
In Fabric

In Fabric

La boutique de prêt-à-porter Dentley & Soper’s, son petit personnel versé dans les cérémonies occultes, ses commerciaux aux sourires carnassiers. Sa robe rouge, superbe, et aussi maudite qu’une maison bâtie sur un cimetière indien. De corps en corps, le morceau de tissu torture ses différent(e)s propriétaires avec un certain raffinemen..

Nataly Fish

Fabricated in the Actual Arctic (After Nanook)

Fabricated in the Actual Arctic (After Nanook)

A silent essay considers the legacy of Robert Flaherty’s 1922 documentary, Nanook of the North (also known as, A Story of Life and Love in the Actual Arctic). An image by an Inuk artist is discovered “missing” from the Museum of Modern Art collection.

Nataly Fish

A Tear in the Fabric of Life

A Tear in the Fabric of Life

After an accident takes the life of their partner, an individual grieves and mourns, exploring the inability to let go. The animated short film of the EP "A Tear in the Fabric of Life" by Knocked Loose.

Nataly Fish

A Twist in the Fabric of Space

A Twist in the Fabric of Space

Mankind distinguishes himself from the animal due to the ability of making goals in the future. He conceives of his life as a project. This project can be crossed with his awareness of death.

Nataly Fish

Charlie et la Chocolaterie

Charlie et la Chocolaterie

Charlie est un enfant issu d'une famille pauvre. Travaillant pour subvenir aux besoins des siens, il doit économiser chaque penny, et ne peut s'offrir les friandises dont raffolent les enfants de son âge. Pour obtenir son comptant de sucreries, il participe à un concours organisé par l'inquiétant Willy Wonka, le propriétaire de la fabrique de..

Nataly Fish

Fabricated City

Fabricated City

Yoo Kwon, sans emploi devenu addict des jeux en ligne, passe quasiment toutes ses journées dans un cybercafé pour assouvir sa passion. Le jeune homme, totalement passionné et absorbé par un jeu virtuel, s'est peu à peu coupé du monde et éloigné de la réalité. Devenu très dépendant, il s'est pris de passion pour le personnage qu'il incar..

Nataly Fish

Tom et Jerry au pays de Charlie et la chocolaterie

Tom et Jerry au pays de Charlie et la chocolaterie

Le petit Charlie rêve de gagner le billet qui lui fera passer une journée dans la confiserie de Willy Wonka. Tom et Jerry vont l'accompagner dans cette aventure et empêcher le concurrent de Wonka de voler la friandise ultime : le bonbon éternel.

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City

Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City

When Doraemon and Nobita win a tiny planet through a lottery, they make use of a screw to bring several toys to life and create a toy town.

Nataly Fish

5 Factories: Worker Control in Venezuela

5 Factories: Worker Control in Venezuela

5 Factories provides a penetrating look at the Bolivarian socio-economic project designed to challenge the dominant neo-liberal development model. Since the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998, the Venezuelan government has implemented reforms to transform the nation into what Chávez and his supporters refer to as a form of democratic socialism. As a..

Nataly Fish

De humani corporis fabrica

De humani corporis fabrica

Une aventure extraordinaire à l'intérieur du corps humain ; ou la découverte d'un paysage extraterrestre d'une beauté sans précédent.

Nataly Fish

Fabricating Tom Zé

Fabricating Tom Zé

The life and work of one of the most controversial Brazilian musicians, having as its backdrop Tom Zé's 2005 European Tour. The documentary shows a detailed vision of Tom Zé's personal musical universe, in which a guitar and a vacuum cleaner have the same melodic importance. In intimate interviews, he narrates different parts of his life and tell..

Nataly Fish

Toyland : Le Pays des jouets

Toyland : Le Pays des jouets

Les fêtes de Noël approchent... Dans le train qui les conduit chez leur Oncle Barnabé, Jack et sa sœur Jill, deux orphelins, font la connaissance de Tom Piper, le fabricant de jouets de Toyland, qui doit construire mille soldats de bois pour le Père Noël...

Nataly Fish

A Visit to the Champagne Factory Mercier

A Visit to the Champagne Factory Mercier

A visit to the Champagne Factory Mercier.

Nataly Fish

The Fabric

The Fabric

1000 years ago at Wiang Chai Chet Buri Prince Rangsiman Organized a weaving competition to choose one of the brides to be the queen of the throne, but Hom Nuan from Nakhon Pha Ngam was strangled to death during weaving. Leaving only silk marks on the neck and unable to know who did it.

Nataly Fish

Between Fabrics

Between Fabrics

A look at the work of five independent costume designers and their approach to the world of fashion in Chile.

Nataly Fish

Mon tissu préféré

Mon tissu préféré

Damas, mars 2011. Le début de la guerre civile. Nahla est une jeune vendeuse de vêtements de 25 ans, tiraillée entre son désir de liberté et l’espoir de quitter le pays grâce au mariage arrangé avec Samir, un syrien expatrié aux États-Unis. Mais Samir lui préfère sa jeune sœur Myriam, plus docile. Nahla se rapproche alors de sa nouvel..

Nataly Fish

Il faut fabriquer ses cadeaux

Il faut fabriquer ses cadeaux

As snow falls over a city, people share secret tricks with each other. Like how to kiss somebody and make them disappear, or having thoughts which are unrecognizable to machines.

Nataly Fish

Frau Maria and the Liquidation of Stastny Fabrics

Frau Maria and the Liquidation of Stastny Fabrics

Frau Maria is the last employee of Stastny Fabrics, a shop in the former textile district in the heart of Vienna. While she prepares bales of fabric for the clearance sale in premises that have gone unchanged for decades, she tells of better times, when business flourished and work was a pleasure. She removes the company nameplate and locks the sho..

Nataly Fish

The Fabric

The Fabric

The renovations of our university dorm were left unfinished because of the lockdown in Germany, and the thick fabric that they had put up around the building to contain the debris remained in place. During the lockdown, the 367 of us in this 25 story building could barely see the world outside through the tiny holes of this thick fabric.

Nataly Fish

The Fabric Ghost

The Fabric Ghost

Khmer horror film.

Nataly Fish

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