
Hayati: My Life

Hayati: My Life

In 2015, Ossamah Al Mohsen and her son were the victims of a trip on the Hungarian border by a television reporter in her desperate flight from a Syria at war. The cameras captured this moment by scandalizing public opinion. This kick allowed Ossamah, famous soccer coach in his country, to arrive in Madrid and resume his profession. But the rest of..

Nataly Fish

My Life Is a Mess

My Life Is a Mess

Tattah’s one unlucky mall guard whose life gets even more complicated after running over a cat and getting cursed for it; he also affects Faten,the woman he secretly loves with the same curse, making life even more difficult.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Something in My Life

Something in My Life

Aida lives a quiet life with her much older husband. When she meets the young doctor Ahmed at the train station in Alexandria, they fall in love, but Aida feels that she is betraying her husband, and she is torn between love and a stable life.

Nataly Fish

Ma vie de courgette

Ma vie de courgette

Courgette n’a rien d’un légume, c’est un vaillant petit garçon. Il croit qu’il est seul au monde quand il perd sa mère. Mais c’est sans compter sur les rencontres qu’il va faire dans sa nouvelle vie au foyer pour enfants. Simon, Ahmed, Jujube, Alice et Béatrice : ils ont tous leurs histoires et elles sont aussi dures qu’ils sont t..

Nataly Fish

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