


Un groupe d'amis en week-end dans une cabane dans les bois se retrouve à la merci d'extraterrestres.

Nataly Fish



The program focuses on the hypothetical and scientifically feasible evolution of alien life on extrasolar planets, providing model examples of two different fictional worlds.

Nataly Fish

E.T. l'extra-terrestre

E.T. l'extra-terrestre

Une soucoupe volante atterrit en pleine nuit près de Los Angeles. Quelques extraterrestres, envoyés sur Terre en mission d’exploration botanique, sortent de l’engin, mais un des leurs s’aventure au-delà de la clairière où se trouve la navette. Celui-ci se dirige alors vers la ville. C’est sa première découverte de la civilisation hum..

Nataly Fish



Il y a seulement une bonne réponse lorsque vous vous réveillez sous un ciel rempli d'envahisseurs extraterrestres : fuir aussi vite que possible. Mais que faire quand l'invasion commence au moment même où vous rencontrez la femme de vos rêves ? Julio se réveille au peu groggy aux côtés d'une pépée méga bien roulée mais l'invasion alien ..

Nataly Fish

The Making of 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial'

The Making of 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial'

A behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Steven Spielberg's 1982 film "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial."

Nataly Fish

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 20th Anniversary Special

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 20th Anniversary Special

A retrospective of "E.T.," featuring a cast reunion and a look at the making of the 20th anniversary edition of the film.

Nataly Fish

L'Éclosion des monstres

L'Éclosion des monstres

Un jeune garçon adopte un extraterrestre en cachette mais la mère de ce dernier part à la recherche de son petit et massacre des gens.

Nataly Fish

The Fantastic Adventures of C5: The extraterrestrial Mission

The Fantastic Adventures of C5: The extraterrestrial Mission

Nutty Nat, Luzy, Lizzy, Larry Robot and Ashley are surprised by the arrival of intergalactic terminator "Blobby Bob" and the five friends convince him to stay with them to find a better solution.

Nataly Fish

Extraterrestrial Message, made with AI

Extraterrestrial Message, made with AI

In the future, Captain Daria receives a message from an extraterrestrial civilization. An opportunity to discover a people and sumptuous landscapes. Images and music were entirely created with artificial intelligence, only the script being "human". No 3D is involved, just AI.

Nataly Fish

Ancient Extraterrestrials: Aliens and UFOs Before the Dawn of Time

Ancient Extraterrestrials: Aliens and UFOs Before the Dawn of Time

Zecharia Sitchin is the author of the successful book series "The Earth Chronicles." Join this amazing scholar as he makes a scientific and scholarly argument for ancient visits to our Earth. Sitchin gives a compelling and entertaining presentation detailing the evidence that ancient aliens from other worlds have not only visited the earth but plan..

Nataly Fish

Extra-Terrestrial Ecologies (Retroflectors: the astronaut, the robot, the alien)
Ancient Astronauts: Our Extraterrestrial Legacy

Ancient Astronauts: Our Extraterrestrial Legacy

This documentary explores the historical settlement of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia during the Chalcolithic era.

Nataly Fish

Ancient Alien Question: From UFOs to Extraterrestrial Visitations

Ancient Alien Question: From UFOs to Extraterrestrial Visitations

Have we been visited by extraterrestrial beings? Did these "ancient aliens" contribute to the birth of human civilization? Do our ancient monuments contain evidence of their presence?

Nataly Fish

Extra-Terrestrial Boys & Girls: Part 1

Extra-Terrestrial Boys & Girls: Part 1

In the year 2045, where the Internet and AI are commonplace even in space, and centers on a group of children stranded in space after a large-scale accident occurs in a space station. By using narrowband, social networking, and a drone that they can manipulate through smartphones and low-intelligence AI, they overcome many crises.

Nataly Fish



A young man who lives in a small village finds a corpse of extraterrestrial creature. Or at least he thinks so...

Nataly Fish

Extra-Terrestrial Boys & Girls: Part 2

Extra-Terrestrial Boys & Girls: Part 2

In the year 2045, where the Internet and AI are commonplace even in space, and centers on a group of children stranded in space after a large-scale accident occurs in a space station. By using narrowband, social networking, and a drone that they can manipulate through smartphones and low-intelligence AI, they overcome many crises.

Nataly Fish

Extraterrestrial Cat in Boots

Extraterrestrial Cat in Boots

A Cat from outer-space comes to earth and befriends a Miller's Son and together they set out to defeat an evil wizard.

Nataly Fish



Nonendless search. Unbreakable cycle. Break point. End.

Nataly Fish

The Extraterrestrial Women

The Extraterrestrial Women

Extraterrestrial Girl visited Earth.Inventor Blinkov in love with her. His love is awakened in her new emotions and feelings.She realized that Blinkov can not live in a different world.And she leaves the Earth with sadness and loneliness.

Nataly Fish

Le Gendarme et les Extra-terrestres

Le Gendarme et les Extra-terrestres

Les membres de la brigade de gendarmerie de Saint‐Tropez tombent des nues, lorsqu’ils rencontrent les uns après les autres leurs doubles, sous forme d’extraterrestres se disant pacifiques. La venue d’une soucoupe volante, l’émotion qu’elle déclenche et la peur de l’inconnu vont faire venir la presse du monde entier dans cette jolie..

Nataly Fish

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