
Gold Mountain

Gold Mountain

It's 1849 and everyone wants to make his way to San Francisco for that golden opportunity. Jorge, a poor Mexican peasant, and his son Fernando believe they have struck it rich when they find an enormous gold rock. Upon entering the nearest town to cash in, they quickly become entangled with a dangerous outlaw who has eyes on their fortune. After th..

Nataly Fish

Le Secret de Bear Mountain

Le Secret de Bear Mountain

Une jeune femme, écrivain, emménage dans une petite bourgade perdue en pleine nature, au plus grand désespoir de sa fille. Mais elle trouve rapidement une amie de son âge, avec laquelle elle partage la même passion: la lecture d'un livre d'aventures racontant l'existence d'un trésor caché dans les mines abandonnées de Bear Mountain.

Nataly Fish

The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain

The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain

Dans ce drame mystique, la quête d’un berger sur une montagne sainte se transforme en une fable métaphysique sur la recherche du sacré. Le premier film réalisé par Ridham Janve et parlé dans le dialecte gaddi d’une tribu nomade de l’Himalaya se situe à mi-chemin entre surréalisme et documentaire.

Nataly Fish

New Gold Mountain

New Gold Mountain

Set in 1857 during the Australian gold rush, the film follows the charismatic headman of the Chinese mining camp, who struggles to maintain the fragile harmony between Chinese and European diggers when a murdered European woman is discovered to have links to the Chinese community.

Nataly Fish

To Climb a Gold Mountain

To Climb a Gold Mountain

To Climb a Gold Mountain tells the true stories of four women from Asian descent who lived in America over the span of 160 years. Each woman fought in her own way to make a difference. Each woman represents a distinct theme of struggle and triumph, and ushers in another story leading up to the present time.

Nataly Fish

Mountain of Gold

Mountain of Gold

L'histoire d'Almayer, un commerçant néerlandais luttant pour survivre en Malaisie au tournant du 19e siècle. Son rêve de trouver une montagne d'or mythique est remis en question par sa femme intrigante, les autorités coloniales, les machinations politiques du chef local et des commerçants arabes, et l'amour de sa fille pour un prince malais c..

Nataly Fish

Mountains of Gold: The People of Porgera

Mountains of Gold: The People of Porgera

Description: Mountains of Gold is a unique chronicle of a nomadic, hunter gatherer society undergoing the profound change to a money economy over a ten-year period. This tribe was first discovered by Australian explorers in 1938. Original footage shows the people's amazement at seeing their "white ancestors" in their midst. Until 1984, when gold wa..

Nataly Fish

In The Shadow of Gold Mountain

In The Shadow of Gold Mountain

Filmmaker Karen Cho travels from Montreal to Vancouver to uncover stories from the last survivors of the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, a set of laws imposed to single out the Chinese as unwanted immigrants to Canada from 1885 to 1947. Through a combination of history, poetry and raw emotion, this documentary sheds light on an era that shaped ..

Nataly Fish

Serra Pelada: The Legend of the Gold Mountain

Serra Pelada: The Legend of the Gold Mountain

Serra Pelada's discovery in 1979 precipitated one of the world's largest contemporary gold rushes. In a matter of days miners could make hundreds of thousands of dollars as chunks of gold kilos in weight were found.

Nataly Fish

The Yellow Mountain

The Yellow Mountain

A formula brawling-buddies western where one goes bad and then returns to the fold. Pete Menlo owns some gold claims in Nevada where he is joined by his old friend Andy Martin. Crooked mine-owner Bannon wants to merge their interests so they can create a monopoly but is turned down. Pete is interested in "Nevada" Wray, daughter of mine-owner "Jackp..

Nataly Fish

Falcon's Gold

Falcon's Gold

An archaeologist travels to Mexico to investigate rumors of the discovery of the ancient statue of a fertility goddess.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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