


Leopold Kessler, jeune américain d'origine allemande, part pour l'Allemagne en octobre 1945. Il veut contribuer à la reconstruction du Vieux Continent et va découvrir l'amour et ses propres contradictions dans une Allemagne déchirée et détruite.

Nataly Fish



Beate is an ambitious executive working at Europa, a mysterious corporation looking to expand into the Balkans region. Seemingly promoting philanthropy and investment in underdeveloped areas, Europa actually needs to buy off lands from locals in a remote valley in Southern Albania using Beate as the main negotiator for the ambiguous mission. But th..

Nataly Fish



Two lovers appeal to each other in the empty streets of Madrid, lost in the first dawn of 2018. Both of them cross a mountain tunnel the last night of 1999. They keep the same age, but their names are different. They want to get to a rave party where hundreds of youngsters like them will welcome 21st century. The car stops at the entrance of the wo..

Nataly Fish



The streets where I live are the same of those I was born. And before it, so was my mom. And before it, my grandparents. I draw these streets: there is no place like our home.

Nataly Fish



Enveloped in pure colors, elusive existence and frigid weather events, an imaginary landscape resonates with the constant state of perceptual ambiguity. Through the accumulation of time, the imagery creates a threshold between reality and imagination.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Europa is a 12-minute anti-fascist film made in 1931 in Warsaw, Poland by surrealists Stefan and Franciszka Themerson. The film is based on Anatol Stern's 1925 futurist poem Europa. It uses collages and photograms, and articulates the sense of horror and moral decline its makers were witnessing. The film, while long thought to have been lost, is co..

Nataly Fish



Pedro, a foreign worker in Switzerland, learns that his mother is in hospital in Spain. Isolated from the world on his employer’s farm, he is asked to take one of the cows to slaughter before leaving for his country. Waiting for news from Spain, he arrives late at the slaughterhouse. At this same time, his brother calls to tell him that his mothe..

Nataly Fish



I remember Europa and I were not having a great time.

Nataly Fish



For the film poem Telemach Wiesinger develops his own image of Europe. In this series, featuring sequence shots of approximately 2,5 minutes in length, France, Ireland, Germany, Greece and Switzerland are in the field of vision. Chapter Seven was shot together with the director Daniel Schmid on the roof of his parent's hotel close to the sky, his l..

Nataly Fish

Europa, Europa

Europa, Europa

Inspiré des Mémoires de Sally Perel, "Europa Europa" raconte l'itinéraire d'un jeune juif contraint pendant la guerre d'épouser l'idéologie communiste lorsqu'il fuit en Union soviétique, puis celle du nazisme lorsque les Allemands envahissent l'orphelinat où il est refugié. Il en oublie sa propre identité et, pour sauvegarder sa vie, devie..

Nataly Fish

Café Europa en uniforme

Café Europa en uniforme

Réservistes dans une garnison en allemagne, trois soldats américains forment un groupe de Rock, tout en révant de tenir un night-club dès la fin de leur service. Afin de récolter l'argent nécéssaire pour concrétiser son souhait, Tulsa, le leader du groupe, prend le pari qu'il réussirra à passer une nuit entière avec Lili, la ravissante c..

Nataly Fish

Europa Report

Europa Report

Six astronautes embarquent pour le plus long et périlleux voyage de l'histoire de l'humanité. Un périple de 600 millions de kilomètres pour explorer Europa, le satellite glacé de Jupiter où des scientifiques ont décelé la présence d'eau et donc potentiellement de la vie extra-terrestre. Mais six mois après le décollage, tout contact avec..

Nataly Fish

Les Unwanted de Europa

Les Unwanted de Europa

Le film retrace les événements d'un sentier dans les Pyrénées, fuyant le fascisme qui infectait le cœur de l'Europe. Catalans et militants internationalistes ayant déjà fui le régime franquiste; Juifs, communistes et dissidents par les nazis peu après.

Nataly Fish

Europe 51

Europe 51

À la mort de son fils, une riche bourgeoise décide de consacrer sa vie aux déshérités.

Nataly Fish

Otto Skorzeny : le dangereux itinéraire d'un ancien nazi

Otto Skorzeny : le dangereux itinéraire d'un ancien nazi

Otto Skorzeny (1908-75), officier de la Waffen-SS, est devenu célèbre pour sa participation à des actions militaires audacieuses pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En 1947, il a été jugé et emprisonné, mais il s'est évadé moins d'un an plus tard et a trouvé refuge en Espagne, dirigée d'une main de fer par le général Francisco Franco. ..

Nataly Fish

L'Union européenne, l'art de l'équilibre

L'Union européenne, l'art de l'équilibre

À force de chercher toujours le compromis, l’Union européenne ne finit-elle pas par trahir ses idéaux ? À l’approche des élections, enquête sur les rouages de la politique européenne.

Nataly Fish

Leylet Europa

Leylet Europa

Four people decide to flee to Europe, each on their own. As they face various challenges, their experiences merge into a common story without getting lost in the mass of reporting.

Nataly Fish

Europa '52

Europa '52

Year 2052. It is night. A car travels along desolate roads. Inside there is a Middle Eastern family (father, mother and daughter) the Italian boyfriend of the daughter. A police car follow the family and it makes them stop in a cultivated field. The policeman goes out and joins them. Apply for license and registration. He has racists and violent be..

Nataly Fish

Europa Riconosciuta (2004)

Europa Riconosciuta (2004)

Diana Damrau performs the title role of Salieri's opera staged in the Teatro alla Scala in 2004. Riccardo Muti conducts the Teatro alla Scala Orchestra and Chorus with the cast also including Desirée Rancatore as Semele and Genia Kühmeier as Asterio.

Nataly Fish

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