
Un Secret de Vampire

Un Secret de Vampire

Val Garcia est une adolescente américaine d’origine mexicaine. Mi-humaine, mi-vampire, elle a dû cacher sa véritable identité aux uns et aux autres. Mais quand sa meilleure amie humaine débarque dans son lycée infesté de monstres, elle va devoir interroger sa conscience et son identité.

Nataly Fish

Valley of the Fangs

Valley of the Fangs

Un épéiste vertueux, essayant de protéger la femme et la fille d'un autre héros des plans meurtriers d'un ministre corrompu.

Nataly Fish

La Famille Fang

La Famille Fang

Les parents de la famille Fang sont des artistes excentriques. Ils ont pendant longtemps utilisé leurs enfants pour les besoins de leurs spectacles. Des années après avoir quitté le domicile parental, les enfants, Annie et Buster décident de rendre visite à leurs parents. Mais leur visite correspond à la création par leurs parents d'un nouv..

Nataly Fish



When a group of slayers attacks her coven, the beautiful vampire Celeste must leave her home in search of fresh blood, under the guise of a lonely traveler.

Nataly Fish

Fangs Out

Fangs Out

A group of college students head to Mexico for some cheap plastic surgery. There they meet Dr. Pavor, a creepy surgeon who is actually a vampire, harvesting victims for his blood cartel. Aided by his blood thirsty nurses he systematically carries out his evil plan. When a detective looking for his missing daughter arrives - all hell breaks loose in..

Nataly Fish



Des activités illégales dans un laboratoire de recherches animales vont transformer la paisible ville de Scottville en un lieu de panique et d’horreur. Des chauves-souris modifiées génétiquement se sont échappées dans la nuit et sont assoiffées de sang. La détective Ally Parks est chargée de l’enquête. Elle va faire équipe avec le v..

Nataly Fish

Old Fangs

Old Fangs

A young man in the shape of a small wolf, being confused and frustrated about his childhood. He has fond memories of his father and his early life living isolated in the forest, with his whole family. His father, as the young Wolf remembers it, was a very strong person, a loner, but responsible, skilled, and brave—the classic father figure.

Nataly Fish

Madame Fang

Madame Fang

Veuve depuis plusieurs années, Fang Xiuying, 68 ans, est née à Huzhou, dans la région du Fujian où elle travaillait comme ouvrière agricole. Elle a souffert les dernières années de sa vie de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Après avoir été hospitalisée en 2015, elle a été renvoyée chez elle pour y mourir, entourée de sa famille. Mais la mo..

Nataly Fish



A snake lover sends out poisonous snakes and reptiles to kill his enemies.

Nataly Fish



After a man dons a pair of fake vampire teeth for a Halloween party, he soon comes to find that he can't take them off again.

Nataly Fish

Tiger Fangs

Tiger Fangs

A big-game hunter travels to Malaya to help stop the Nazis and Japanese from destroying the rubber industry.

Nataly Fish



Croc-Blanc est un fier et courageux chien-loup. Après avoir grandi dans les espaces enneigés et hostiles du Grand Nord, il est recueilli par Castor Gris et sa tribu indienne. Mais la méchanceté des hommes oblige Castor-Gris à céder l’animal à un homme cruel et malveillant. Sauvé par un couple juste et bon, Croc-Blanc apprendra à maîtris..

Nataly Fish

Night Fangs

Night Fangs

Two Art Teachers are obsessed with eternal youth. Somehow they manage to get Elizabeth Bathory's diary. Soon, they start to practice bloody rituals that end up unleashing hell on earth. Two lesbian art teachers obsessed with eternal youth have managed to get Elizabeth Bathory's diary. Performing bloody rituals, they accidentally unleash an ancient ..

Nataly Fish

White Fangs

White Fangs

A couple will seek out peace and solitude after the loss of their baby. They will search for a new life in the wilderness of Maine. While exploring a remote property, the wife will be taken by a vicious beast. The husband will have to search the dark wilderness for his wife, or her remains. Will he rescue his wife, or will they both be killed by th..

Nataly Fish

Avenging Fangs

Avenging Fangs

A dog and his dead master's brother track down murderers.

Nataly Fish

Venomous Fangs

Venomous Fangs

Napat, an engineer, who is progressing both of working and family life. He is assigned to take care of construction. There is a worker who dreamed about a woman asked for the time until the snake’s eggs are hatched and go away. But Napat doesn’t believe and let the baby snakes die. The feud brings the bad thing to him, his worker, and his famil..

Nataly Fish

Fangs of Wolfheart

Fangs of Wolfheart

Fangs of Wolfheart is a silent Western

Nataly Fish

Shopping for Fangs

Shopping for Fangs

A married woman, who's been getting seductive phone calls from a lesbian, and a man, who believes he might be a werewolf, are about to find out who they deep down really are.

Nataly Fish



What happens when a journalist and his assistant are given a chance to work on a story with some bite

Nataly Fish

Hidden Fangs

Hidden Fangs

Set in a juvenile detention center and depicted with a documentary touch.

Nataly Fish

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