
He and She

He and She

An amusing picture showing a quarrel between an elderly husband and his young wife, and a joyful reconciliation.

Nataly Fish

Les Maîtres de l'univers - Spécial Noël

Les Maîtres de l'univers - Spécial Noël

La fête de Noël arrive sur Terre comme chaque année, apportant son lot de joie et de bonheur pour les enfants. Mais Eternia ne connaît pas cette fête. Cependant, les Maîtres de l'Univers au cours d'un terrible combat contre Skeletor, vont finalement découvrir le monde merveilleux de Noël, et apporter leur aide à de petits terriens, devenu..

Nataly Fish

Musclor et she-ra , le secret de l'épée

Musclor et she-ra , le secret de l'épée

Musclor se voit confier une mission par la Sorcière : dans une autre dimension, il doit remettre une épée à son propriétaire dont il ignore l’identité. Accompagné de Gringer, le prince Adam se rend donc dans un monde marqué par une lutte entre les soldats de la Horde et les résistants qui combattent l’oppression subite par les populati..

Nataly Fish

Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She

Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She

Examines the diversity of human sexual and gender variance around the globe, with commentary by scientific experts and first-hand accounts of people who do not conform to a simple male/female binary.

Nataly Fish

The Little 'He and She'

The Little 'He and She'

Celia had been married only a few months. Her husband received a small salary, and Celia could not understand why it was she did not have the pretty things her friends had. One day, while on a shopping tour with her chum, Rose, she is persuaded to buy two beautiful statuettes. The price was a little more than she could afford, but she thought she c..

Nataly Fish

Six She's and a He

Six She's and a He

A soldier stranded on a desert island is captured by a tribe of sadistic women who torture and mutilate the men who oppose them. The 46min version is the only one available at the moment

Nataly Fish

The Fable of He and She

The Fable of He and She

The animated story of the Hardibars and Mushamels—whimsical clay creatures who discover that gender stereotypes are not always accurate or useful.

Nataly Fish

The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay

The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay

Alan Whicker attends a gay wedding at a church in San Diego and investigates the rise of the Gay Liberation movement in the U.S.A.

Nataly Fish

He, She and Hamlet

He, She and Hamlet

In a boarding house where young girls are kept under strict surveillance, only two persons of the male persuasion are allowed to enter. The gardeners Pat and Patachon are popular among the girls because they can play the accordion and sing songs, both cheerful and sad. One of the girls has attracted Pat and Patachon’s particular admiration: Eve, ..

Nataly Fish

He and She

He and She

Mysterious romance involving an uninhibited woman and a photographer, shot in strange modernist interiors and abstract sports car-on-a-highway to nowhere exteriors.

Nataly Fish

She and He

She and He

As her husband Eiichi becomes more entangled in his life as businessman, Naoko looks for ways to expand her own life even as her husband's life shrinks in scope and intimacy. She finds new interests, new love, and a greater sense of her place in the world.

Nataly Fish

He And She

He And She

Nataly Fish

He and She

He and She

The tale of the Snow Maiden is well-known, as are its numerous traditional arrangements. However, this version is somewhat different, as is the play by A.N. Ostrovsky, which served as the basis for the film.

Nataly Fish

He, She and Hamlet

He, She and Hamlet

Fyrtårnet and Bivognen are gardeners at a residence for young women. Here they are friends with budding actress Eva, but when the three reveal one evening during the performance of an illegal theater performance, they are kicked out. By detours, they get on board a schooner, where Fy and Bi play up to dance and get seasick, while Eva still has her..

Nataly Fish

He, She and Ana

He, She and Ana

Three people wake up together in an apartment in São Paulo. A photo shoot. An accepted proposal. A place in ruins. He, She and Ana.

Nataly Fish

He and She

He and She

He is a student, who believes in a true love. He writes short stories. One day he accidentally meets her. She is beautiful, but unpredictable. Not the type he has always dreamed of. She forces into his life, changing everything he was used to, and brings new adventures, which are sometimes painful for him. After sometime, he fells in love with her,..

Nataly Fish

I, He and She

I, He and She

A lawyer falls in love with a woman her meets in Faiyum, but she lies to him to test his love.

Nataly Fish

He's a Woman, She's a Man

He's a Woman, She's a Man

Wing is a devoted fan of popular singer Rose who is involved in a topsy-turvy relationship with her charismatic producer Sam. Willing to go to any length to meet Rose, the willowy Wing disguises herself as a man, and with a twist of fate is chosen to be the next budding star for the record company.

Nataly Fish

He won't Kill, She won't Die

He won't Kill, She won't Die

Kosaka redouble sa terminale, il a la manie de ponctuer ses phrases d'un "je vais te tuer" ironique. En la voyant chercher le cadavre d'une abeille dans une poubelle pour aller l'enterrer dignement, il va se laisser attirer par Shikano, une fille de sa classe laissée à l'écart et qui passe son temps à se taillader les poignets. En parallèle, ..

Nataly Fish

Voleur et Voleuse

Voleur et Voleuse

Cencio est un petit escroc qui est constamment envoyé à Regina Coeli pour de courtes peines de prison. Il escroque à tort et à travers, travesti en carabinier, en prélat, les naïves victimes croisant son chemin. La belle Cesira, une voleuse, peut-être amoureuse de lui, lui tient tête.

Nataly Fish

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