


A policeman discovers a suitcase full of drug money while on duty, meanwhile his wife is having an affair with another man.

Nataly Fish



An assassin takes on the identity of a writer to escape the law. He has two mysterious and sensuous women masquerading around him - Rhea and Kaavya. Suspense builds as they both uncover the lie.

Nataly Fish



Fresh out of prison, all Ray wants is to get back with Lacy, but she's in a stable relationship now with Elliott, a pacifist, and wants nothing to do with him. When she's kidnapped by Ray's former associates, he and Elliott must team up to save the woman they love.

Nataly Fish



A struggling artist is implicated in a string of macabre murders.

Nataly Fish



Paris, au début des années 2000. Damien et Pierre, deux lycéens brillants, assassinent un femme repérée dans la rue, à quelques semaines du bac... En sortant de l'immeuble de la victime, une passante, Zoé, les remarque et va développer une véritable obsession pour leur crime.

Nataly Fish



A psychological thriller that follows Jay, who after a series of violent events, escapes his racist family to embark on a new life with his Black boyfriend, Andre. While taking a pit stop to celebrate Andre’s mother’s 50th birthday, Jay’s mental health unravels as he faces the realities of his interracial relationship and the dangers of his w..

Nataly Fish



A woman unloved by her mother, has a string of affairs with increasingly unsuitable men.

Nataly Fish

Cabin Fever : Patient Zero

Cabin Fever : Patient Zero

Dans les Caraïbes, un bateau de croisière accoste près d'une île abandonnée... Un virus mortel fait alors son apparition et les plaisanciers sont contraints de trouver un moyen de survie avant que cet étrange maladie ne ronge leur chair et les extermine tous.

Nataly Fish



In the warm intimacy of a bedroom, an illegitimate couple discover each other and abandon themselves to the forbidden. Heavily hemmed in by desire, they don't hear the husband, who returns home and slowly makes his way to the bedroom.

Nataly Fish



Fever is a visually dense, poetic exploration of the bond between a mother and child and the interruption of illness. Inspired by the open creativity and free-association of children, extreme close-ups of quotidian objects, distorted “synchronous” sounds, and floating text intermesh to convey the fluctuation between security and danger, confide..

Nataly Fish



A dark supernatural presence stalks a little girl and her skeptical mother.

Nataly Fish



Experimental short by Sheri Wills.

Nataly Fish



Watch as your favourite disco icon pleases himself on the morning after his Saturday night Fever.

Nataly Fish



Tensions are at an all time high in a Corona-struck London as a woman flirts her way through passengers on the tube - and sanitizer is the new currency of seduction.

Nataly Fish



Four high schoolers across the world reveal their primal selves when faced with moral dilemmas.

Nataly Fish



The married couple Carl and Vera Sylvester live far beyond their means. She is a regular customer at the Dorotheum art auctions, he puts up with Lilli, his lover, and has become addicted to gambling . Carl wants to use the business ruin to make a new start with his wife . He noticesnot that Vera has long since planned an infamous campaign of exterm..

Nataly Fish



Displaying the cinematic influence of Bunuel and Cocteau, and inspired by a short story by French writer JMG Le Clézio, Bill’s most experimental short depicts a psychiatric patient who travels to Speakers’ Corner, Hyde Park, to warn anyone who will listen about the impending nuclear holocaust.

Nataly Fish

Cabin Fever 2

Cabin Fever 2

Le bal de promo d'un lycée tourne au cauchemar lorsqu'un terrible virus dévoreur de chairs s'y propage...

Nataly Fish



A group of office workers waste their time playing a game that will leave them traumatized for life.

Nataly Fish

La Fièvre du samedi soir

La Fièvre du samedi soir

À 19 ans, le jeune Tony Manero est le roi du weekend, la star des dance-floors de son quartier de Brooklyn. Mais la semaine, le retour à la vraie vie est difficile. Jusqu'au jour où Tony rencontre la belle Stephanie qui lui fait prendre conscience qu'il existe peut-être un autre monde à découvrir au-delà des murs de brique des bas-quartiers ..

Nataly Fish

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