


Young Felicity lives in a monastic school. The only way to live out her sexual fantasies is together with her girlfriend Jenny. But then she receives an invitation to her sister in Hong-Kong and can't wait to finally do the real thing.

Nataly Fish



A visual poem about the mourning process.

Nataly Fish

Felicity : Une jeune fille indépendante

Felicity : Une jeune fille indépendante

Lorsque Felicity apprend qu'un magnifique cheval fougueux est abusé par son cruel propriétaire, elle se lie d'amitié avec l'animal et l'aide à s'échapper. Obstinée et déterminée, Felicity tente tant bien que mal de suivre des leçons sur l'art d'être une demoiselle et se prend d'amitié pour Elizabeth, une jeune fille provenant d'une famil..

Nataly Fish

Le Noël de Félicité

Le Noël de Félicité

Une jeune boulangère en difficulté qui n'est pas d'humeur à passer les fêtes retourne dans sa petite ville natale, où sa famille festive et un beau fermier tentent de retrouver l'esprit de Noël.

Nataly Fish

Felicity Ward: Busting A Nut

Felicity Ward: Busting A Nut

Balls-out jokes. Big routines, no lessons learned, just laughs - that’s it. Not too smart, not too dumb. Right in the funny bit.

Nataly Fish

Felicity Ward - Textbook Idiot

Felicity Ward - Textbook Idiot

TEXTBOOK: noun, a book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject IDIOT: noun (informal), a stupid person This is Felicity Ward. Award winning stand up comedian and 1992 Walk-A-Thon Participant, Felicity Ward, shines a floodlight on the thoughts that should have stayed in her diary; about growing up in a small coastal town, ha..

Nataly Fish

Felicity Land

Felicity Land

Yassi, who has doubts about Mohsen's life in common, decides to remind her of a memorable occasion. He anticipates everything in advance for the best of the party, ignoring the fact that the circumstances do not go away on his own. The film deals with betrayal in marriage.

Nataly Fish



During walks around Stanley Park in Montreal, the director became, for several months, the attentive witness of a number of events, gestures, encounters, brief, fleeting moments, privileged moments . Result of this long observation, Félicité depicts the incessant change of the seasons, making us discover, through the eyes of the artist and her ma..

Nataly Fish



Buenos Aires at the outskirts of XIX century. A society rigid in patriarchal rules. A war between brothers of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Two young and very much in love youngsters, fight for their right to be together. Obeyance and fear sets them apart along more than ten years. When they are finally reunited, will they be able to ove..

Nataly Fish

First of All, Felicia

First of All, Felicia

There's no place like home. As long as you know where your heart is.

Nataly Fish

Guitarra Mía: A Tribute To José Feliciano

Guitarra Mía: A Tribute To José Feliciano

Dedicated to the legendary Puerto Rican singer and guitarist, the film is a narrative about José Feliciano's remarkable life and prolific musical career as the first crossover Latin artist in the United States. This special and unique project takes viewers on a visual journey through Feliciano's unique life using archival concerts and vintage foot..

Nataly Fish

Secrets of a Chambermaid

Secrets of a Chambermaid

In this erotically-charged drama, a group of people are gathered at a secluded mansion to hear the reading of a rich man's will. The assembled guests are to stay the night and learn of their inheritance the next day, but as the night wears on, many of the guests find it impossible to curb their sexual appetites. What they don't know is that their b..

Nataly Fish

Dans les replis de la chair

Dans les replis de la chair

Un homme est décapité dans le salon d’une grande demeure espagnole. Une femme enterre le cadavre dans le jardin sous les yeux d’un couple d’enfants. Treize ans plus tard, les enfants sont désormais adultes. Le garçon est le fils de cette femme, la gouvernante de la maison. Quant à la fille, elle est l’héritière de l’homme qui fut t..

Nataly Fish

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