


Une menace pèse sur Las Vegas. Plusieurs bombes ont été dissimulées dans la ville et peuvent exploser à tout moment. Chargé de l’affaire, le FBI fait appel à l’une de ses meilleures recrues, Lucas Nolan, pour faire parler le principal suspect. Mais la tâche s’avère plus complexe que prévu. Manipulateur aguerri, le terroriste refuse ..

Nataly Fish



A detective is interrogating a criminal but soon things are revealed to him that he wishes he never knew

Nataly Fish



An officer does whatever it takes to put a man behind bars.

Nataly Fish



Hilariously terrifying satire of an interrogation session by the thought police.

Nataly Fish



Dans ce drame inspiré de faits réels, des policiers politisés de l'État de l'Andhra Pradesh piègent quatre ouvriers tamouls et les torturent en vain.

Nataly Fish



Dans la Pologne stalinienne, la chanteuse de cabaret Tonia décide de passer la soirée à boire avec un groupe d'amis. Le lendemain matin elle se réveille en prison et découvre qu'elle a été arrêtée pour des raisons politiques. Alors que les responsables de la prison l'interrogent, la torturent et l'humilient, elle se bat pour sa survie et p..

Nataly Fish

L'Interrogatoire de Michael Crowe

L'Interrogatoire de Michael Crowe

l'interrogatoire et les aveux forcés d'un garçon de 14 ans accusé d'avoir assassiné sa sœur de 12 ans. Après un interrogatoire intensif de plusieurs heures auquel n'assistent ni ses parents ni un avocat, Michael s'effondre et avoue un crime qu'il n'a pas commis.

Nataly Fish

Amateur Interrogation

Amateur Interrogation

Two inexperienced teens, through the use of increasingly ridiculous tactics, interrogate a boy they believe stole their bike.

Nataly Fish



Un homme accepte les pires souffrance par amour.

Nataly Fish

1 Interrogation

1 Interrogation

Detective Bill Daniels has spent the last 40 years in the interrogation unit. Some are criminals, some are victims. Faced with the truth, some lie, some are defiant and some find redemption.

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation of Leo and Lisa

The Interrogation of Leo and Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci and his muse the Mona Lisa must stand up to the interrogation of their worth in our modern world.

Nataly Fish

We Can Make You Talk: A History of Interrogation

We Can Make You Talk: A History of Interrogation

This documentary is also part reality show. A dozen volunteers are set a mission to fulfil, but one by one they are captured by interrogators. They are held for a weekend, blindfolded and shackled and subjected to the same interrogation techniques talked about in the documentary. One by one they crack and tell their captors everything they know. Th..

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation

The Interrogation

Set several decades in the future, The Interrogation is a cat-and-mouse game between a corporate media executive performing a “loyalty test” and a savvy news director harboring a potentially game-changing secret. The Interrogation explores a mind-bending and often-psychedelic world where an all-powerful media company sets all the rules and dem..

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation of Tony Martin

The Interrogation of Tony Martin

Norfolk, England, 1999. During three days, farmer Tony Martin is questioned by police following the violent death of Fred Barras, a teenage burglar who broke into his property, Bleak House, in Emneth Hungate, along with other intruder, Brendon Fearon, on the evening of August 20th of that year.

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation of Cheryl Cooper

The Interrogation of Cheryl Cooper

A young woman wakes up in a room she assumes is a police interrogation room. A detective tells her she is the only survivor of a mass killing that evening. As the Detective has the woman recount the night and the killings, other memories are dredged up making her interrogation a true nightmare.

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation of John

The Interrogation of John

A suspect is brought to a London police station charged with gross indecency. Police at the station believe he is connected with a murder in the area earlier that night, but the suspect refuses to speak.

Nataly Fish

Emergency Interrogation Room: The Final

Emergency Interrogation Room: The Final

Movie based on the Emergency Interrogation Room series.

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation

The Interrogation

In America, nearly 30% of those exonerated by DNA tests had previously confessed. For more than half a century, the Reid technique was the favored method of extracting confessions out of suspects. This method of slowly building pressure often made it seem that admitting guilt was the easiest way out. But now, a number of police forces are abandonin..

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation

The Interrogation

A police interrogation takes a surprising turn from the classic good cop bad cop routine.

Nataly Fish

The Interrogation

The Interrogation

Rudolf Ferdinand Hoess - The Kommandant - Auschwitz's death camp notorious commander, responsible for the mass murder of millions of people, gets interviewed by the Polish Prosecutor Albert Piotrowski. Hoess has become one of the most notorious figures of the 20th century. His character symbolizes, more than any other, the highest degree of evil ma..

Nataly Fish

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