
Falling in Love

Falling in Love

À la veille de Noël. Lorsqu'il sort de chez Rizzoli, où il vient d'acheter pour son épouse un ouvrage sur l'entretien des jardins, Frank Raftis a les bras encombrés de paquets. Molly Gilmore, un peu moins chargée, vient l'aider mais l'inévitable se produit : les cadeaux se retrouvent par terre. Chacun ramasse ses affaires et s'en va attraper..

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love in Niagara

Falling in Love in Niagara

After her fiancé leaves her before their wedding, Madeline goes to Niagara Falls to honeymoon without him. There, she reconnects with her adventurous side, learns to let go, and finds new love.

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love Again

Falling in Love Again

Harry and Sue Lewis met in the 40s as teenagers living in the Bronx. He was an aspiring architect, she was the most beautiful girl in school, and both had a fondness for bran muffins. They fell in love, got married, moved to Los Angeles, and had two kids. While struggling with his midlife crisis, Harry receives an invitation for his high school's r..

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Tired of his life, our 'hero' Salomone endlessly tries to kill himself in various manners, but luckily/unluckily for him he keeps failing over and over.

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

British comedy. It was released in the United States the following year under the alternative title Trouble Ahead.

Nataly Fish

L'art de tomber amoureux

L'art de tomber amoureux

Une artiste muraliste rencontre un en architecture ingénieur pour réaliser une fresque dans le nouveau service pédiatrique d'un hôpital. Ils sont instantanément attiré l'un vers l'autre. Leur passé revient les hanter. Est-ce que cela les séparera ou leur amour survivra-t-il?

Nataly Fish

André Rieu - Falling in Love - In Maastricht

André Rieu - Falling in Love - In Maastricht

Live performance by Dutch violinist and composer André Rieu recorded at his annual concert in his home town of Maastricht. Playing to a crowd of over 80,000 people, Rieu is joined on stage by the Johann Strauss Orchestra as well as some special guests including Mirusia Louwerse, The Platin Tenors and Lou Bega.

Nataly Fish

Can't Help Falling in Love

Can't Help Falling in Love

Gab a hâte d'épouser son fabuleux petit ami, mais il y a un problème, et pas des moindres : elle est déjà mariée à un parfait inconnu.

Nataly Fish

A la recherche de mon père Noël

A la recherche de mon père Noël

Miranda et Paul se rencontrent lors d’une soirée déguisée de Noël. Quelques jours plus tard, ils se voient dans l’obligation de travailler ensemble et de remanier leurs applications respectives, mais ils ne se reconnaissent pas sans leurs déguisements. Mais il y a un problème : Miranda souhaite promouvoir les artisans locaux alors que Pau..

Nataly Fish

L'amour à nouveau

L'amour à nouveau

Ricky et Tara sont un couple récemment divorcé qui doit relever le défi de la coparentalité de leur jeune fils tout en se remettant des blessures de leur relation ratée. Mais après avoir trouvé de nouveaux partenaires, ils découvrent rapidement que l'herbe n'est pas plus verte et qu'ils pourraient bien vouloir retrouver leur ancienne relati..

Nataly Fish

Mariage contrarié

Mariage contrarié

Theresa est de retour dans la demeure familiale, sur l'île de Catalina, pour se remettre d'une récente rupture. Sur place, elle retrouve Mark, un voisin et ami qui ne la laisse pas indifférente. Peu à peu, une idylle naît entre eux, soigneusement dissimulée à leurs mères, qui se haïssent...

Nataly Fish

Philophobia: or the Fear of Falling in Love

Philophobia: or the Fear of Falling in Love

Mildly successful podcaster, Damien Booster, is digging his bachelor lifestyle until a frequent hookup confesses her love for him while delivering an ultimatum. If he shows up for brunch to meet her mother, she'll know he is serious. If not, things are over between them. Terrified of his true feelings, Damien accepts this breakup but his mind and i..

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love Like in Movies

Falling in Love Like in Movies

A film adaptation writer wants to secretly write his first original screenplay about his true story of falling in love with someone who has recently become a widow.

Nataly Fish

Can't Stop Falling in Love

Can't Stop Falling in Love

A small district in the north of Yogyakarta City famously called "Italy" is home to a football team called PSS SLEMAN, which is supported by its fans. Brigata Curva Sud, also known as bcsxpss.1976, is a group of PSS SLEMAN supporters who embrace the "ultras" path. A group of supporters whose motto is "Give us 90 minutes, and we'll give you a lifeti..

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love Again

Falling in Love Again

Based on the classic Marlene Dietrich song this 3-D film explodes and celebrates the clichés and myths of human passion.

Nataly Fish

10 Rules for Falling in Love

10 Rules for Falling in Love

Womanizer father teaches clumsy son the decalogue of seduction: ten foolproof rules to make any woman fall in love. But the results will be not what expected.

Nataly Fish

Modern Love: Falling in Love at 71

Modern Love: Falling in Love at 71

Nora Johnson, long divorced, wasn't looking for love when she met George, a widowed 83-year-old. It just happened.

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Nataly Fish

Falling in Love Again

Falling in Love Again

Thwarting the loneliness inherent to online dating, a mature gentleman immerses himself into the beauty of a quiet park and stumbles upon a contemporary nostalgic romance, which enflames his power to resist its fickle nature.

Nataly Fish

Falling Love At First Kiss

Falling Love At First Kiss

Quand une fille stupide tombe amoureuse de quelqu'un qui est hors d'atteinte, existe-t-il un espoir de fin heureuse ? Xiang Qin est une fille ordinaire qui a le béguin persistant pour Jiang Zhi Shu. Après qu'elle lui ait transmis ses sentiments et qu'elle se voit cruellement rejetée, Xiang Qin envisage d'abandonner pour de bon. Cependant, il se ..

Nataly Fish

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