


An awkward dinner party among friends from an infertility support group takes an unexpected turn.

Nataly Fish



No overview for this movie has been given. It was a Canadian movie.

Nataly Fish



Tiana is lonely, pregnant, and discontented, but she plods through a weary day after deciding to sacrifice her husband's traditional beliefs for the safe delivery of her baby. The self-doubt, trauma, and surreality that Tiana expresses are a consequence of an experience common to many Black birthing women.

Nataly Fish



On the night of their gender reveal party for twins on the way, Taylor and Alex Armstrong have a few big surprises to share with the world.

Nataly Fish



Estranged sisters bond over pregnancy.

Nataly Fish



A woman with a perfect life learns she's carrying a baby she didn't expect. With no one to turn to for help, she carries to term and really comes to understand the saying ‘your life is over when you have kids’.

Nataly Fish



"Expecting" is a story of a teenage girl that finds out she is pregnant on the day she is to portray the Virgin Mary in her church Nativity play. She must negotiate a kicking and screaming baby Jesus as she sorts out her life crises for her entire church to see.

Nataly Fish



A woman struggling with infertility hosts a dinner party with devious intentions.

Nataly Fish

Ce qui vous attend si vous attendez un enfant

Ce qui vous attend si vous attendez un enfant

Fous de joie à l’idée de fonder une famille, Jules, séduisante icône du fitness à la télé, et Evan, star d’une émission de danse, réalisent que leur vie sous les projecteurs n’a aucune chance de résister aux exigences inattendues qui accompagnent une grossesse. Wendy, auteur à succès, folle de bébés, se retrouve po..

Nataly Fish

Le Choix de ma vie

Le Choix de ma vie

Dans une petite communauté Amish de Pennsylvanie, Hannah, fille exemplaire d'Ezekiel Yoder, décide de partir à Los Angeles pour Rumspringa, la période où les jeunes Amish peuvent expérimenter la vie moderne avant de s'engager définitivement à suivre les règles de la communauté. Samuel, son «promis» refuse de l'accompagner. Elle part ave..

Nataly Fish

Expecting Mary

Expecting Mary

Expecting Mary is the story of a young girl, who's had all the trappings of an upscale life, but it's only when she finds herself in a small New Mexico town, in a downtrodden trailer park, that she learns the real meaning of love, sacrifice and family.

Nataly Fish

Pépillo, l'enfant du miracle

Pépillo, l'enfant du miracle

Leur mariage souffrant de leur infécondité, Donna et Pete tentent une escapade au Mexique pour sauver leur couple. Mais à peine arrivés à destination, ils sont contraints de s'arrêter dans le village de Dommatina, durant les festivités du tricentenaire d'une croyance locale. Au milieu des villageois et de leur tradition, Donna et Pete vont s..

Nataly Fish

Expecting Mercy

Expecting Mercy

A couple on the run find themselves dealing with the hidden cameras that have been installed at the bed-and-breakfast where they choose to hide out.

Nataly Fish

Rockhampton Branch Roadshow - Well, I Wasn't Expecting That!

Rockhampton Branch Roadshow - Well, I Wasn't Expecting That!

A small group of youth attempt to realise their plans of having a really great camp by selling the local superheroes tickets to a dance - to discover that powers of a more sinister nature are pitted against them!

Nataly Fish

A Mother with Two Children Expecting Her Third

A Mother with Two Children Expecting Her Third

Bo Widerberg talks with actress Vanessa Redgrave about giving birth without painkillers and the Vietnam War.

Nataly Fish

Personne n'est obligé de me croire

Personne n'est obligé de me croire

La carrière et la vie d'un écrivain connaissent un rebondissement inattendu quand il croise le chemin de dangereux criminels juste avant de s'installer à Barcelone.

Nataly Fish

Unexpectedly Expecting

Unexpectedly Expecting

Nataly Fish

Expecting Love

Expecting Love

A successful Los Angeles lawyer discovers that a short-term affair could have long-term consequences when a woman he had a brief affair with claims that she's currently pregnant with his unborn child.

Nataly Fish

What to Expect When You're Not Expecting

What to Expect When You're Not Expecting

In this queer comedy short, Spencer and his husband Elliot run into one road-block after another in their journey toward becoming Daddy's. At the same time, Spencer's best friend, London, deals with her parenthood problems. Spencer eventually learns that all good things take time.

Nataly Fish



Installée à la maternité, Céline attend l’arrivée de son premier enfant. C’est Jeanne, sa compagne, qui va le mettre au monde. La nuit, dans le hall de l’hôpital, Céline fait la connaissance d’hommes qui, comme elle, attendent.

Nataly Fish

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