
The Ghost With the Deadly Kiss

The Ghost With the Deadly Kiss

The good citizens of a small Austrian town are all aquiver; the schoolmaster has published a brochure in which can be read, black on white, the story of the 'dead guest,' in whose embrace the town's prospective brides found death. But worst of all, the writer of the brochure has plausibly concluded that the 'dead guest' will return this very year! ..

Nataly Fish

The Apparitions of Trieste, Words and Wind in the Life of Dušan Jelinčič

The Apparitions of Trieste, Words and Wind in the Life of Dušan Jelinčič

The documentary explores the writer’s literary works and offers possible reasons as to why he is said to be rightly considered the most successful, possibly the most awarded Slovenian writer among mountain climbers, or mountain climber among writers.

Nataly Fish

Espagne : le pays fracturé

Espagne : le pays fracturé

L'évocation obsessionnelle des traumatismes et des blessures que la guerre civile espagnole (1936-39) et la dictature franquiste (1939-75) ont causés en leur temps ne permet plus d'expliquer l'abîme infranchissable d'incompréhension et de haine que les politiques abjectes et les positions radicales adoptées par la droite et la gauche au cours ..

Nataly Fish

The Phantom Gunslinger

The Phantom Gunslinger

The Phantom Gunslinger is set in the town of "Tucca Flats." The peaceful life of the town is disrupted by the arrival of a gang of bandits, including Algernon, Big Sam, Cookie, and some others. The sheriff leaves town, but not before naming Bill as his successor. Bill, unfortunately, doesn't carry or even know how to use a gun, and the outlaws take..

Nataly Fish

The Ghost and the Tout

The Ghost and the Tout

La turbulente Isla, dont la vie est remplie d'alcool et de bagarres, acquiert soudain le don de voir des fantômes, dont celui de Mike, récemment décédé.

Nataly Fish

Des Spectres hantent l'Europe

Des Spectres hantent l'Europe

La vie quotidienne des migrants (Syriens, Kurdes, Pakistanais, Afghans et autres) dans le camp d'Idomeni. En attendant de traverser la frontière gréco-macédonienne : des queues pour manger, pour boire du thé, pour consulter un médecin. Un jour, l'Europe décide de fermer ses frontières une bonne fois pour toutes. Les "habitants" d'Idomeni, d�..

Nataly Fish



In the boredom of life, they became ghosts. The crows are after them.

Nataly Fish

Paname, le fantôme du Grand Français

Paname, le fantôme du Grand Français

En 1879, Ferdinand de Lesseps, surnommé le « Grand Français », illustre créateur du canal de Suez, se lance dans l’aventure la plus importante de sa vie : réunir les océans Pacifique et Atlantique au moyen d’un canal à travers l’isthme de Panama. Après huit années de travaux et une ultime tentative pour sauver le projet, la Comp..

Nataly Fish

Black Ghost

Black Ghost

Hye-Suk takes care of Si-Mok's family. She is jealous of the warm-hearted relation between Si-Mok and his wife, Ae-Ja and kills her and takes her happiness and wealth using Si-Mok's mother, Mrs. Heo, and Chun-Cheol. Ten years later, Ae-Ja enters Si-Mo's house being a master of her portrait Chun-Cheol draws. Her ghost kills Hye-Suk and Mr.s Heo but ..

Nataly Fish

Monsieur Personne

Monsieur Personne

À l'instar d'Arsène Lupin, Monsieur Personne commet des vols à la barbe des policiers, sans omettre la galanterie envers les dames.

Nataly Fish

National Geographic Investigates - Peru's Mass Grave: The Ghosts of Kuélap

National Geographic Investigates - Peru's Mass Grave: The Ghosts of Kuélap

A Peru mountain crime scene sets the stage for an ancient who done it.

Nataly Fish

La légende du fantôme

La légende du fantôme

A young woman passing through a cemetery at night is suddenly startled by a voice coming from one of the graves. She wishes to rush away, but the ghost appearing compels her to remain. He explains to the terrified girl that she must go to the kingdom of Satan and get a bottle of the Water of Life, which she must bring back to him. The girl consents..

Nataly Fish

Alarm in the Clouds

Alarm in the Clouds

In defiance of all the laws of physics Mr. Tau is walking on the wing of an aircraft flying close to Prague. Young Alenka is enthusiastic, but the other passengers are horrified. The security inspector Málek believes the report from the crew to be a code alerting him to a hijack, and orders an emergency landing. In the confusion at the airport the..

Nataly Fish

Ghost in the Shell Arise [.jp]

Ghost in the Shell Arise [.jp]

A short movie with Motoko Kusanagi explaining the move from the Ghost in the Shell website kokaku-a to the top level domain '.jp'

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme du Moulin-Rouge

Le Fantôme du Moulin-Rouge

Lors d'une expérience au Moulin-Rouge, un magnétiseur sépare l'âme d'un député de son corps.

Nataly Fish

Fantômes dans le vent (ou) Les Fantômes n'en reviennent pas

Fantômes dans le vent (ou) Les Fantômes n'en reviennent pas

Popeye et Olive montent à bord d’un navire délabré, qui s’avère être hanté.

Nataly Fish

Scooby-Doo! and the Ghosts

Scooby-Doo! and the Ghosts

The thrills kick off with a Cajun caper and a Big Scare in the Big Easy when Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. crew uncover unearthly spirits at a haunted New Orleans cemetery! Then, the gang heads to Hollywood in Lights! Camera! Mayhem!, where a tour of Piranha Studios brings them face to face with the ghost of a legendary teen idol. Follow Scooby-..

Nataly Fish

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Another Mission

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Another Mission

Snatch the rebel elements' secret data using the Surface! There is a leak saying that the giant coporation Ishimiya Industry will commit an act of international terrorism, and Motoko Kusanagi and the Armored Riot Police head out to seize the plug data!

Nataly Fish

Puma, le fantôme du Gévaudan

Puma, le fantôme du Gévaudan

Au cœur de la France, dans le Gévaudan, une bête meurtrière est apparue il y a 250 ans. Et depuis 5 ans, la rumeur court que le fantôme du Gévaudan serait de retour. Le photographe animalier Bruno Loisel suit les traces du prédateur afin de prouver qu’il s’agit bel et bien d’un puma d’Amérique. A la suite d'une rumeur persistante, ..

Nataly Fish

Ghosts of Afghanistan

Ghosts of Afghanistan

As a young and idealistic war correspondent, Graeme Smith followed the troops into battle in Afghanistan. Now he returns to a place that gave him nightmares to see if there is hope for peace. Smith revisits old friends and acquaintances and sees the deep divisions in the country.

Nataly Fish

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