
Fair Play

Fair Play

Après une promotion enviée dans un fonds d'investissement aux méthodes impitoyables, la relation réconfortante entre les amoureux Emily et Luke tourne au vinaigre. Alors que les rapports de force changent à jamais au sein de leur couple, les amants vont découvrir le véritable prix de la réussite et les limites troublantes de l'ambition. Ce ..

Nataly Fish

Sur la ligne

Sur la ligne

Tchécoslovaquie années 80, Anna, jeune et talentueuse sprinteuse sélectionnée dans l’équipe nationale, s’entraîne pour la qualification aux Jeux Olympiques. Ses entraîneurs lui administrent à son insu des stéroïdes anabolisant. Ses performances s’améliorent spectaculairement mais après un malaise lors de l’entraînement, elle ap..

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Un patron dominateur compulsif, une nouvelle recrue à l'arrivisme forcené, un cadre calculateur et machiavélique et une employée trop victime pour être honnête règlent leurs comptes sur les terrains de sport.La sueur se mêle à la manipulation, la domination sportive se transforme en harcèlement et la résistance physique devient le dernie..

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Inspired by Eve Rodsky's NYT bestselling book, the documentary FAIR PLAY takes a deep look at domestic inequity. By making the invisible care work historically held by women visible, FAIR PLAY inspires a more equitable future for all.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Emma dreams of becoming a professional soccer player and her mother is her biggest supporter. Unfortunately, her mother has not understood what soccer is all about.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Sisters, freedom and Sasha, learn that when it comes to love, everything has a price...that's just Fair Play.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

A young man arrives at the town of Fair Play to see his uncle. What he finds upon arriving is a town hiding a secret from any outsiders. The young man must uncover the truth the townspeople wish to keep hidden in order to save his uncle.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

A man goes ride to ride at a fair following a woman with a red balloon.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Two diplomats, Mr. X and Mr. Y, enter public negotiations in the interior of a palace. The audience observes the exchange of animated blows and dodges.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Fair Play opens a window to the past and allows viewer to feel as if they are in the presence of materially fathomable, historically accurate, life-sized peoples. With the immediacy and presence that only stereoscopic 3D moving images can evoke, Kazimi asks the viewer to rethink history and immerse themselves into the spaces and lives of the charac..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Let's Play Fair

Let's Play Fair

Sharing, taking turns and obeying rules are the basic elements of fair play.

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Tereza lives and works in Prague. She meets a handsome man, Tommie, speaking in a language incomprehensible to her. It seems that he is the manager of the Finnish ice hockey team. A love story starts to blossom. When the coach of the Czech ice hockey team tries to use Tereza to retrieve information about the strategy of the Finnish team, Tommie lea..

Nataly Fish

Have You Heard from Johannesburg: Fair Play

Have You Heard from Johannesburg: Fair Play

Athletes and activists around the world, faced with governments reluctant to take meaningful action against the apartheid regime, hit white South Africa where it hurts: on the playing field. International boycotts against apartheid sports teams help bring the human rights crisis in South Africa to the forefront of global attention and sever white S..

Nataly Fish

Fair Play

Fair Play

Marie and Steven appear to be a happy couple, but Steven's secret relationship with another man begins to threaten his idyllic home life.

Nataly Fish

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