
Flora & Ulysse

Flora & Ulysse

Lorsque la jeune Flora, 10 ans, fan de bandes dessinées et cynique autoproclamée, sauve un écureuil du nom d’Ulysse, les super-pouvoirs de l’animal entraînent une série de catastrophes hilarantes, point de départ d’aventures qui vont changer la vie et bouleverser la philosophie de la fillette...

Nataly Fish

Sauvez Flora l'éléphant

Sauvez Flora l'éléphant

Flora est un vieil éléphant fatigué, autrefois star d'un cirque. Lorsque l'animal n'est plus capable de faire ses numéros, le chef du cirque le met sur la touche. Mais sa fille est bien décidée à donner un autre futur à Flora...

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Flora and Son

Flora and Son

Flora, maman solo, ne sait plus quoi faire de son ado rebelle, Max. Ses efforts pour lui éviter les ennuis mènent à une vieille guitare acoustique, un musicien fini de Los Angeles, et à l’harmonie pour cette famille bien éprouvée de Dublin.

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Léonard de Vinci et le Buste de la Flora

Léonard de Vinci et le Buste de la Flora

Acquis en juillet 1909 par le collectionneur d'art Wilhelm von Bode (1845-1929), directeur général des collections d'art prussiennes et directeur fondateur du Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, aujourd'hui Bode-Museum, le buste de Flore, déesse romaine des fleurs, fait l'objet d'une controverse depuis plus d'un siècle.

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La herencia de Flora

La herencia de Flora

Flora Tristán flees to Peru for her inheritance, but her uncle leaves her penniless by altering the will. Returning to France, she becomes a writer and advocate for workers' and women's rights. Despite romantic entanglements, she chooses to focus on her work, leaving behind her love life.

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Casa Flora

Casa Flora

The movement of a bullfighter's body died in America originates a massive concentration of people in an Andalusian people. Owed to the influence of so many persons, all the houses are enabled, even the brothel.

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A small space crew has failed their mission of colonization. Trapped between the virtual and the physical, Adam longs for the mysterious Venus forest.

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L'Avatar botanique de mademoiselle Flora

L'Avatar botanique de mademoiselle Flora

Une jeune femme vit tristement dans une petite ville de garnison avec un soldat. Petit à petit, gagnée par l'ennui, la tristesse, l'inaction totale, elle développe une relation avec les végétaux et se met à parler aux plantes.

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In 1929, an expedition of university botanists enter an uncharted forest where they discover, and must escape an ancient organism.

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Flora's Garden

Flora's Garden

Throughout the seasons, the work of a farmer in his vegetable garden, from the seed to its fruit.

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The last moments of a creature made out of fruits and vegetables.

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On the line - Paul Flora in the film

On the line - Paul Flora in the film

Documentary film portraying the Austrian artist Paul Flora.

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Flora's Diary

Flora's Diary

Adolescence can be a troubled time, even more so when Flora starts to have a relationship with Victoria, her sister Flávia's ex. To avoid the void, Flávia starts dating Isaac, with her parents' disapproval. Meanwhile, Flora finds refuge in the library, where she meets Isabella.

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a group of friends attend an art gallery show at the recently finished Tower of Babel.

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A Victorian story about life, death and everything in between.

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The heroine of the title grows up. Slights, dance school, a cinema of glances, of tender moments, of trivial pop songs. A cinema which takes time, makes observations and which continuously finds or invents opposite picture sequences for loneliness and breaking free...

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Flora, an 11-year-old girl who lives with her mother, asks about Leon's absence. Faced with the dissatisfied answers of her mother, she decides to go out and look for Leon.

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Liquid colour comes to life through artificial intelligence in this video created by Yoichiro Kawaguchi. There are at least two different versions with different openings and soundtracks.

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