
The Great Adventurers: Ernest Shackleton

The Great Adventurers: Ernest Shackleton

For many Ernest Shackleton is the epitome of a courageous, resolute and determined adventurer, showing tenacity in the harshest of conditions. Like many explorers, Shackleton was drawn to the barren wastelands of the Antarctic, and to the honours, fame and fortune that would come from being the first person to reach the South Pole. The legacy he le..

Nataly Fish

The Great Adventurers: Robert Falcon Scott

The Great Adventurers: Robert Falcon Scott

Part of the documentary series looking at some of the world's greatest explorers and adventurers. This volume looks at the heroic - and tragic - story of Scott of the Antarctic. In a race to be the first to reach the South Pole, Scott and his team faced appalling dangers and hardships, in a quest which was to cost him his life. With commentary from..

Nataly Fish

Great Adventurers & Their Quests: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Great Adventurers & Their Quests: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

A special examining the appeal of real-life daredevils and heroic figures compared with their fictional counterparts as portrayed in adventure films.

Nataly Fish

Great Adventurers: Sir Francis Drake - Voyage Around the World

Great Adventurers: Sir Francis Drake - Voyage Around the World

This is the story of the sea-faring privateer and adventurer whose name has become synonymous with one of English history's most celebrated episodes -the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Drake was the first Englishman to see the Pacific Ocean and the first to circumnavigate the world.

Nataly Fish

Great Adventurers: Christopher Columbus and the New World

Great Adventurers: Christopher Columbus and the New World

Christopher Columbus survived battles with Tunisian galleys, shipwrecks, imprisonment and illness during his remarkable expeditions. Columbus eventually set foot for the first times in the West Indies and on the South American mainland: this is his story of victory against the odds.

Nataly Fish

Great Adventurers: Ernest Shackleton: To the End of the Earth

Great Adventurers: Ernest Shackleton: To the End of the Earth

In 1914, British explorer Ernest Shackleton set out to lead the first expedition across the last unknown continent: Antarctica. Using historical records, photos and rare film footage, this documentary tells the story of that arduous journey. After their ship became locked in ice, Shackleton and his men escaped death by walking across 600 miles of u..

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas

The search for documentation about the sea for a school work will make the magic door of Doraemon open and take Nobita to Shizuka, Gian and Sueno in the deep ocean. This time our friends embark on a huge and unique boat in order to learn about the mysteries of the sea and look for treasures. What nobody imagines is that a distortion in the line of ..

Nataly Fish

Crayon Shin-chan: Great Adventure In Henderland

Crayon Shin-chan: Great Adventure In Henderland

The Futaba Kindergarten kids are so excited for their trip to the Henderland amusement park, but Shin-chan soon learns there are evil forces at play!

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the Antarctic Kachi Kochi

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the Antarctic Kachi Kochi

Doraemon and Nobita discover a mysterious golden ring far beneath the ice in Antarctica, leading them to uncover an ancient, ruined city.

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita's New Great Adventure Into the Underworld - The Seven Magic Users

Doraemon: Nobita's New Great Adventure Into the Underworld - The Seven Magic Users

When Nobita turned the world into a world with magic with the what-if-telephone-booth-gadget, He and his world needed to defeat the threat that became reality in this world.

Nataly Fish

The Great Adventure

The Great Adventure

During the American Gold Rush era, an orphaned boy and his wild dog who must battle against the Yukon wilderness and human greed to help save a frontier town.

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the World of Magic

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the World of Magic

Nobita requests of Doraemon the Moshimo-box and wishes for the world to become a place where the use of magic is possible. Witchcraft replaces science and technology and everyone makes use of it on their daily lives, except for Nobita, who, like usual, isn't very good at conjuring spells. Frustrated, he plans on returning things to their past state..

Nataly Fish

Yes! Precure 5: The Great Miracle Adventure in the Country of Mirrors

Yes! Precure 5: The Great Miracle Adventure in the Country of Mirrors

While Nozomi and her friends are enjoying themselves at Princess Land, an amusement park, Coco and Nuts have been abducted into the Mirror Kingdom. At the same time, Shadow is after the Dream Collet so that he can use the power of the Pinkies to rule the Mirror Kingdom. To prevent this from happening, Migirin and Hidarin, who are residents of the M..

Nataly Fish

Yo-kai Watch : Soratobu Kujira to Double no Sekai no Daibōken da Nyan!

Yo-kai Watch : Soratobu Kujira to Double no Sekai no Daibōken da Nyan!

Troisième film de Youkai Watch.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures de Panda

Les Aventures de Panda

Au royaume des ours, tous les habitants attendent la naissance d'un petit prince voué à succéder à sa mère la reine. Ainsi naît Lon Lon, dont l'apparence stupéfie ses futurs sujets : Lon Lon est un bébé panda. Bien qu'au départ soutenu par la plupart des habitants, Lon Lon fait preuve de maladresse et d'un grand manque de courage, ce qui ..

Nataly Fish

The Gnomes' Great Adventure

The Gnomes' Great Adventure

David the Gnome and Swift the Fox embark on a search to find a gold treasure stolen by trolls.

Nataly Fish

La Grande aventure

La Grande aventure

Dans la campagne suédoise, deux garçonnets, Anders et Kjell, recueillent et élèvent en secret une loutre, Utti. Mais il devient rapidement difficile pour eux de subvenir à ses besoins…

Nataly Fish

Les Lunnis et leurs aventures magiques

Les Lunnis et leurs aventures magiques

Marie est une jeune fille pleine d’imagination grâce aux contes racontés par son grand-père. Un jour, le méchant Crude, qui déteste la fantaisie parce qu'il manque d'imagination, découvre le moyen d'en finir avec le Livre magique qui contient toutes les histoires inventées par l'Humanité et son gardien Lucrecia. Accompagnée de ses fidè..

Nataly Fish

La grande aventure de Dai

La grande aventure de Dai

Sur l'île de Dremlin vit un jeune garçon, Dai, en compagnie d'animaux fantastiques, et de son père adoptif, un gentil monstre nommé Brass. Mais alors que le volcan gronde, un bateau s'approche de l'île. A son bord se trouve la princesse Leona, venue jusqu'ici car elle a été informée qu'une force maléfique allait se réveiller sur Dremlin. ..

Nataly Fish

Debout ! Disciples d'Avan !

Debout ! Disciples d'Avan !

Dai, Pop et Maam sont décidés à partir en direction du royaume de Papnika afin de retrouver leur amie, la princesse Leona. Alors qu'ils attendent sur le port le navire promis par le roi de Romos, un monstre ressemblant à une énorme méduse fait son apparition et s'attaque aux navires. Grâce à une attaque combinée de Dai, Pop et Maam, le mon..

Nataly Fish

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