


A young mother who has lost her baby due to a negligence. Furthermore, since the presence of the father is required to get a burial permission in Iran, the young mother is striving to find her missing husband and by the elapse of time, she becomes more involved in diverse serious issues.

Nataly Fish



Two minimum wage employees discover that their boss has not only killed them, but has brought them back from the dead to exploit them for free labour.

Nataly Fish

Graveyard of Honor

Graveyard of Honor

Un barman sauve la vie d'un boss Yakuza et par la même occasion monte en grande dans son gang. Cependant, son attitude de casse-cou ne tarde pas à lui attirer des problèmes. Il s'agit d'un remake du film homonyme de Kinji Fukasaku sorti en 1975.

Nataly Fish

Fort Graveyard

Fort Graveyard

En 1945, le sergent de l'armée japonaise Kosugi et un peloton de jeunes recrues vertes doivent reprendre et défendre un fort occupé par les forces chinoises.

Nataly Fish

La Créature du cimetière

La Créature du cimetière

Le propriétaire d'une vieille usine de textile décide d'engager quelques ouvriers pour nettoyer la cave, encombrée d'un bric-à-brac et envahie par les rats. Mais l'un des travailleurs, effrayé par quelque chose, trébuche et périt broyé dans une machine. Un singulier dératiseur, Tucker Cleveland, entre alors en action...

Nataly Fish

Singing in Graveyards

Singing in Graveyards

Le vieux Pepe joue dans les cabarets de Manille en imitant la légende du rock philippin, Joey Smith. Un jour on lui donne la chance d’assurer la première partie du concert de son idole. Tout ce qu’il a à faire : écrire une chanson d’amour.

Nataly Fish

Le Cimetière de la morale

Le Cimetière de la morale

Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le parcours d'un jeune yakuza en rébellion totale contre la société qui l'entoure et même contre les règles établies par ses supérieurs hiérarchiques.

Nataly Fish

Live from the Graveyard

Live from the Graveyard

When a radio show becomes the site of a zombie outbreak, an intrepid DJ has a chance to put her nerd knowledge to work - if she can survive.

Nataly Fish

The Understudy: Graveyard Shift II

The Understudy: Graveyard Shift II

The macho Italian vampire Baisez appears on the set of a low-budget film about vampirism and billiards and seduces the cast and crew.

Nataly Fish

Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard

Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard

Sir David Attenborough joins an archaeological dig uncovering Britain's biggest mammoth discovery in almost 20 years. In 2017, in a gravel quarry near Swindon, two amateur fossil hunters found an extraordinary cache of Ice Age mammoth remains and a stone hand-axe made by a Neanderthal.

Nataly Fish

Return to Witch Graveyard

Return to Witch Graveyard

In this Supernatural Slasher flick, TV reporter Noelle Martin and her assistant Maya need to come up with a Halloween story fast! Along with another gal, they venture into the haunted area where several women accused of practicing witchcraft in the 1600's were buried.

Nataly Fish

Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard

Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard

A young militia is all that stands between a coming dead horde and their rural town decimated by the fracking industry.

Nataly Fish

Doll Graveyard

Doll Graveyard

En 1911, après un tragique accident, Sophia, une petite fille maltraitée par son père, est enterrée avec ses poupées dans le jardin de la villa familiale. 100 ans plus tard, le jeune Guy Fillbrook retrouve les mystérieux jouets dans l'arrière-cour de sa propriété. A présent possédées par l'esprit de Sophia, les terribles poupées ont bi..

Nataly Fish

The Elephants' Graveyard

The Elephants' Graveyard

Bunny has told his wife he is working as a postman, but in fact is wandering the hills all day, wondering why he doesn't want to work. He meets Jody, an older man who has told his wife he's working in a factory, but is in fact doing the same thing. The two men spend a day of friendship together, but what does the future offer them? And tonight is s..

Nataly Fish

Pet Graveyard

Pet Graveyard

A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.

Nataly Fish

Central Park Driver

Central Park Driver

Un beau chauffeur de taxi de nuit fait des ravages dans la ville mais ce ne sont pas ceux que l'on croit... Le seduisant Stephen est un vampire.

Nataly Fish

Tombe de yakuza et fleur de gardénia

Tombe de yakuza et fleur de gardénia

Un policier réalise qu'il a plus d'affinités avec les hommes du gang qu'il pourchasse qu'avec ses supérieurs hiérarchiques dont il déteste l'hypocrisie.

Nataly Fish

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Ghost Rebirth - STAGE I: The Graveyard of Darkness

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Ghost Rebirth - STAGE I: The Graveyard of Darkness

In the Land of Light, the Ultra Brothers receive the interrupted Ultra Sign sent by Hikari, which comes from the Monster Graveyard. Obtaining Zoffy's approval, Ace and Taro depart to investigate the matter while Mebius, on his routine patrol, is quickly notified by Zoffy to join the investigation.

Nataly Fish

Ghost in the Graveyard

Ghost in the Graveyard

A small town comes under the thumb of Martha, a ghost who returns to haunt the children who witnessed her death during a "game" of Ghost in the Graveyard as young children.

Nataly Fish

The Graveyard

The Graveyard

Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time..

Nataly Fish

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