


Gravity is a comically tragic short film that playfully deals with the concept of reality tunnels. On the surface it is about friendship, love, space aliens, cocaine and handicap. Not necessarily in that order.

Nataly Fish

I Don’t Believe In You But Then There Is Gravity

I Don’t Believe In You But Then There Is Gravity

A Sunday in a high-rise building in Istanbul. Some only hear their own voice, and some in their loud silence. The day is shadowed by an unexpected event.

Nataly Fish

Les secrets de la gravité

Les secrets de la gravité

Un jeune garçon fasciné par les étoiles, l'univers et les lois de la nature se faufile dans le musée Albert Einstein, où il fait la connaissance d'un petit robot intelligent qui connaît tout d'Albert Einstein et de ses théories. Il l'emmène dans un voyage magique de découverte du temps et de l'espace, au cours duquel ils découvrent non se..

Nataly Fish



After surviving the Death March, Martial Law and the loss of his legs, Justino became an atheist. But when his wife dies, a part of him is yearning to believe in life beyond death; just for a chance to be with her again. Searching for parts of her he can still hold on to, he devours her diaries for information into their past --opening a Pandora's ..

Nataly Fish



Animation for the song "Gravity" by the Greek band The Motiff. A song about gravity. Every child that is to be born meets gravity.

Nataly Fish



An apple struggles to free itself from the tree and fall free, as its fellow apples look on.

Nataly Fish

Law of Gravity

Law of Gravity

Two characters of a portuguese film question their brief existence.

Nataly Fish



Two bodies attract each other with a force directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their gravity centers.

Nataly Fish



1984 Czech experimental short by Petr Skala

Nataly Fish

The Life of Gravity

The Life of Gravity

A stylish, urban woman ends up castaway on a deserted island, where she meets a rugged hermit. Solitude and detachment soon draw them together.

Nataly Fish



Our hero Udo embarks on something that can imagine a hike. Along the way, he meets some mildly absurd characters.

Nataly Fish

Gravity and Radiance

Gravity and Radiance

Former gangsters, former homeless people, abuse victims, people struggling with the meaning of life... these hurt and lovable "sinners" gather at a Christian church in Kitakyushu that supports the needy. A documentary that intersects the passion play of Christ performed by them, the hardships they went through, and their current stories.

Nataly Fish

Extreme Gravity

Extreme Gravity

What would be the worst thing that could happen to you when trying to kill yourself? It is said that dying is not the worst, but the way you die, and Camilo is about to find out how much of that is true.

Nataly Fish



Victime d'un incident, un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre est pris en chasse par des avions russes, qui parviennent finalement à l'abattre. Le vaisseau s'écrase dans la banlieue de Moscou et les survivants, bien que pacifiques, sont traqués et parqués par l'armée moscovite. Une écolière parvient à sauver et à cacher l'un des extraterrestre..

Nataly Fish

Astronaut : The Last Push

Astronaut : The Last Push

La première mission vers les lunes de Jupiter pour y déceler de nouvelles formes de vie est un échec. A l'exception de Michael Forrest, tous sont morts. Il doit entreprendre le retour sur Terre seul durant trois longues années...

Nataly Fish

Collision Point: The Race to Clean Up Space

Collision Point: The Race to Clean Up Space

No matter how clear the night sky is, no matter how many millions of stars are within view, looking up at the sky on a clear night still hides the halo of man-made debris around Earth that threatens the future of space exploration and endangers us all.

Nataly Fish

Love and Debate

Love and Debate

A girl goes to Harvard and joins the debate team. She has to deal with a ton of issues, from boyfriends, to ethnicity, to religion, to sexual assault.

Nataly Fish

Way of Life

Way of Life

Shot on location in 2013, Teton Gravity Research’s Way of Life takes you on a journey to the mountains and inside the minds of today’s top athletes. With stunning imagery created with GSS, Red Cinema, and the Sony Action Cam, this film explores the origins of skiing in Austria, the search for original lines in Alaska, and the U.S. Free skiing T..

Nataly Fish

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