


This is an alien invasion film like no other – the aliens are miniature but still want to take over the world!

Nataly Fish



Lorsque le beau et intelligent Alex Borden se mesure à un grand maître d'échec, son intellect commence à grandir de plus en plus, et avec lui viennent des visions de cauchemars. Il revoit tour à tour son frêre disparaître, son père l'abandonner et sa mère assassinée. Tandis que les maux de têtes intenses se multiplient, une étrange vagu..

Nataly Fish



This short film offers an as yet unseen insight into the every day transgender experience, and will hopefully promote much needed acceptance and understanding.'

Nataly Fish



Hand-drawn animation with ink, gouache, white-out and coffee.

Nataly Fish



An astronaut reflects on her life with ADHD, the struggles she has faced, and her ambition to achieve her dreams.

Nataly Fish



Stuck between the past and the present, a college student tries to write an essay while a sinister, melancholic presence threatens his every task.

Nataly Fish



As the tensions and frustrations of life in a community house start to close in on him, a young man with Down Syndrome realises he may have to cross a line to end a nightly disturbance.

Nataly Fish



A student experiments with trepanation and loses their grip on reality.

Nataly Fish



Headspace is an experimental film that expresses the feelings of anxiety and peace though composites of archival video and images. Taking inspiration from the principals and techniques of dada and surrealism, my film uses unorthodox techniques and focuses on the internal space. With collaboration between visuals, music, and sound design, we were ab..

Nataly Fish



Matty, a man in an abusive same sex relationship with a younger lover, battles to retain his sanity while trying to piece together his memory of a tragedy that would alter the course of his life forever.

Nataly Fish

Headspace : Libérez votre esprit

Headspace : Libérez votre esprit

Choisissez de vous relaxer, méditer ou dormir profondément en fonction de votre humeur ou votre état d'esprit grâce à cet épisode interactif spécial de "Headspace".

Nataly Fish

Ross Noble: The Headspace Cowboy

Ross Noble: The Headspace Cowboy

Ross Noble, Northumberland's number one stand-up, performs more surreal flights of fantasy in his 2011 live shows. However, there is a quirk to 'Headspace Cowboy': there's no one central show on offer. Rather, you have a 'bumper selection pack' of equal size chunks, from different gigs, each one lasting about 40-50 minutes.

Nataly Fish

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