
Gay Club

Gay Club

A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.

Nataly Fish

The Ambiguously Gay Duo: The Ambiguously Gay Duo Fan Club

The Ambiguously Gay Duo: The Ambiguously Gay Duo Fan Club

Ace and Gary are oblivious to the suggestiveness in letters from their fans, who are mostly criminal convicts.

Nataly Fish

Steelers: The World's First Gay Rugby Club

Steelers: The World's First Gay Rugby Club

Told through the eyes of an Australian news reporter, Eammon Ashton-Atkinson, who moved to the UK to escape depression, the documentary, follows 3 characters on their journey to overcome their struggles as the club competes against 60 other gay clubs in the Bingham Cup in Amsterdam – the World Cup of gay rugby.

Nataly Fish

The Gay Club

The Gay Club

A narrative that tells the true story of a young lesbian named Hailey, who attempts to create a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club during her time in high school. Despite the backlash she knew she would receive due to religious, political, and cultural pressures, Hailey was determined to create a connection with other LGBTQ youth and allies. This bio..

Nataly Fish

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