
Enrique Herreros

Enrique Herreros

The story of Enrique Herreros (1903-1977), cartoonist, advertiser, poster designer, talent manager, actor, producer and filmmaker, and the most daring of mountaineers; the man who, along with his companions from the so-called “other Generation of '27,” brought Hollywood to Madrid's Gran Vía, turning a grey and sinister post-war city into the c..

Nataly Fish

Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist

Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist

Dorothy Arzner was Hollywood's most powerful director, though History has forgotten her. She began working in the film industry at 19 as a "cutter" before the advent of editors, and gradually worked her way up through the studio system. Determined and ambitious, she was accepted as a director at Paramount, as the first woman to direct a talking pic..

Nataly Fish

Music for Madame

Music for Madame

Jean, une jeune compositrice d'opérette fraîchement débarquée à Hollywood, rencontre Nino Martini, un ténor immigré italien. Problème de taille : après avoir joué les complices par inadvertance dans une sombre affaire de vol de bijoux, Nino est obligé de dissimuler son identité.

Nataly Fish

Everybody's Girl

Everybody's Girl

Filmed record of a burlesque performance.

Nataly Fish

Daffy's sjove historier

Daffy's sjove historier

Nataly Fish

Inside Miss Carter

Inside Miss Carter

What differentiates "Daisy Does Hollywood" from its peers is the incompetent performances by the cast. Their ad-libbing is horrendous, and the sex scenes are never sexy.

Nataly Fish

Hans Zimmer Revealed: The Documentary

Hans Zimmer Revealed: The Documentary

Meet Hans Zimmer before his concert at the Apollo Theater, London, during the Fall of 2014. See the rehearsals at John Henry's studio, witness the magic happens.

Nataly Fish

Wow, It's Cindy

Wow, It's Cindy

Blonde German model Cindy (Phyllis Stenger) arrives at Los Angeles from Germany to try her hand at becoming a Hollywood actress. She is welcomed by her close friend Joyce (Uschi Digard) who is a successful call girl. Joyce puts Cindy up in her apartment. Soon Cindy finds out how difficult it is to start a Hollywood career. Despite submitting hersel..

Nataly Fish

The Wishmakers

The Wishmakers

Three young gay men arrive in Los Angeles to fulfill their dreams and aspirations, during a summer which will change their lives. In a world of You Tube celebrities, unemployment, downward mobility, and socializing through Facebook, they make a wish in a fountain to find love, fame, and transcendence. Will any of them do it?

Nataly Fish

Der Weg des Ruhms

Der Weg des Ruhms

Documentary about Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

Hope on the Road

Hope on the Road

En Irlande, le violoniste Daniel Hope part en quête de ses origines, qu’il redécouvre à travers la musique folkloriqu

Nataly Fish

Les Russes arrivent

Les Russes arrivent

En 1947, La Guerre Froide est officiellement déclarée. L’administration américaine et le FBI voient des communistes partout. La peur est réelle, l’Amérique est terrorisée par la bombe atomique et tombe dans la paranoïa absolue. Les films de propagande institutionnels pour mettre en garde les Américains contre les dangers du communisme s..

Nataly Fish

Million Dollar Nomad

Million Dollar Nomad

Nataly Fish

Margery Wilson

Margery Wilson

Nataly Fish

Hard Knocks

Hard Knocks

A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying ..

Nataly Fish

Amérique, notre histoire

Amérique, notre histoire

Nataly Fish

Double or Nothing

Double or Nothing

In this Broadway Brevities short, a stunt double is hit on the head and imagines himself in a series of movie scenes with doubles for various stars.

Nataly Fish



Identical twin sisters (Nikki Cox and Marissa Jaret Winokur) and their brother (Michael Rapaport) pitch in to buy one of the sisters (Cox) an extreme makeover so they can all move to Hollywood and capitalize on her good looks.

Nataly Fish

Fresh Kill

Fresh Kill

Leona et Allen tuent involontairement deux délinquants qui ont dans leur sillage de nombreux "amis". Depuis ce jour, le couple entame une lente métamorphose qui implique leur existence et leurs valeurs morales.

Nataly Fish

The Harsh Life of Veronica Lambert

The Harsh Life of Veronica Lambert

Desire and addiction form the confluence of bad choices and unintended consequences for Veronica Lambert. Her desperation to see her desires fulfilled is palpable as she acclimatizes to big city life, while assuaged by the good intentions of Mr. New York, an old-time movie hustler who befriends the new arrival to the Hollywood scene. Her interest i..

Nataly Fish

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