
In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

Jordan is kidnapped and held hostage by her estranged boyfriend Steve. Her family and community rally together to find her before it's too late. He cousin Malik makes it his personal mission to find and bring her home safely.

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about Len's son not being able to pay his sweets triggers off his persecution complex. As revenge for the believed insult, the whole family starts stalking the shop owner and her husband... until t..

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

A newly blind actor discovers his wife is cheating on him with his best friend and hatches a plot to murder her and frame his friend for it.

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

The chronicles of an international con-artist.

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

Based on real events, Kay is a tough-as-nails investigative reporter, and goes undercover at a home for the disabled based on a tip about staff abuse of the residents. She not only corroborates the frightening allegations but also discovers how disastrously flawed Hong Kong’s health care system is, especially for those who cannot care for themsel..

Nataly Fish

Le Courage au cœur

Le Courage au cœur

Une lycéenne est enlevée en plein jour sur le parking d'un centre commercial. Tandis que la police lance des recherches sous la responsabilité du lieutenant Mike Timbrook, un ami des parents de la jeune fille, Anne tente de laisser des indices de son passage et, surtout, de survivre aux mains de Tony, le psychopathe qui l'a kidnappée. Tony est ..

Nataly Fish

Ça s'est passé en plein jour

Ça s'est passé en plein jour

Suisse, canton de Berne. Une fillette de sept ans est découverte assassinée après avoir été violée. C’est la septième victime en un an. La police arrête un colporteur auquel elle extorque des aveux, sur lesquels il se rétracte le lendemain avant de se pendre dans sa cellule. Cette erreur judiciaire révolte un policier proche de la retra..

Nataly Fish

En plein jour : Mexico à l'heure du crime

En plein jour : Mexico à l'heure du crime

Ce documentaire dévoile les preuves de corruption lors d'une enquête sur le meurtre de cinq personnes survenu en 2015 dans le quartier de Narvarte à Mexico.

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

Set in 1905. The story focuses on a young and inexperienced man in a revolutionary execution squad. He does his killing job out of idealism, and for the love of a woman. The young student murders a Russian spy and is afterwards arrested by the police. Much to his surprise he is released after a session with the traitor-judge, hinting at some leaks ..

Nataly Fish

The Crow In Broad Daylight

The Crow In Broad Daylight

One day, Tomonaga Takashi, a medical representative of pharmaceutical company Tenei Seiyaku, is suddenly suspected of molesting inside a train by male and female strangers. He has an important appointment and tries to get away. However, Nitta Masato, who rushed over from the police box in front of the train station where he had been on duty, arrest..

Nataly Fish

Au grand jour

Au grand jour

A wealthy family withdraws from society after something unforeseen happens. When one of its members leaves the house on the pretext of paying an innocent visit to someone outside, the family’s fragile equilibrium is disturbed. In Broad Daylight presents an inscrutable, tantalisingly elusive fictional world enhanced by a colourful array of absurd ..

Nataly Fish

It Happened in Broad Daylight

It Happened in Broad Daylight

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

Two lovers in a motel. Suddenly, something that apparently has happened outside makes the place become full of journalists, photographers and police. This situation of locking will increase the tension between the couple. Until it explodes.

Nataly Fish

En plein jour

En plein jour

Dans l’intimité ouverte des jardins publics, des femmes et des hommes me parlent de leurs histoires d’amour et de sexe. Ensemble, nous dessinons une cartographie de ce que l’on peut dévoiler de sa façon d’aimer, des normes, et des tabous qui limitent la parole (Lysa Heurtier Manzanares)

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

Nataly Fish

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight

After his company goes bankrupt, Katsuji Watanabe resorts to pickpocketing again with his old swindler buddies. However, one by one, his friends start getting caught. Katsuji decides to play a high stakes game of robbing the proceeds of a department store.

Nataly Fish

In Broad daylight

In Broad daylight

Within a framework of action and suspense, the work revolves around the journey of the rise of an international gang leader who commits many frauds around the world.

Nataly Fish

Dream in broad daylight

Dream in broad daylight

A 30-year-old documentary film on how people in the USSR lived "happily".

Nataly Fish

Stars in Broad Daylight

Stars in Broad Daylight

In his debut feature film, director Muhammad explores the inexorable dissolution of a family, ironically during the planning of a wedding, the kind of ritual that ought to bond family members together in shared joy. The film exposes the divisive dynamics of patriarchal oppression, and the terrible connections between familial and sociopolitical vio..

Nataly Fish

Du rififi chez les truands

Du rififi chez les truands

Un gangster prévoyant de voler les salaires des casernes de l'armée américaine enrôle une équipe de parias : un immigrant coréen, un soldat noir américain et une nymphomane blonde. Le problème est qu'un autre gang similaire a les yeux rivés sur le même butin, ce qui entraîne un manège de morts et de trahisons.

Nataly Fish

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