


In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects ..

Nataly Fish



As he falls down the spiral of personal obsession; a delusional mycologist finds himself in the midst of seeking the unattainable. Morals won't play a role in his relentless pursuit of transforming his being into fungus.

Nataly Fish

Fantastic Fungi

Fantastic Fungi

Un voyage vivant dans le mystérieux monde souterrain du mycélium et de ses fruits, le champignon. Une histoire qui commence il y a 3,5 milliards d’années, les champignons font le sol qui soutient la vie, reliant de vastes systèmes racinaires des plantes et des arbres partout sur la planète, comme un Internet souterrain. À travers les yeux d..

Nataly Fish

Fungi: The Web of Life

Fungi: The Web of Life

Much of life on Earth is connected by a vast, hidden network that we are only just beginning to understand. Out of sight, between the world of plants and animals, another world exists—the kingdom of fungi.

Nataly Fish

Au royaume des champignons

Au royaume des champignons

À travers d’impressionnantes images macro en accéléré et des animations en 3D, une fascinante exploration du monde des champignons, moteurs de l’évolution aux extraordinaires pouvoirs. C’est un royaume étonnant, qui s’avère être l’une des clés de la vie sur Terre. Premiers organismes apparus sur notre planète il y a un milliard..

Nataly Fish

The Fungi Cellars

The Fungi Cellars

Fu-Manchu’s slave girl Karamaneh leads sleuths Nayland Smith and Dr Petrie to her evil master’s lair, where they fall prey to another of the Devil Doctor’s traps. Bound hand and foot, they watch helplessly as a party of policemen are imprisoned in a subterranean vault and poisoned with vile fungal spore vapour, while Fu-Manchu cackles with ma..

Nataly Fish

Mushroom: The Magical Fungi

Mushroom: The Magical Fungi

From the lens of a curious documentary filmmaker, the film takes you on a fascinating journey about exploring more than 200 types of fungi found in the dense forest of Gujarat. The film showcases the dietary, medicinal, livelihood and socio-economic aspects of fungi. Along with showing the different species of mushrooms, the film also shows the sta..

Nataly Fish

Super Fungi

Super Fungi

Mushrooms could be man's best allies in the struggle against sanitary and environmental challenges that are threatening our societies. A select group of species, known as Super Fungi, are incredibly effective at tasks ranging from digesting oil waste to enabling the growth of trees in the desert. We are just becoming acquainted with one of Earth's..

Nataly Fish

Yo fungi

Yo fungi

Nataly Fish



What happens when a crazed scientist gets a forced weekend away at a Bed and Breakfast? Mushrooms and mayhem! Death stalks the shocked guests as mushrooms of all shapes and sizes run rampant through the woods!

Nataly Fish

Fungimentary: The Magic Mushrooms of Balingup

Fungimentary: The Magic Mushrooms of Balingup

Tongue-in-cheek investigation into the impact of the sudden discovery of magic mushrooms growing in an 'enchanted forest', near the tiny rural town of Balingup, in south-West Australia.

Nataly Fish

Fungi: The Web of Life

Fungi: The Web of Life

A British biologist seeks a rare blue mushroom in Tasmania's ancient Tarkine rainforest, revealing fungi's extraordinary abilities. Fungi may solve humanity's problems, with millions more species yet to be discovered.

Nataly Fish

Fungi: The One Hundred Thousand

Fungi: The One Hundred Thousand

Explains that there are approximately 100,000 species of fungi known to science, and that these simple plants are both harmful and beneficial to humans. Uses photomicrography to show the parts of the fungus and time-lapse photography to illustrate growth and reproduction.

Nataly Fish

The Fungi Man

The Fungi Man

Racial conflicts, love triangles and the awakening of passion will lead to disaster for a decadent aristocratic family in the newly independent Mexico.

Nataly Fish

Predacious fungi

Predacious fungi

Study on Dactylaria brochopaga's predacious strategy

Nataly Fish

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