


A Sunday fair with hunger in the air, in a lost Galician village under the black umbrellas of a pitiless rain...

Nataly Fish



Buyers, sellers, people wandering. Toys and jewelry. Tools and cosmetics. Transactions and shouting. A wandering camera lost in the crowd contemplates the passing of a day at the fair on Avenida Argentina in Valparaíso.

Nataly Fish

Días de feria

Días de feria

Nataly Fish

Feria en Simoca

Feria en Simoca

Nataly Fish

Calle Feria 37

Calle Feria 37

A collection of interviews with childhood friends give an insight from which to observe the experience of life and growth in Sevilla

Nataly Fish

Feria navideña regalos

Feria navideña regalos

Recovered Zulueta short.

Nataly Fish

Feria en Sevilla

Feria en Sevilla

Rafael is an aspiring bullfighter who seems more interested in the world of song. However, his father, Mr. Manuel, a good man although somewhat stubborn, will do everything possible to dress himself up. This will lead to a confrontation between father and son.

Nataly Fish

La última feria

La última feria

Nataly Fish

Muerte en la feria

Muerte en la feria

Four bad eggs from the traveling carney are setting up local men for a blackmail scam, and it's up to western-series hero El Hijo Del Charro Negro! to make things right.

Nataly Fish

La feria de Jalisco

La feria de Jalisco

This lighthearted 1 hour and forty minute musical-comedy was written by its Director, Chano Urueta and was first released on May 20, 1948. Its female lead, is a Cuban-born beauty with the stage name of Ninion Seviilla. She also became one of the original "Rumberas", who made this genre of dance musicals so popular with audiences during the Golden A..

Nataly Fish

Vámonos para la feria

Vámonos para la feria

Father insists that one of his sons get married... because with no woman in the house, they can't get a good meal. The rest of the movie is devoted to pairing off everybody in sight.

Nataly Fish

La feria de Yavi

La feria de Yavi

Version re-edited from film of same title released in 1967 and shot in 1966. Easter weekend market in Yavi, a small town in Jujuy Province, Argentina, along the border with Bolivia.

Nataly Fish

Historias de la feria

Historias de la feria

Nataly Fish

Tabasco Carnival Exhibition

Tabasco Carnival Exhibition

Short documentary about the Tabasco Carnival, one of the most important in Mexico

Nataly Fish

La feria de las flores

La feria de las flores

Ranchera melodrama/romance.

Nataly Fish

En cada feria un amor

En cada feria un amor

Two cowboy bon vivants on the shady side of the law travel from county fair to county fair...

Nataly Fish

La feria de San Marcos

La feria de San Marcos

Two men and two women meet and pair off (m/w x 2) during the town Festival in San Marcos. Later, weddings.

Nataly Fish

Danse espagnole de la Feria Sevillanos

Danse espagnole de la Feria Sevillanos

Ces deux vues, très jolies, ont été prises à l’Exposition universelle de Paris, en 1900. Elles représentent chacune un couple de danseurs avec accompagnement d’orchestre. Au fond, les monuments de l’Exposition.”…

Nataly Fish

Vanity Fair : La Foire aux vanités

Vanity Fair : La Foire aux vanités

Fille d'un artiste peintre anglais sans le sou et d'une chanteuse de cabaret française, Becky Sharp rêve d'un avenir plus faste que ses origines ne lui permettent. Jeune orpheline, Becky quitte le pensionnat de Miss Pinkerton, résolue à se hisser au sommet de la société, par tous les moyens à sa disposition. Elle va déployer toute son intel..

Nataly Fish

Le carnaval

Le carnaval

Mickey est un vendeur de hot dogs dans une fête foraine. Mais ses hot dogs sont presque vivants et ils essayent de se comporter comme de véritables chiens auprès de l'acheteur devenu leur nouveau propriétaire. L'humour du film découle principalement de ce concept.

Nataly Fish

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