


This documentary depicts the government's endeavors to disfranchise the LGBTI community with laws as the masses decide to take the law in their own hands with impunity. Thus, living the LGBTI pocket-sized of food, housing, and health care and sometimes losing their lives at the hands of the angry mob.

Nataly Fish



Investigating the gruesome murder of a cabinet minister's daughter, a special investigator and a local police detective find themselves knee-deep in political corruption and conspiracy, in this sizzling noir thriller set in post-apartheid South Africa.

Nataly Fish



En Colombie pendant 10 ans, des groupes paramilitaires proches du pouvoir, prétextant la lutte contre les FARC (Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie), ont semé la terreur dans des centaines de villages, violant, torturant et parfois dépeçant des milliers d’innocents, hommes, femmes et enfants. Bilan de ces 10 années, 50 000 morts, u..

Nataly Fish



Inspired by ​Edgar Allan Poe's ​"Cask of Amontillado," "impunity." delves into the disturbing nature of warranted retribution amongst the backdrop of the modern civilized ​#MeToo era.

Nataly Fish

Zéro Impunité

Zéro Impunité

Le film fait partie d'un projet transmédia global combinant journalisme d'investigation et activisme, visant à mettre fin à l'impunité apparemment totale des violences sexuelles dans les conflits armés actuels en présentant, comme source d'inspiration, des victimes du monde entier qui ont le courage de rompre le silence. Rejoignez le mouvemen..

Nataly Fish

Deadline - Reign of Impunity

Deadline - Reign of Impunity

Ross Rivera is a writer whose cynicism has converted him into a government apologist, is suddenly forced to reassess his role as journalist when he finds himself right in the middle of unearthing a conspiracy linking Muntazir Ghazi, a local warlord, with election fraud and the sporadic killing of journalists in various parts of the country. While R..

Nataly Fish

Le règne de l'impunité

Le règne de l'impunité

During the 29 years of the Duvalier's rule, mass crimes were committed at different times, in different parts of the country against people of all classes and social groups, political or religious affiliations and of all skin shades. At a time when Jean-Claude Duvalier is called to court, will justice decide in favor of the victims? More than 50 wi..

Nataly Fish

Pédophiles en Asie, la fin de l'impunité?

Pédophiles en Asie, la fin de l'impunité?

A 90 min documentary by director Paul Moreira. In certain countries of Southeast Asia, where the state is failing, citizens mobilize to replace public forcein order to combat crime. In Cambodia, an association made up of Westerners and Khmers, fights pedophilia differently. It mobilizes around fifty investigators who act as police inspectors.

Nataly Fish

29 years of impunity. The phenomenon of Father Tadeusz

29 years of impunity. The phenomenon of Father Tadeusz

A monk who got away with everything. Although much of his behavior aroused public outrage, or at least controversy, he never suffered any real consequences for it.

Nataly Fish

Tarajal: Desmontando la impunidad en la frontera sur

Tarajal: Desmontando la impunidad en la frontera sur

The events that took place at the beach of El Tarajal in Ceuta (Spain) in February 2014 - the killing by the border police of 15 people who were trying to reach the Spanish coast - are an example of how the police force can violate the laws of its own country and international conventions with total impunity. The worst part is that this violation o..

Nataly Fish

Impunidades Criminosas

Impunidades Criminosas

Nataly Fish

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