
I, Robot

I, Robot

En 2035, les robots sont devenus de parfaits assistants pour les êtres humains. Le détective Del Spooner enquête sur le meurtre du docteur Alfred Lanning, un chercheur en robotique. Le principal suspect semble être un androïde nommé Sonny. Or, si l'on s'en réfère aux lois de la robotique, les robots ne sont pas dotés de la faculté de tuer..

Nataly Fish

Mission Robot : F.R.E.D.I.

Mission Robot : F.R.E.D.I.

James, un lycéen, découvre F.R.E.D.I., un robot intelligent, et doit l'éloigner des griffes du machiavélique Grant.

Nataly Fish

A.R.C.H.I.E. Chien Robot

A.R.C.H.I.E. Chien Robot

Lorsque l'armée met fin à son programme, une roboticienne parvient à s'enfuir avec sa création : une machine dotée de super pouvoirs et de l'apparence d'un chien.

Nataly Fish

I am: I am Robot

I am: I am Robot

It is the story, the process of becoming more and simultaneously less than human through technology as it follows a few characters through this transformation of becoming.

Nataly Fish

I, Robot?

I, Robot?

An internet troll's failure to solve a CAPTCHA sends him spiralling down the rabbit hole. Will he ever escape?

Nataly Fish

I Love My Robot Boyfriend!

I Love My Robot Boyfriend!

Shelly is a teen scientist who has read every romance novel and seen every 80's rom-com: she's an expert on romance. So when she builds her very own singing, dancing, John-Hughes-worthy boyfriend out of scrap metal, she thinks she's finally figured out the secret to having the kind of happily ever after that Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks always get in the..

Nataly Fish

Wobots - I miei amici robots

Wobots - I miei amici robots

Nataly Fish



Un jeune garçon et son amie trouvent le courage d’aider un compagnon inattendu, un robot du nom d’A.R.I. Kidnappé par une équipe de scientifique travaillant pour le compte d'une société puissante, il cherche à le transformer en une dangereuse arme afin de gouverner le monde.

Nataly Fish

I, Robot

I, Robot

In May 2018 European Union introduces a range of laws that regulate the protection of EU citizens personal data (General Data Protection Regulation). The law restricts the citizens rights to share, save and use the information about people without their permission. Ukraine is on the road to European integration and adopting its laws and regulations..

Nataly Fish

I'm Seeing Robots

I'm Seeing Robots

A woman is interrogated by two police officers after she is accused of killing her boyfriend. Her defense? It wasn't a murder, because he wasn't a person, he was a robot... and he's not the only one.

Nataly Fish

OMG, I'm a Robot!

OMG, I'm a Robot!

A sensitive guy finds out he's... a robot.

Nataly Fish

Do I Love You, Robot, Do I

Do I Love You, Robot, Do I

Anthropomorphic robots are increasingly being introduced into our lives: they meet us at the reception, educate children and even live in families as partners. Scientists are trying to make robots as human-like as possible. In the late 80s, scientists studying the emotional reaction of people to robots discovered the "uncanny valley effect": the mo..

Nataly Fish

I'm Not A Robot

I'm Not A Robot

Filmmaker Sean Buckelew tries to sign up for an account, only to be confronted with the fact that our fear of technology is actually based on a reflection of our own cruel, morally compromised, and violent behavior.

Nataly Fish

I'm Not a Robot

I'm Not a Robot

When a job applicant struggles to complete a captcha test, his interview escalates from cordial to combative.

Nataly Fish

I Love Fake Robot Girlfriends

I Love Fake Robot Girlfriends

Nataly Fish

I Am Not a Robot

I Am Not a Robot

The main character is an office worker. His daily life is unremarkable and monotonous. Being unsatisfied with his current life, but due to his fears and beliefs, he does not attempt to change anything. Then everything changes due to the coincidence of circumstances. And perhaps it will change his life forever. Or not.

Nataly Fish

I'm Not a Robot

I'm Not a Robot

“Do people think your conduct is aloof?” When the young music producer Lara fails to convince her computer she is not a robot, she has her doubts too. Because no matter how often she identifies the traffic signs and trees in the tests, the computer will not accept her ticks. In panic, she calls her boyfriend for comfort, but this only complicat..

Nataly Fish

I Fall in Love With You Through a Robot

I Fall in Love With You Through a Robot

Se déroulant en 2060, il suit une histoire d'amour à l'approche des troisièmes Jeux olympiques de Tokyo. Takeru Oosawa, qui travaille pour le laboratoire de recherche sur la technologie des robots IA, est choisi comme membre du projet secret national utilisant des robots humanoïdes. Avec l'aide de son ami d'enfance et collègue Youichirou Amano..

Nataly Fish

Mon ami robot

Mon ami robot

DOG, vit à Manhattan et la solitude lui pèse. Un jour, il décide de construire un robot et deviennent alors les meilleurs amis du monde ! Par une nuit d’été, DOG avec grande tristesse, est obligé d’abandonner ROBOT sur la plage. Se reverront-ils un jour ? ROBOT DREAMS est le premier film d’animation du réalisateur multirécompensé Pa..

Nataly Fish

I Am Mother

I Am Mother

Suite à la quasi extinction de l'humanité, une adolescente, éduquée seule par une mère droïde, voit son monde basculer lorsqu'elle rencontre une autre survivante.

Nataly Fish

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