
Fafner dans l'azur : Ciel et Terre

Fafner dans l'azur : Ciel et Terre

Sur une petite île japonaise isolée de tout, la vie semble s'écouler tranquillement jusqu'au jour où une entité gigantesque inconnue fait son apparition non loin de là et commence à attaquer l'île. Seuls les enfants ne comprennent pas ce qui se passe et sont rapidement évacués dans des abris souterrains. Les adultes quant à eux, savent c..

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

The heavens declare the glory of God! This amazing video from the Creation Museum highlights the beauty and majesty of God’s awe-inspiring handiwork throughout the seemingly endless universe. This compilation DVD contains the following eight programs: Natural Laws Building Blocks A Habitable Planet DNA Plants Sun Solar System Stars

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

Installation vidéo en continu : dans une petite alcôve, une colonne en bois s'étend du sol et du plafond, avec un espace au centre formé par deux moniteurs vidéo exposés se faisant face à deux pouces de distance, montés respectivement sur les colonnes supérieure et inférieure, une vidéo en noir et blanc sur chaque moniteur. Le moniteur s..

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

Mady McKeon, a 10-year-old girl living in a farm town, is deeply affected by the death of a schoolteacher and her grandfather. Her father sells part of the family farm to the Air Force. The Air Force starts building a missile base. Mady watches a TV show that describes the devastation of missile attacks during World War II, and she runs away from h..

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth Magic

Heaven and Earth Magic

The first part depicts the heroine's toothache consequent to the loss of a very valuable watermelon, her dentistry and transportation to heaven. Next follows an elaborate exposition of the heavenly land, in terms of Israel and Montreal. The second part depicts the return to Earth from being eaten by Max Müller on the day Edward VII dedicated the G..

Nataly Fish

Les Guerriers de l'empire céleste

Les Guerriers de l'empire céleste

Après de nombreuses années au service de l'Empereur de Chine, Lai Xi est envoyé dans le désert de Gobi pour retrouver et exécuter le lieutenant Li, un renégat ayant refusé d'obéir aux ordres, tuer des femmes et des enfants. Les deux hommes vont allier leur force pour défendre un moine pris en chasse par des voleurs...

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

Warlords Kagetora and Takeda each wish to prevent the other from gaining hegemony in feudal Japan. The two samurai leaders pursue one another across the countryside, engaging in massive battles of cavalry and infantry. Younger and less brutal, Kagetora must find the strength to be as brutal as his opponent, but at what cost?

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

Cheung Ye Pang (Andy Lau) is a Cantonese detective out to combat opium sellers. Encountering high-level corruption along with close friends being murdered, Pang sets out to stop the dealers.

Nataly Fish

Heaven, Earth and Hell

Heaven, Earth and Hell

Reflecting upon the figure of “Trickster” in African and Native American culture while recounting the story of his first love, Harris creates a graceful, deeply moving lament for the loss of innocence in a world without magic.

Nataly Fish

God of Heaven and Earth

God of Heaven and Earth

For years, scholars have debated whether the miraculous events proclaiming the birth and death of Jesus actually happened. Now, history, science and technology reveal an astounding amount of evidence in this events in history.

Nataly Fish

Between Heaven and Earth

Between Heaven and Earth

Nataly Fish

Between Heaven and Earth

Between Heaven and Earth

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is building temples across the world. In Between Heaven and Earth religious scholars of various faiths discuss the importance of temple worship from the time of Adam and Eve to modern main and provide a broad insight into the concept and need for temples.

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth and Joe Davis

Heaven and Earth and Joe Davis

Filmmaker Peter Sasowsky examines the life and work of artist Joe Davis

Nataly Fish

Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism

Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism

Join host Ben Wattenberg for the chronicle of a movement that rivaled the great religions in sweep and power, but ultimately failed to deliver the "Heaven on Earth" promised by its most ambitious advocates.

Nataly Fish

Between Heaven and Earth

Between Heaven and Earth

In the blasting heat of a Friday afternoon in Cairo, a group of people – among them a movie star, a thief, a madman, a cook and a pregnant woman – find themselves trapped in an elevator for 12 hours.

Nataly Fish

Heaven and Earth Are Righteous

Heaven and Earth Are Righteous

Nataly Fish

Between Heaven and Earth

Between Heaven and Earth

Salma and Tamer have been married for 5 years in the Palestinian territories. The first time Tamer is given permission to cross the Israeli checkpoint is to file for divorce. In court, they make a shocking discovery about Tamer's father's past.

Nataly Fish

The Cement Ball of Earth, Heaven, And Hell

The Cement Ball of Earth, Heaven, And Hell

Aki Ra join­ed Pol Pot's mur­der­ous Khmer Rouge army at the age of nine. Twenty years later he roams the mine­fields of Cambo­dia in search of redemp­tion. Armed only with a stick and a pock­et­knife Aki seeks out and destroys some of the six million land­mines that infect his home. Shot in mine­fields, this film cont­ains footage that..

Nataly Fish

Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth
Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

A Henan opera based on the complete recording of a lawsuit filed against the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau by Ai Weiwei's Fake Cultural Development Ltd, which had been fined a sum of RMB15.22 million in tax penalties for alleged tax evasion.

Nataly Fish

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