counterparts are metamorphosed with three spectrum of color (red, green, and blue) psychology, shifting stances in this time of uncertainties. This video installation project is a loop presentation to hypnotize the audience in a way to interact with them..

Nataly Fish

The ink fades in waves

The ink fades in waves

In Ancient Greek the word Natura (physis) meant that which is being born, it’s the constant rebirth. Combined with the curiosity of exploring the classics of Japanese Painting, in particular the theme of Nature (landscapes, trees and plants) which is usually associated with the seasons and time, there was also an interest in the relation between ..

Nataly Fish

Au Nom du Père

Au Nom du Père

En 1975, Gerry Conlon, jeune délinquant originaire de Belfast, est arrêté par la police londonienne qui l'accuse d'être l'instigateur des attentats terroristes à Guildford pour le compte de l'IRA. Sous la pression des policiers, Gerry signe des aveux fabriqués de toutes pièces qui non seulement le mettent en cause mais également Pau Hill so..

Nataly Fish

Clochette et la fée pirate

Clochette et la fée pirate

Cette aventure tirée du monde de Peter Pan met à l’honneur Zarina, une fée attirée par la poussière de fée et ses possibilités. Quand Zarina se met dans le pétrin, elle rejoint les pirates du Rocher du Crâne qui la font capitaine de leur bateau. Clochette et ses amies partent à sa recherche et devront croiser le fer avec les pirates men..

Nataly Fish

Bleach : Fade to Black

Bleach : Fade to Black

Une mystérieuse explosion d'énergie spirituelle se produit dans le monde de la Soul Society. Kisuke, prévenu de cette anomalie envoie alors Ichigo pour avoir de plus amples informations. Une fois sur place, Kurosaki se fait attaquer par les shinigamis, qui furent autrefois ses alliés, car ils n'ont plus aucun souvenir de lui. Une fois cette pre..

Nataly Fish

A Faded Memory

A Faded Memory

Young-Jae (Ryu Soo-Young) was involved in a car accident two years ago. He lost his memory from the accident. Now, Young-Hae runs a used bookstore and appears like an ordinary guy, but he has a certificate for passing the bar exam in his desk. While Young-Jae was in the hospital nobody visited him and he didn't have any numbers saved in his cellpho..

Nataly Fish

L'Ultime Cascade

L'Ultime Cascade

Un tueur à gages, envoyé pour tuer un vétéran de Hollywood cascadeur, tombe amoureux de la fille de la cible et décide de devenir un cascadeur-homme lui-même.

Nataly Fish

Mack Blaster - The World in the Crosshairs

Mack Blaster - The World in the Crosshairs

Sometime in an apocalyptic future, the brutal and inhuman bounty-hunter named Mack Blaster stomps through a bleak desert. On a stone wall, he discovers a "wanted poster" seeking one of the worst ever slaughterers of women: Ringo "The Butcher" Mack Man. Hunting down Ringo has become a matter of honor for Mack Blaster. When finally Mack Blaster catch..

Nataly Fish

Les marais de la mort

Les marais de la mort

Deux conscrits dérobent une boîte de matériel militaire. Ils y trouvent une caméra et prennent par accident des photos d'une base. Mais l'un des clichés est retrouvé, et l'armée pense avoir à faire à des espions communistes...

Nataly Fish

Fade Out.

Fade Out.

Alexander, a young scriptwriter, deals with his family trauma by writing a script about the night he was taken out of the closet. By immersing himself in writing, Alexander imagines an alternate version of that family conflict, finding a way to express himself and heal emotionally.

Nataly Fish

Fading Light

Fading Light

Twelve year old Christos Myrisiotis lives with his mother Eleni on a remote picturesque Aegean island. The boy has been doubly singled out by fate. He has a remarkable musical talent but at the same time is condemned to going blind as a result of a rare disease. Now an eccentric loner, Christos finds an outlet in nature and the dream world of a cav..

Nataly Fish

Fade Out

Fade Out

Suyeon comes back to her hometown to find the sound that disappeared. She meets Kyungmin, whom she has not seen in a long time, and they realize that their memories are different when they share their stories.

Nataly Fish

Quand la lumière décline

Quand la lumière décline

Automne 1989, à Berlin-Est. On fête les 90 ans de Wilhelm, staliniste incorrigible désormais sénile. Si son fils Kurt, passé par le goulag, mais lui aussi dans le déni de l’étiolement des idéaux communistes, est bien présent, son petit-fils Sascha brille par son absence. En passant à l’Ouest, le jeune homme trouvera peut-être le recu..

Nataly Fish

Jingga And Colors That Refuse To Fade

Jingga And Colors That Refuse To Fade

In the living room, RAMA (33), is painting the bottom of the wall which is full of TARA (6) crayon scribbles which resemble the shape of a ship with simple lines. JINGGA (30) is ironing her school uniform and feeding Tara who is busy drawing a boat in a drawing book. Rama looked tired, he suggested that JIngga stop painting so that Tara wouldn't ge..

Nataly Fish

We Will Not Fade Away

We Will Not Fade Away

For five teenagers living in the conflict-ridden Donbas region of Ukraine, a Himalayan expedition provides a brief escape from reality. A portrait of a generation that, in spite of everything, is able to recognise and celebrate the fragile beauty of life. The film's working title was "Expedition 49".

Nataly Fish

As The Night Fades

As The Night Fades

Gabrielle and Leonardo are a young couple used to a complex routine of erotic games. When their relationship enters a crisis, they start to seek new fantasies, each of which are more dangerous and destructive.

Nataly Fish

Fading Snow

Fading Snow

When a heart breaks, the gap spreads along the weakest and most receptive parts of the enclosing world. ‘Fading Snow’ presents one night from the life of 35-year-old Mania who leaves her safe place – the theatre – and sets off to find her way back to home in a broken city of Warsaw.

Nataly Fish



Tian Yu and Jun Zi are a pair of high school sweethearts. But after Tian Yu's mother finds out their relationship, Tian Yu struggles between his heartbroken mother and his beloved boyfriend. What will he decide?

Nataly Fish



22-year-old Kanami is constantly conscious of people's gaze due to the birthmark on her face. Upon coming in to contact with the eccentric people at the beauty salon where she has begun working, Kanami gradually let's go of her past anguish.

Nataly Fish

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