


Il y a plusieurs années, Jim a rempli un contrat meurtrier au profit d'entreprises minières étrangères qui a plongé le Congo dans le chaos. Cette histoire finit par le rattraper alors qu'il vient d'échapper de peu à un attentat. En replongeant dans ses souvenirs et en revoyant des personnes attachées à son passé, il décide de quitter Lon..

Nataly Fish

Le Salaire de la violence

Le Salaire de la violence

Lee Hackett est un rude cow-boy au caractère combatif et souvent violent. Veuf, il vit dans son ranch avec ses deux fils, très différents l'un de l'autre. Le premier, Davey, est un être doux et timide qui refuse catégoriquement toute forme de violence. Le second, Ed, semble marcher davantage sur les traces de son père. C'est un jeune homme br..

Nataly Fish

Noose for a Gunman

Noose for a Gunman

Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.

Nataly Fish

Johnny Gunman

Johnny Gunman

Se déroulant sur la durée d’une nuit à New York, Johnny Gunman décrit la bataille tendue entre deux prétendants au titre de caïd.

Nataly Fish

The Gunman

The Gunman

Terrorized citizens send for a Texas lawman to rid their town of bandits.

Nataly Fish

The Gentle Gunman

The Gentle Gunman

En 1941, un petit groupe d’hommes de l’I.R.A. dépose des bombes dans les stations du métro de Londres. Leur chef, Terence, a fini par prendre conscience de la stupidité et de l’inutilité de la violence, et il déserte. Son frère Matt vient alors d’Irlande pour prendre sa place. Après l’arrestation de deux des hommes, Matt, croyant q..

Nataly Fish

The Masturbating Gunman

The Masturbating Gunman

Masked Avenger is a hero to the modern world. He destroys his enemies with kung fu fighting, handsaws and guns, but with one small hang-up. At the sight of a woman, he immediately begins to gratify himself, no matter what situation he is in.

Nataly Fish

Shadow of a Gunman

Shadow of a Gunman

The first part of O'Casey's "The Dublin Trilogy". Set in 1920, as the War of Independence rages, "Shadow of a Gunman" is the story of two young men, Donal and Seamus who share a flat in Dublin.

Nataly Fish

Sartana, pistolet pour cent croix

Sartana, pistolet pour cent croix

Cowboy solitaire, Sartana vient en aide à une jeune femme dont le père et le frère ont été assassinés par des brigands...

Nataly Fish



Denise Vernon accepte d'aider son ancien amant, Eddy Roback à fuir les forces de police. Avec l'aide de Frank Clinton, un journaliste qu'elle aime, Denise réunit la somme nécessaire au passage à l'étranger du gangster. La police les retrouve dans le refuge. Les anciens amants tomberont sous les balles.

Nataly Fish

The Shadow of a Gunman

The Shadow of a Gunman

Is a sensitive and mysterious poet really an IRA gunman in hiding? Set in a Dublin tenement in the 1920s, this was the first part of Sean O'Casey's celebrated "Dublin Trilogy." Equal parts comedy and tragedy, this classic play is brilliantly performed by a stellar cast.

Nataly Fish

The Singing Gunman

The Singing Gunman

Fourth film in the Aitsu series. The outlaw-cum-travelling guitarist discovers that his friend has been killed by the gangsters who held up the bullion transport.

Nataly Fish

Ballade pour un pistolero

Ballade pour un pistolero

Instead of fighting over newly gained money from a coach-robbery, two gangster-brothers (El Bedoja and Chiuchi) decide to rob a bank together. But Martinez, a gangster-coward, is successfully questioned by Nigros (a clad-in-black gangster-killer who collects the money) and Rocco (a righteous ex-sheriff who doesn't and shows off even more skill in u..

Nataly Fish

The Gunman

The Gunman

When Detective Ben Simm's wife is killed, he has to learn to be both father and mother to his little girl while searching for a Vigilante that has his own sense of justice.

Nataly Fish

A Gunman Has Escaped

A Gunman Has Escaped

In this crime drama, three gem thieves must get out of London after they kill a man. Friction between the men increases as they hide out on a farm and then get back on the road. Trouble ensues when one of the three begins suspecting the others of treachery.

Nataly Fish

The Gunman From Bodie

The Gunman From Bodie

The Rough Riders are after a gang of rustlers. Marshal Roberts is posing as a wanted outlaw, McCall is the Marshal supposedly after him, and Sandy is on hand as a cook. Roberts hopes his joining the gang will help bring them in.

Nataly Fish

Porter Rockwell: Gunman and Saint

Porter Rockwell: Gunman and Saint

Orrin Porter Rockwell was a complicated man. He was violent as well as kind, beloved as well as feared. This short film highlights these contrasting aspects of his character as he wrestles with his own larger-than-life legacy. This short film is a proof of concept. We hope to tell the whole story of Porter Rockwell in a coming full-length feature ..

Nataly Fish

Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man

Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man

Jack Holmes, a squatter, and his daughter, Margaret, settle on land owned by Harry Rawlins. Broncho Billy, gunman, is engaged by Rawlins to eject the squatter or put him out of the way. Broncho is wounded by a half-breed and Margaret nurses him back to health. The gunman then refuses to turn Holmes out.

Nataly Fish

The Gunman

The Gunman

At the end of the reign, the country, the north, and the south are under strain to make foreign provisions for the Tremain.

Nataly Fish

Gunman's Code

Gunman's Code

Wells Fargo agents Jack Douglas (Kirby Grant) and Bosco O'Toole (Fuzzy Knight) are sent after a gang of stage robbers. Danny Burton (Bernard Thomas, brother of Laura Burton (Jane Adams, is implicated before Jack is able to prove that saloon owner Lee Fain (Danny Morton) is the man behind the outlaw gang.

Nataly Fish

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