


À Guelma, la journée du 8 mai 1945 est un événement qui change la vie d'une famille algérienne

Nataly Fish

Heliopolis Heliopolis

Heliopolis Heliopolis

Heliopolis Heliopolis was the name of a metropolitan simulacrum devised as a training tool for urban planning at the NoUn School of Architecture in Egypt in the 3rd century BC. Heliopolis Heliopolis was created by an insurgent priest (whose name has been lost) as a tool to train students in the design of a revolutionary city meant to surpass the an..

Nataly Fish

Avant d'oublier Héliopolis

Avant d'oublier Héliopolis

My family have begun to forget their Egyptian roots and, on asking my grandmother Malo to recount the first part of her life in Cairo, I am confronted by the memories of an exiled Arabic woman, lost in a troubled sea of memories, soon to be erased by the passage of time. I start a tour to trace her steps and understand who she is, and therefore who..

Nataly Fish

Héliopolis – La cité solaire des pharaons

Héliopolis – La cité solaire des pharaons

Voyage dans le passé grandiose d’Héliopolis, ancienne cité égyptienne enfouie sous la mégapole cairote, à l’heure où un chantier de la "dernière chance" tente de percer ses secrets.

Nataly Fish



8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very stagnant state and never achieving goals.

Nataly Fish

In the Heliopolis Flat

In the Heliopolis Flat

Najwa, a music teacher from the city of Minya, Upper Egypt, seizes the opportunity to come to Cairo on a trip with her students to search for Tahany, her first teacher that taught her music and used to live in an apartment in Heliopolis.

Nataly Fish

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