


The story of a communist Security Service agent who kept Karol Wojtyła under surveillance for many years.

Nataly Fish



Un homme suit un groupe de travailleurs temporaires dans une zone industrielle. Il est rapidement privé de ses vêtements et de son identité, armé et habillé d’un uniforme militaire. Sa détermination à ne pas rester à la traîne est alors éprouvée par une série d’événements inquiétants.

Nataly Fish

Le Figurant

Le Figurant

Elmer travaille dans une laverie. Il tombe fou amoureux d'une actrice de théâtre appelée Trilby. Elmer se fait engager comme figurant pour la séduire. Elle l'épouse car il a fait fortune, mais elle est toujours amoureuse de son ancien partenaire de théâtre...

Nataly Fish

Faites sortir les figurants

Faites sortir les figurants

Le figurant, c'est cette silhouette sans rôle, sans nom et sans voix qui traverse les décors pour que les scènes d'un film paraissent "vraies". Autant d'archétypes fragmentant le peuple en multiples communautés. Mais qui se cache réellement derrière ces "étiquettes", quels humains, quelle part d'humanité, quel peuple ?

Nataly Fish

The Extras

The Extras

After 1950, when the comunist regime is fully entrenched, some Bourgeois descendants have to make a living being movie extras. Continuation of "On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube"

Nataly Fish



After the crisis of 2008 Socorro Arenas began his career in figuration with the dream of being an actor someday. This documentary tells his story and, perhaps, that of many extras.

Nataly Fish

As figurantes

As figurantes

Nataly Fish

Noiseless, Desert Extras

Noiseless, Desert Extras

The locations are often, as we know, independent of the sites where the events narrated in the films are supposed to take place. Even more so when it comes to blockbuster films, science fiction films, fantastic or mythological films or films placed in antiquity. For it is crucial to benefit from natural light, full sun, grandiose scenery (mountains..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Istrione o figurante?

Istrione o figurante?

Ironic comedy but with a message true and strong, harsh reality of the world of the show told in 3 minutes.

Nataly Fish

Dark Figure of Crime

Dark Figure of Crime

Une violente confrontation psychologique se produit entre un détective et un meurtrier qui a avoué plusieurs meurtres.

Nataly Fish

The Figurine: Araromire

The Figurine: Araromire

Des vies sont miraculeusement changées après la découverte d’une statue (une figurine) dans un temple abandonné. Selon la légende elle procure sept ans de bonheur. Mais que se passe-t-il après ?

Nataly Fish

Dark Figures

Dark Figures

Five friends accidentally awaken an ancient evil while hiking in Arizona. They must fight to survive both a demonic spirit and the small tribe who worships it.

Nataly Fish

Impossible Figures and Other Stories III

Impossible Figures and Other Stories III

Un homme et une femme patientent dans une salle d’attente. Leur rencontre débouche sur un jeu de plaisir de plus en plus violent…

Nataly Fish

The Figures from Earth

The Figures from Earth

Five hundred years ago, to practice witchcraft, a bat elf forces her sister, Siu-chu to lure strong men so that she can suck their blood. A priest stops Siu-chu from killing two guards by using his supernatural powers. After fighting, both parties are wounded. To help the guards cope with bat elves, the priest gives them string instruments, swords ..

Nataly Fish

Impossible Figures and Other Stories I

Impossible Figures and Other Stories I

Impossible Figures and other stories I is the first and—paradoxically—the final part of the triptych. The city, which is its subject, grows not only in space but, most importantly, in time. With all consequences.

Nataly Fish

Charming Figures of the Magical Girl Trio

Charming Figures of the Magical Girl Trio

Its New Year and Yu, Mai and Pelsha get together to celebrate and reminisce over the magical adventures in their respective TV series. "Their three other selves", the alter egos Creamy Mami, Magical Emi and Fairy Pelsha, join them for a sparkling musical final.

Nataly Fish

Le Prête-nom

Le Prête-nom

En plein Maccarthysme, Alfred Miller, auteur de renom demande a son ami d'enfance, Howard Prince, modeste plongeur dans un petit restaurant, de lui servir de prête-nom. Howard accepte et signe un feuilleton de télévision qui obtient un vif succès. Le héros du feuilleton, Hecky, est bientôt inquiété par la Commission qui lui demande de réun..

Nataly Fish



It's white and windy all around. A gigantic figure emerges from behind the snow curtain and hits the road. It passes towns, villages, houses, to land on top of a hill, next to spiders, saints and bumper cars. FIGURE is a surreal tale about creating myths, about religious kitsch, and about the desire for greatness. Who is our protagonist? The world'..

Nataly Fish

Gamera vs Gyaos: Aerial Figure Battle!

Gamera vs Gyaos: Aerial Figure Battle!

This is stop-motion animation produced, with respect to the masterpiece of japanese KAIJU film "Gamera: Guardian of The Universe (1995) ".

Nataly Fish

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