
Hackers Are People Too

Hackers Are People Too

A portrait of the hacking community. In an effort to challenge preconceived notions and media-driven stereotypes Hackers Are People Too lets hackers speak for themselves and introduce their community to the public.

Nataly Fish

Bedwin Hacker

Bedwin Hacker

In the contemporary Tunisian thriller Bedwin Hacker, a female media pirate - holed up in a remote outpost in the mountains of Tunisia - figures out a way to take over the television and radio airwaves in France and North Africa to broadcast political messages. The irritated French Intelligence service closes in on her, which leads to a tit-for-tat ..

Nataly Fish

The Third Hacker

The Third Hacker

A guy who is a game addict, turns to an ethical hacker. The Engineer student comes to hacking world for some reasons. The Story is all about that guy.

Nataly Fish

Memory Hackers

Memory Hackers

Memory is the glue that binds our mental lives. But how does it work? Neuroscientists using cutting-edge techniques are exploring the precise molecular mechanisms of memory. By studying a range of individuals ranging-from an 11-year-old whiz-kid, Jake Hausler, who remembers every detail of his life to a woman who had memories implanted-scientists h..

Nataly Fish

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Voici l’histoire glorieuse et bouleversante de Julian Assange et de sa traque menée par les États-Unis et leurs vassaux dans une nouvelle version de l’éternel combat de Spartacus contre l’Empire. Suivant pas à pas la défense du fondateur de WikiLeaks, coordonnée par l’avocat espagnol Baltasar Garzón, mondialement connu pour av..

Nataly Fish

How Hackers Changed the World

How Hackers Changed the World

For some, they're the world's most venal perpetrators of cyber-terrorism. For others, they're the poster group for the latest evolution in political and social activism. They call themselves Anonymous - a collective of hackers whose substantial skills allow them entry into the most secured levels of computerized data. They exist in the shadows, but..

Nataly Fish

Hackers 95

Hackers 95

Hackers 95 is a 90 minute part documentary, part spoof. Phon-E and R.F. Burns cover the hacker related goings on of 1995. Summer Con 95, DEF CON III, Operation Cyber Snare, Area 51, an interview with Erik Bloodaxe and more are covered. This is what professional video hackers do with their spare time.

Nataly Fish

The Hackers

The Hackers

Pa Hacker and his two mentally deranged sons travel around a rural lakeshore community doing home repairs and odd jobs. They have a special way of handling dissatisfied customers and don't worry about repeat business. A lovely girl is offered a weeks stay at a country estate while the family is on a trip. When the Hackers arrive on the scene to do ..

Nataly Fish

Computer Hackers

Computer Hackers

A group of young hackers realize that their future is being sold to the highest bidder so they fight back against a system that is programmed against them.

Nataly Fish

Hackers : les nouveaux braqueurs
Smiling Hacker

Smiling Hacker

L’histoire du cyber hacker algérien Hamza Bendelladj, surnommé “Smiling Hacker” ou “Happy Hacker”, arrêté en 2013 et condamné pour avoir détourné plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars à des institutions financières américaines et européennes.

Nataly Fish

The Fight Against Hackers

The Fight Against Hackers

Nataly Fish

Hacker's Game Redux

Hacker's Game Redux

Soyan is a computer prodigy that works for a company he previously hacked. This online security firm runs covert activities for high-profile clients around the world. Loise is a cyber-detective who investigates war crimes for a human rights organization. She is obsessed with the truth. Loise and Soyan meet on a rooftop and bond together through a v..

Nataly Fish

René Carmille, un hacker sous l'occupation

René Carmille, un hacker sous l'occupation

Sous l'Occupation, René Carmille, militaire devenu administrateur civil, fonde ce qui deviendra l'INSEE et crée le numéro de sécurité sociale. Précurseur dans l'utilisation de la mécanographie, ancêtre de l'informatique, il développe un traitement statistique des données. Ses fichiers ont été utilisés par Vichy pour servir sa politique..

Nataly Fish

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

Some attack governments, large corporations... and steal personal identities. Others use their skills for political activism. They are hackers. And in a rare sit down interview with a member of the infamous collective "Anonymous", 16x9 gets a unique, inside look into a "Hackers World".

Nataly Fish

Hackers: Computer Outlaws

Hackers: Computer Outlaws

Pains in the butt, or super heroes of the computer revolution? How about both. The documentary Hackers: Computer Outlaws takes a look at the world of hackers, from Draper to Woz to Mitnick.

Nataly Fish

The Armchair Hacker

The Armchair Hacker

A computer hacker uses his high-tech skills to get into personal computers, and from their into their homes. His sister is the only chance the world has of stopping him.

Nataly Fish

Piratage, Hackers

Piratage, Hackers

Pirates, hackers, qui sont-ils et que veulent-ils ? Pourquoi des petits génies de l’informatique se réunissent sur les réseaux à travers le monde pour transgresser les lois ?

Nataly Fish

New York City Hackers

New York City Hackers

This documentary looks at the computer hacker community in New York City of today, its meetings and conferences, political annotations, and historically explores the roots of the original definition 'hacking' amongst the model train enthusiasts at MIT.

Nataly Fish

Dear Hacker

Dear Hacker

La diode de ma webcam s’est mise à clignoter sans raison. Est-il possible qu’un observateur, un hacker, une amie ou un fantôme soit en ce moment logé dans l’objectif ? Je me lance dans une série d’appels visiophoniques pour découvrir ce que me veut cette entité insaisissable.

Nataly Fish

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