


Alors qu'il est sur le point de rentrer dans son pays, un ouvrier du bâtiment roumain vivant à Bruxelles, fait la rencontre d'une doctorante sino-belge étudiant la bryologie.

Nataly Fish



A student-produced live-action short adaptation of Richard McGuire's 6-page comic originally published in RAW magazine. The short film is about a series of events in time that happen in one point of space: the corner of a room in a normal house.

Nataly Fish



A young woman's journey across the world following a set of cryptic clues.

Nataly Fish



Quand Ellen, la matriarche de la famille Graham, meurt, sa fille revient vivre dans la maison avec sa famille. Ils vont alors découvrir le terrifiant secret de leur ancêtre...

Nataly Fish



Set against the gorgeous landscape of Armenia, Here chronicles a brief but intense relationship between an American satellite-mapping engineer (Foster) and an expatriate photographer (Azabal) who impulsively decide to travel across the remote countryside. As their trip comes to an end, the two must decide where to go from Here

Nataly Fish



An odyssey through time and memory, centered around a place in New England where—from wilderness, and then, later, from a home—love, loss, struggle, hope and legacy play out between couples and families over generations.

Nataly Fish



HERE presents an immersive virtual reality (VR) adaptation of Richard McGuire's ground-breaking graphic novel. This unique experience is a grand biopic - where the main character is place rather than person. Through volumetric capture and virtual reality technology, we join the myriad characters throughout time who have called this particular room ..

Nataly Fish

Mamma Mia ! Here We Go Again

Mamma Mia ! Here We Go Again

Sur l’île paradisiaque de Kalokairi, Sophie, qui rencontre divers soucis dans l’ouverture de son hôtel, va trouver du réconfort auprès des amies de sa mère Donna qui vont lui conseiller de prendre exemple sur le parcours de cette dernière.

Nataly Fish

L’Exorciste 2 : L’Hérétique

L’Exorciste 2 : L’Hérétique

Le père Lamont enquête sur la mort mystérieuse du père Merrin, survenue à la suite d’un exorcisme, et il va devoir combattre le démon Pazuzu que la jeune Regan a toujours en elle.

Nataly Fish



Will experiences a strange day following his roommate's murder. As Will loses grasp with reality, he is forced to remember the true identities of his strange girlfriend, his dead roommate, and himself.

Nataly Fish



A boy’s phantasmagoric world of heroes is captured in layers of light and hues. This video, humorously and poetically juggles ideas about make believe and representation of the everyday.

Nataly Fish



A Technicolor charge on horseback is mashed up with a series of early silent films from the Melies brothers.

Nataly Fish



The combination of constantly moving abstract imagery and a familiar-yet-cryptic soundtrack in HERE reflects the struggle of being aware and present in life’s moment(s).

Nataly Fish



A 4-minute drama on an archetypal stage.

Nataly Fish



Here follows the journey of a man who struggles to make sense of his reality. Reeling from the sudden death of his wife, he loses the will to speak and is interned at Island Hospital. There, he meets strident kleptomaniac Beatrice with whom he forms an inexplicable bond. As the man adjusts to life within, he is selected for an experimental treatmen..

Nataly Fish

Kyoukai no Kanata Movie : I'll Be Here - Kako-hen

Kyoukai no Kanata Movie : I'll Be Here - Kako-hen

Il s'agit de la première partie des deux films. Ce film récapitule la série entièrement du point de vue de Kuriyama Mirai.

Nataly Fish



James Figueras, écrivain et critique d'art, se voit confier la mission difficile de se rendre chez Jérôme Debney, un peintre reconnu qui s'est retiré de la vie publique depuis de nombreuses années, pour se procurer un tableau pour un homme d'affaires richissime. En compagnie d'une jeune femme, l'écrivain tentera le coup et se rendra à la vil..

Nataly Fish

Kyoukai no Kanata Movie : I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen

Kyoukai no Kanata Movie : I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen

L'histoire prend place quelques mois après la conclusion de l'anime Beyond the Boundary.

Nataly Fish

I'm still here

I'm still here

En 2008, l'acteur Joaquin Phoenix annonce qu'il prend sa retraite du métier et tente sa chance comme chanteur hip-hop. Durant un an, son beau-frère Casey Affleck, armé de sa caméra, documentera au jour le jour sa dépression, son dégoût de la célébrité et ses nombreux revers. Parallèlement, l'ex-acteur à l'apparence négligée entame la ..

Nataly Fish

The Last Heretic

The Last Heretic

Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.

Nataly Fish

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