
Have Had

Have Had

Grace and Adam had never met--until their mother died. To Grace she was a stranger. To Adam she was everything. Now, they have to uncover what they will mean to each other: whether they are family, or just strangers in passing.

Nataly Fish

Encounters I May or May Not Have Had with Peter Berlin

Encounters I May or May Not Have Had with Peter Berlin

The film guides the viewer through the process of making contact with a figure who exists only in his own photographs—70’s gay sex icon Peter Berlin. The film is structured in three parts, which were made chronologically. In the first part, the filmmaker appropriates Peter Berlin’s outfits and poses, playfully attempting to embody Peter Berli..

Nataly Fish

Have You Seen the Barefoot God?

Have You Seen the Barefoot God?

2 almost inseparable friends. The talented painter recognized by all decided to leave the town where they live and become an artist and the shy poet who only sees his future in his mother's business.

Nataly Fish

Muriel fait le désespoir de ses parents

Muriel fait le désespoir de ses parents

Muriel 17 ans, originaire d'une petite ville de province, est venue étudier à Paris. Elle rencontre Nora et éprouve bientôt pour elle une attirance troublante. Quand Muriel en parle à sa mère, celle-ci réagit avec violence. Alors que Nora entame une relation amoureuse avec Fred, Muriel décide de lui avouer son amour...

Nataly Fish

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