
Every Other Week

Every Other Week

Despite entering the session with an agenda, therapy doesn't go as planned for Kevin when his counselor announces their time together has run its course.

Nataly Fish

Every Other Weekend

Every Other Weekend

12-year-old Adil seeks to salvage his unstable relationship with his father Nas but his faith is put to the test over the course of a suspenseful day.

Nataly Fish

Every Other Weekend

Every Other Weekend

Fils d'un agent américain, un homme travaillant au département technique de la CIA est convaincu d'être lui-aussi un véritable agent secret. Lors d'un voyage à Paris avec son propre fils, ses soupçons vont peut-être se confirmer.

Nataly Fish

Every Other Weekend

Every Other Weekend

A story of the unending love of parents for their children, the grief of separation, and the chance moments that shape our lives.

Nataly Fish

Un week-end sur deux

Un week-end sur deux

Camille vit séparée de son mari et de ses enfants, dont il a la garde. Elle ne les voit que quelques week-ends et les emmène justement à Vichy, où elle doit animer un gala. Son mari lui reproche durement ses «guignolades». Alors elle part avec eux en Espagne, les enlève. Mais elle doit tenter d'apprivoiser son fils qui n'aime qu'une seule c..

Nataly Fish

Every Other Week

Every Other Week

Pontus is divorced and has custody of his children every other week while living life as a bachelor the rest of the time. His older brother, Jens, is married since 20 years and has three children. When Jens' marriage collapses, he moves in with his younger brother - a move which will change both of their lives radically.

Nataly Fish

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