
Family Life

Family Life

Biggi lives with her two daughters, four dogs and her exboyfriend Alfred on a dilapidated farm in a small village in Saxony-Anhalt. Biggi and Alfred are out of work and they live very modestly. The 14 and 17 year-old daughters Saskia and Denise should really go to school, but there are always reasons for them to stay at home. This gives rise to ten..

Nataly Fish

Family Life

Family Life

When we get together it is usually loud. The table is set, we laugh and eat. Just like in every family. Then silence falls. Daily life returns. That’s how life goes on. This finite life. Everyone carries their experiences within. One bends under the weight. Another shares them. Some bury them deep. Everyone does the best they can. I often ask mys..

Nataly Fish

La Vie de Famille

La Vie de Famille

Un jeune ingénieur, Wit, est appelé par télégramme au chevet de son père malade. Il s’avère cependant que son père veut que Wit revienne s’occuper de la famille et de leur petite usine. Il n’y consent pas, alors que sa cousine Bella et Marek, un camarade qui l’accompagne dans ce voyage, nouent une relation amoureuse.

Nataly Fish

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