
In The Gap

In The Gap

A woman trapped inside a strange server room must deal with manifestations of her tattered past until her time is up.

Nataly Fish

The Gap in the Curtain

The Gap in the Curtain

Very short sequences of geometrically-shaped colourful film images file past ultra-fast fashion to produce an intense stroboscopic flickering effect. A study of visual perception based on the persistence of vision and a tribute to the work of American filmmaker Paul Sharits.

Nataly Fish

Gaps in the Persistent Hiss

Gaps in the Persistent Hiss

"Gaps in the Persistent Hiss" is a journey through a landscape both sonically and visually. Through the combination of experimental music and a microscopic lens, the video plays with a radically discontinuous almost hallucinogenic image which reveals a primordial awareness of the world around us.

Nataly Fish

Closing the Gap: Hockey in North Korea

Closing the Gap: Hockey in North Korea

En route to an international competition, Closing The Gap follows the North Korean men's hockey team as they strive to bring home gold for Marshal Kim Jong Un. While their commitment and dedication to their training is unmatched, they're hard pressed to catch a break. Whether it be the UN sanctions on North Korea, or the flurry of injuries and rumo..

Nataly Fish

A Gap in the Skin

A Gap in the Skin

A young couple go on the run after the murder of his mother.

Nataly Fish

Happy in the Gap

Happy in the Gap

A black essay on trains, beaches and space occupation.

Nataly Fish

After - Chapitre 2

After - Chapitre 2

Alors que Tessa et Hardin tentent de recoller les morceaux de leur relation, de nouveaux obstacles viennent se mettre en travers de leur histoire d'amour et de nouveaux secrets sont dévoilés. Mais tout ça n'est rien comparé à l'arrivée du beau Trevor dans la vie de Tessa, qui va s'attirer les foudres d'Hardin, conscient de la menace que ce no..

Nataly Fish

Soudain dans la nuit

Soudain dans la nuit

Kang Yu-jin, un riche professeur de biologie qui étudie les papillons, accueille une nouvelle femme de ménage. La jeune femme, Mi-ok, est la fille d'une prêtresse chamane récemment décédée dans l'incendie de sa maison. Au début, Yu-jin et sa femme, Seon-hee, acceptent Mi-ok dans leur maison, mais Seon-hee commence à avoir des doutes lorsqu..

Nataly Fish

Gappa, le descendant de Godzilla

Gappa, le descendant de Godzilla

Sur l'île de l'obélisque, un séisme fait s'écrouler une immense statue, ce qui révèle une grande caverne. Alors que les scientifiques l’explorent, ils découvrent un bébé reptile à l'intérieur. La créature est rapatriée au Japon où elle subit des tests divers. C’est alors que les parents du reptile capturé commencent à attaquer l..

Nataly Fish

Ambush at Devil's Gap

Ambush at Devil's Gap

Whilst on a winter sports holiday in the Highlands, five children encounter an eccentric Professor, and find themselves involved in a web of industrial espionage.

Nataly Fish

Gap Father

Gap Father

Nakamura, who works for a rental father's company, responds to various requests and acts as a temporary father, and there is something comforting about his work. One day, he meets Rika, an art college student, who requests him to pose for a drawing. The theme is the father's face.

Nataly Fish

Les Forbans du Désert

Les Forbans du Désert

Quatre bandits, Mc Cord, The kid, Egan et Doc quittent le pénitencier de fort Yuma après avoir purgé une peine de cinq ans pour vol. En route pour Tomahawk Gap, où le butin est caché, ils sauvent une jeune indienne. Tomahawk Gap est devenu une ville fantôme et le butin à disparu. Les Apaches attaquent, tuant Egan et Doc...

Nataly Fish

Meet The in-Laws

Meet The in-Laws

Quand leurs familles respectives s'opposent à leur mariage, un jeune couple découvre que leur réaction n'est pas qu'une question d'appartenance tribale.

Nataly Fish

Gap Weekend

Gap Weekend

Un jeune célibataire rencontre une fille décalée après avoir posté son manifeste de rencontre en ligne. Comme les deux passent un week-end ensemble dans une fausse relation, une connexion se développe qui peut compliquer leur vie réelle.

Nataly Fish



Can oral history restore a forgotten part of our past? Can it break the silence perpetuated over generations? In 1969, seventeen-year-old Mariona was arrested and imprisoned in a reformatory governed by the Patronato de Protección a la Mujer (Women's Welfare Agency), which was dedicated to "regenerating fallen women" during the Francoist dictators..

Nataly Fish

Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

Without a doubt, Willem Dafoe really likes his gappy teeth.

Nataly Fish

The Gap

The Gap

Sara and Peyman help out their recently divorced friends, Farhad and Nasim, by taking care of their son, Ilia. A simple accident puts their friendship in danger.

Nataly Fish

The Gap

The Gap

Alex is human. Alex was assigned to the male gender at birth. She knows that this assignment was wrong. In a world she's living, she doesn't exist. Bodies are normed, people are squared, society hypnotised. The people do not believe what they see with their own eyes. Somewhere in the middle of concrete. All buildings look the same. Alex and her job..

Nataly Fish



Stream of consciousness awakened by the shots of an inauspicious summer.

Nataly Fish

The Gaping Wound

The Gaping Wound

Petra wants to relax, Martha is worried and Maria just doesn’t get up anymore. The waves rustle and the dog surrenders. And the wound gapes.

Nataly Fish

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