


Ishikawa Goemon met la main sur un objet secret, ce qui provoque la colère du sanguinaire Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Sa tête mise à prix, le voleur virtuose va rapidement se retrouver au centre d'un écheveau de vengeances et de complots.

Nataly Fish

Lupin III : La Brume de Sang de Goemon Ishikawa

Lupin III : La Brume de Sang de Goemon Ishikawa

Goemon Ishikawa est en quête de vengeance… Un jeune samouraï, Goemon Ishikawa sauve le chef du Tetsuryu-kai d'une attaque sur un navire de jeu au large de la côte d'Izuin au Japon. Peu de temps après, le navire explose tuant le chef de gang. Le responsable est un soldat ayant fait plus de 2 000 victimes au combat, plus connu sous le nom de c..

Nataly Fish



Le lent et séculaire travail de quelques habitants de la petite île de Beniguet ("l'île bénie") au large du Finistère, qui vivent de la "cueillette" du goémon noir (algues marines) servant comme engrais ou combustible. Lors des tempêtes, une autre sorte de goémon, plus riche en iode, est ramené sur le rivage par les flots déchaînés. Au ..

Nataly Fish

Ganbare Goemon: The Nightmare of the Dimensional Castle

Ganbare Goemon: The Nightmare of the Dimensional Castle

The first OVA of the Ganbare Goemon series.

Nataly Fish

Ganbare Goemon: Global Rescue Operation

Ganbare Goemon: Global Rescue Operation

The second OVA of the Ganbare Goemon series.

Nataly Fish

Zipang Punk Goemon Rock III

Zipang Punk Goemon Rock III

Goemon Ishikawa steals a golden statue from Yukari Kukai with female thief Neko no Me Ogin, but Private Detective Shinkuro Akechi chases after Goemon Ishikawa and Neko no Me Ogin. Detective Shinkuro Akechi discovers that there is a code hidden within the golden statue. The code reveals the location where gold is hidden. Meanwhile, outlaws gather u..

Nataly Fish

Goemon Rock 2: Rose and Samurai

Goemon Rock 2: Rose and Samurai

A woman has thrown herself away for rescuing a country. A man has picked up a sword to protect a woman. Time in the 17th century, and place in the Iberian Peninsula. The master thief of the era Goemon ISHIKAWA (Arata FURUTA) has been rampaging in the Mediterranean Sea as a protector of a female pirate named Anne the Tornado (Yuki AMAMI)./span> One ..

Nataly Fish

A Buddhist Mass for Goemon Ishikawa

A Buddhist Mass for Goemon Ishikawa

The adventures of a modern day descendant of a famed Edo era thief are the basis for this short supernatural comedy romp.

Nataly Fish

Goemon Rock

Goemon Rock

In 2008, the overwhelmingly popular SHINKANSEN has turned Tokyo and Osaka into whirls of excitement. With a live band playing the music on stage, “GOEMON ROCK” is filled with songs, dances, laughter and tears in the detonating sound of rock music. It is a must-see performance that makes every bit of the stage simply explosive.

Nataly Fish

Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection

Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection

[Period covered: 1595-1600] Third film in the famous shinobi no mono series. We last saw ninja Ishikawa Goemon (Raizo Ichikawa), as he was about to be boiled alive. But a good ninja is both hard to find, and even harder to kill. With the help of the enigmatic Hattori Hanzo, Goemon lives to skulk another day, and sets his sights on bringing down the..

Nataly Fish

Rise against the sword

Rise against the sword

Abare Goemon est un paysan qui est à la tête d'un petit clan. Fermement opposé à une voie diplomatique avec les samourais, il refuse de former une alliance dans la paix. Les choses vont alors se compliquer à la suite de son inacceptation ...

Nataly Fish

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