


Funny collage of sea, sun and ice. A show from the beach with skiers, tigers, mermaids and much more.

Nataly Fish

Ice Bridge - Mackinac Island’s Hidden Season

Ice Bridge - Mackinac Island’s Hidden Season

Mackinac Island, Michigan, is a tiny island in the center of the Great Lakes. Besides being a world favorite "Horse Drawn" and "Victorian Era" summer destination, the island holds another treasure few have ever seen: its wild, magical and beautiful winters. The 72-minute film Ice Bridge follows islanders' unique and quirky lifestyle throughout an ..

Nataly Fish

Netsilik Eskimos, V: At the Winter Sea Ice Camp

Netsilik Eskimos, V: At the Winter Sea Ice Camp

In late winter when the cold is severe, the people and dogs are glad to stop their trek and make camp. In the blue dusk the men probe the snow and then cut building blocks while the women shovel a site. Soon all are under cover, and in the wavering light of the stone lamp they sleep, their breath rising coldly. In the light of day the men test and ..

Nataly Fish

Netsilik Eskimos, IX: Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice

Netsilik Eskimos, IX: Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice

The family is on the shore of Pelly Bay in May-June. A seal basks beside its hole under a warming sun. The hunter stalks the seal, kills it and drags it to the family camp on shore. Man and wife skin the seal, cutting the hide into rings that girdle the body. Stripped of blubber, the rings are then cut spirally into long thongs. The boy plays on th..

Nataly Fish

Netsilik Eskimo Series, III: At the Spring Sea Ice Camp

Netsilik Eskimo Series, III: At the Spring Sea Ice Camp

Two Eskimo families travel across the wide sea ice. Before night falls they build small igloos and we see the construction in detail. The next day a polar bear is seen basking in the warming sun. A woman lights her seal oil lamp, carefully forming the wick from moss. The man repairs his snow goggles. Another man arrives dragging a polar bear skin. ..

Nataly Fish

The Sea Ice

The Sea Ice

In 1925 a polar expedition led by the explorer Roald Amundsen managed to reach 88º North, the northernmost latitude ever reached by a man at that time. How to represent the conquest of a place that is an absolutely empty geographical abstraction?

Nataly Fish

Le léopard de mer, seigneur des glaces

Le léopard de mer, seigneur des glaces

Voici l'histoire de Göran Ehlmé, un homme hanté par le souvenir d'une terrible rencontre avec un prédateur encore méconnu, un phoque aux allures d'ogre : le léopard de mer. Un phoque géant qui vit aux confins de la planète dans l'endroit le plus inhospitalier qui soit : l'Antarctique, un monde de glace et de roche.

Nataly Fish

An Ice in a Warm Sea

An Ice in a Warm Sea

Nataly Fish

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