
Great White

Great White

Un voyage touristique bucolique se transforme rapidement en cauchemar, lorsque cinq passagers d’un hydravion se retrouvent coincés, sur leur bateau de survie, à des kilomètres du rivage, après l’attaque d’un grand requin blanc. Dans une tentative désespérée de s’en sortir, le groupe essaie de se rendre à terre avant qu’il ne manqu..

Nataly Fish

Great White

Great White

A professor tries to convince the residents of a small town that a series of attacks are the handiwork not of mountain animals but of a rare river-dwelling shark.

Nataly Fish

La Couleur de l'Arnaque

La Couleur de l'Arnaque

James Roper, champion de boxe invaincu, voit sa carrière chuter faute d'adversaires à sa taille. Aidé de son manager, le révérend Fred Sultan, il organise un combat avec Terry Conklin.

Nataly Fish

L'Éternel Silence

L'Éternel Silence

Le gouvernement de ce qui était alors l’empire britannique décida de planter l’Union Jack sur le Pôle Sud. Il envoya une expédition d’hommes, de poneys, de chiens et de motoneiges primitives tirant des traîneaux à partir d’une base située sur la Côte antarctique. Le chef de l'expédition, Robert Falcon Scott, et ses hommes quittère..

Nataly Fish

Megalodon!: Great White Godfather

Megalodon!: Great White Godfather

70-foot Sharks with teeth like shovel blades and fins the size of huge sails. A whaler's harpoon would bounce off Megalodon like a toothpick. Explore Mega!

Nataly Fish



En 1913, à Reno, dans le Nevada. Le boxeur noir Jack Johnson est sacré champion du monde des poids lourds. Son ascension, sa popularité et surtout la couleur de sa peau suscitent la haine des Blancs, tandis que ses frères de couleur lui reprochent son arrivisme et ses amours « douteuses »…

Nataly Fish

Orca Vs. Great White

Orca Vs. Great White

Les chercheurs cherchent à savoir si les orques ont commencé à chasser les grands requins blancs au large des côtes de la Nouvelle-Zélande.

Nataly Fish

Great White Intersection

Great White Intersection

Following the shocking fatal shark attack of Arthur Medici in September 2018, Intersection takes an in-depth look at the resurgence of great white sharks off the beaches of Cape Cod as the local community struggles to come to terms with a new reality.

Nataly Fish

Le Grand Requin Blanc

Le Grand Requin Blanc

Le requin est l’une de ces histoires à succès. L’espèce, née avant les dinosaures, leur a survécu, et Le Grand Requin Blanc lui fait rencontrer son plus grand prédateur : l’humain. Toujours dans l’esprit de sensibiliser le public, le documentaire, dépourvu d’hémoglobine, révèle un poisson vorace, mais plus docile qu’on le pens..

Nataly Fish

The Great White Tower

The Great White Tower

The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.

Nataly Fish

Great White Death

Great White Death

Glenn Ford appears in and narrates in this mondo style documentary about the search for the Great White Shark.

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The Great White Whale

The Great White Whale

The epic struggle to climb Big Ben

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Great White Shark: A Living Legend

Great White Shark: A Living Legend

Rapprochez-vous de l'un des prédateurs les plus vicieux de nos océans, le Great White Shark! Nous considérons les grands blancs comme de terribles tueurs aquatiques, mais les connaissons-nous aussi bien que nous le pensons? Dans cette présentation de l'Unité d'histoire naturelle de la BBC, Mike Rutzen, le plus grand plongeur de requins blanc a..

Nataly Fish

Great White Serial Killer: Fatal Christmas

Great White Serial Killer: Fatal Christmas

After a surfer dies off Morro Bay, Calif., on Christmas Eve, shark attack investigators Ralph Collier and Brandon McMillan use forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts to identify the suspected killer: an 18-foot great white.

Nataly Fish

Great White Open Ocean

Great White Open Ocean

Not your normal shark documentary and I have watched many. Never have I felt so emotional and touched by watching one. From the initial incident to the devastating after affects, this shows one persons passion and genuine love for these beautiful animals. Honestly a beautiful documentary with twists and turns unseen before in this genre. Respect an..

Nataly Fish

Great White vs Tiger Shark

Great White vs Tiger Shark

The two biggest of the BIG THREE — great whites and tiger sharks — are two of the most dangerous predators in the ocean. And they get BIG, up to 20 feet and 18 feet, respectively. But can they grow even larger than that? Where can we find the world’s biggest? Two teams of scientists are diving in to uncover the secrets of these powerful and m..

Nataly Fish

Sharkbite! Surviving Great Whites

Sharkbite! Surviving Great Whites

Survivors of great white shark attacks share their tales in this dramatic Discovery Channel program. Featuring stunning ocean footage and interviews with shark experts, this chilling look at the most feared underwater predator brings their terrifying reality to light. Stories include those of a South African teenager who lost his leg to a great whi..

Nataly Fish

Great White Lies

Great White Lies

Focusing on the Western Australian Government's decision in January 2014 to hunt and kill the protected great white shark, filmmaker Skyler Thomas visits Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand to learn more about the shark culling practices in each of those locations. Interviewing scientists, politicians, surfers, and activists, Great White Lies ..

Nataly Fish

Expedition Great White

Expedition Great White

A hundred sixty miles off the coast of Baja California, a team of world-class anglers will land one of the most challenging fish imaginable: the great white shark. Unlike any other catch ever attempted, they'll lift an SUV-sized shark onto a platform, mount a long-lasting tracking tag by hand, take measurements and DNA samples, and release it unhar..

Nataly Fish

Going Great White

Going Great White

A mockumentary that looks at the oversized dreams and harsh realities of pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing businesses. Follow the fortunes of hilarious cast of characters, including timid jeffrey, evangelical home-schoolers Ken and Keri, and silver-tongued Gabe, as they struggle to get their sales numbers up in time for the big convention...

Nataly Fish

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