
Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Drama about domestic violence in a cosy middle-class relationship starring Hermione Norris and Mark Strong. Won a Bafta awards for Best New Writer and Best New Fiction Director.

Nataly Fish

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

2nd place winner at the 2013 Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Film Challenge. Written, shot, edited and scored in less than 48 hours. The filmmakers were given a random title ("FALLING APART"), a random line of dialogue ("Fame is fleeting, baby, but legends live forever") and a random prop/action (A mug of steaming liquid - a character sniffs the hot liquid ..

Nataly Fish

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Frankie finally achieves her scientific goal: creating her own life-form! However, things go wrong when she receives a visit from a nosy neighbor. (Click the "TRAILER" link to view the film on YouTube!)

Nataly Fish

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

A visual piece based on the ninth track "Kuzurete Yuku" from Keiji Haino's first album titled "Watashi dake?"

Nataly Fish

Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Nataly Fish

The night the sky fall apart

The night the sky fall apart

Tonight people will protect their doors and windows with eguzkilore sunflowers. Tonight Urtzi will roam the streets looking for young children to whisk away. Tonight, in the only bar that refuses to close, a woman stranger will knock on the door asking to come in.

Nataly Fish

Rencontre à Wicker Park

Rencontre à Wicker Park

Entre Matthew et Lisa, le coup de foudre est immédiat et absolu : plus rien ne compte alors à leurs yeux que leur passion dévorante. Mais, un jour, Lisa disparaît mystérieusement, sans laisser de traces ni d'explications... Deux ans plus tard, alors qu'il a enfin trouvé la force de surmonter sa douleur et s'apprête à épouser une autre femm..

Nataly Fish

Borrowed Time III

Borrowed Time III

Franck will have to face his demons in an attempt to save the people he loves.

Nataly Fish

Le bahut va craquer

Le bahut va craquer

Gilles a fait ses comptes : 6 sur 20 de moyenne chez le prof de maths comme chez celui de philo, cela ne vaut plus la peine de se faire du mouron pour décrocher son bac. La petite Béatrice, qui vit seule avec sa mère, est enceinte. Le proviseur, ouvrant les yeux devant le scandale, décide de mettre l'élève Béa à la porte. Les étudiants s'u..

Nataly Fish

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