
La Ville fantôme

La Ville fantôme

Bertran Pincus est un homme chez qui les relations humaines laissent à désirer. Il meurt soudainement puis ressuscite miraculeusement après sept minutes. Il se réveille alors avec le don particulièrement gênant de pouvoir parler à des fantômes. Pire, il semblerait qu'ils cherchent tous à obtenir quelque chose de lui, spécialement Franck H..

Nataly Fish

Ville fantôme

Ville fantôme

Lancé à la recherche d'une jeune fille kidnappée, l'inspecteur Langely arrive dans une ville fantôme. La ville est bien abandonnée, cependant elle est hantée par les esprits de hors la loi, le gang Devlin, qui avaient pris en otages les habitants de la ville avant d'être abattus par un homme de loi.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

Reb Halland, who lives in the era of Wild West, has made a deal with the devil to gain immortality alog with his gang. Preacher McCready is trying to protect the small town by placing five totems around the town in the shape of pinnacle. One day, an collector passes by the town and sees one of the totems pinned to the earth and he decides to take i..

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

Seraphim Cloud and his life size doppelgänger enter the netherworld of Calico Ghost Town deep within the Mojave Desert.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

In the untamed West of Victorian-era America, a drifter takes a job as a barman in a small town. After a series of bizarre deaths, he soon finds himself the target of suspicion.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

An documentary exploring what the city of Liverpool means to the people who call it home.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

Ghosts seen on a near daily basis, echoes of lives lost, and found.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

"Ghost Town is a study of wrecked buildings, Varela's camera panning across the strange beauty of the rusted metal, broken glass, and rotting wood of the structures, eventually discovering another symbol of time, a tree that Varela animates by his dynamic exploration." Stephen Broomer

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

An old miner is ambushed by outlaws trying to steal the $10,000 he is carrying to start up a new mine. A passing cowboy comes to the miner's aid, but winds up getting blamed for the attack.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town: The Movie

Ghost Town: The Movie

An 1800’s western set in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. It’s a story of love, hate, revenge, honor. It showcases the most famous villains of all time from John Boorman’s “Deliverance” filmed in 1972. Voted number one movie villains of all time in “Maxim Magazine”, 2005, Bill McKinney and Herbert “Cowboy” Coward scare..

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

A stage headed West with a group of passengers is attacked by Cheyenne Indians, and takes refuge in a nearby ghost town.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town Renegades

Ghost Town Renegades

Gold has been found and Sharp is out to get the land. He has the land owners killed and then has Watson forge new deeds. Cheyenne and Fuzzy arrive in time to save Trent. Then they go after the gang and its leader.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town Riders

Ghost Town Riders

Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.

Nataly Fish

SCP: Ghost Town

SCP: Ghost Town

Mobile Task Force Alpha-One, Detachment Zero specializes in any militarized operations that require the foundation to break international law, or use force to directly interfere in politics.

Nataly Fish

Magaluf - Ville fantôme(s)

Magaluf - Ville fantôme(s)

La ville de Magaluf située sur les Iles Baléares, si calme et paisible en hiver, se transforme en été en une ville de tous les excès. Beuveries, sexe en pleine rue, agressions sont le lot quotidien des vacanciers et habitants. Un contraste saisissant que d’autres stations balnéaires connaissent bien.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Town Law

Ghost Town Law

Lorsque deux de leurs amis Marshal sont tués, les Rough Riders sont envoyés enquêter. Ils doivent trouver les tueurs dans une ville fantôme où les maisons et une ancienne mine sont reliées entre elles par des passages et des tunnels secrets.

Nataly Fish

Ghost-Town Gold

Ghost-Town Gold

Les trois Mesquiteers tentent de récupérer l'or volé par un gang dans son effort pour ruiner le banquier / maire qui leur a ordonné de quitter la ville.

Nataly Fish

Tasmanian Ghost Town Project: A Diary of Lost Memories

Tasmanian Ghost Town Project: A Diary of Lost Memories

A Documentary series about Tasmanian Ghost Towns, exploring forgotten communities frozen in time.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Towns

Ghost Towns

YouTube's First 8k Video shot by film-making tutorial specialist Neumann Films.

Nataly Fish

Real Haunts: Ghost Towns

Real Haunts: Ghost Towns

Real Haunts: Ghost Towns reveals the secrets of America's most fascinating ghost towns with "The Beard of Knowledge", the residents and a family of ghost hunters.

Nataly Fish

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