


Après avoir perdu l'enfant qu'elle attendait, la fragile Kate voit ressurgir les douloureux souvenirs d'un passé qu'elle préférerait oublier. Hantée par des cauchemars récurrents, et décidée à retrouver une vie de couple équilibrée, elle fait le choix, avec son compagnon John, d'adopter un enfant. A l'orphelinat voisin, Kate et John se s..

Nataly Fish



Après avoir répudié son épouse, le roi des Perses cherche une nouvelle compagne. Une jeune juive à la beauté renversante conquiert son coeur et devient reine.

Nataly Fish

Esther 2 : Les Origines

Esther 2 : Les Origines

Après s'être échappée d'un établissement psychiatrique estonien, Leena Klammer se rend en Amérique en se faisant passer pour Esther, la fille disparue d'une riche famille. Mais lorsque son masque commence à tomber, elle se retrouve face à une mère qui veut à tout prix protéger sa famille de l'« enfant » meurtrière.

Nataly Fish

Esther et le roi

Esther et le roi

Récemment le roi perse Assuérus veuve veut épouser la belle Esther. Mais Esther est une femme juive, et Haman, ministre écrouelles, se répand la haine contre les Juifs. Situé au 4ème siècle avant notre ère, cette épopée biblique étoiles Richard Egan (Démétrius et Gladiateurs, A Summer Place) comme Assuérus et premier homme italien Se..

Nataly Fish

Esther, Reine de Perse

Esther, Reine de Perse

Le destin d'Hadassah, une jeune juive devenue Esther, reine de Perse.

Nataly Fish

The Book of Esther

The Book of Esther

Quand Ester devient la reine du roi Xerxès, son cousin Mardochée et ce méprisable Haman s'engagent dans un dangereux jeu d'intrigue pour le contrôle du jeune roi perse Xerxès.

Nataly Fish



Ahasverus, king of Persia and Media, puts aside Vashti and makes Esther his queen, choosing her among maidens in a kingdom stretching from India to Ethiopia. Esther, using information from Mordecai, her uncle and patron, saves the king from assassination. Haman, the king's favorite, is miffed when Mordecai won't bow to him, so he orders death to al..

Nataly Fish

Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger

Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger

This film is a smart, rueful and dead-on portrait of life's unending quest to fit in; and the girl who solves it by completely breaking out - introduces a feisty outsider hero unlike any other seen on screen. Esther Blueburger's quest begins when she escapes from her Bat Mitzvah party and is befriended by Sunni.., the effortlessly cool girl who is ..

Nataly Fish

Esther Kahn

Esther Kahn

Londres, fin du XIXe siècle. Timide et rêveuse, la jeune Esther vit dans le quartier juif et travaille dans l’atelier de couture familial. Elle se rend parfois au théâtre et se retrouve un jour figurante. Ses premiers pas sur les planches sont une révélation.

Nataly Fish

Esther Ferrer: Threads of Time

Esther Ferrer: Threads of Time

The definitive documentary that reviews the enormous career of Esther Ferrer, one of the great Spanish creators in the performance genre. A "hybrid" between the documentary and the discipline of performance itself, between recording and creation, which uses elements and techniques typical of the cinematographic genre on which animation and self-cre..

Nataly Fish

Queen Esther

Queen Esther

Set in the opulent yet perilous Persian Empire, QUEEN ESTHER is a captivating tale of beauty and bravery. Esther’s ordinary life changed forever when she was taken through the palace doors, entering a new world of royalty and risk. With a crown on her head and a secret in her heart, can she find the courage to trust in God’s plan and believe th..

Nataly Fish



Drunk with power after getting her braces off, 13-year-old Esther tries to seduce her oblivious Hebrew tutor.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

20 years of plastic art, María Esther Palant

20 years of plastic art, María Esther Palant

María Esther Palant is one of the greatest Peruvian filmmakers. His legacy contains an extensive filmography that portrays painting, sculpture, and art in Peru. This sample consists of 9 restored short films, where we will be able to learn about his record in the Lima cultural world of the time, as well as delve into his enriching creative eye.

Nataly Fish



God chooses a young woman, the kind and beautiful Esther, to save her people from destruction. Queen Esther, however, has to risk her life to do God’s will. Esther’s courage and wisdom are rewarded by God as tragedy turns to triumph and celebration for God’s people.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Katy just moved back to her childhood home only to find that her nightly sleep is disrupted by a faulty smoke alarm. She soon learns that the faulty alarm is the least of her worries as her imaginary friend Esther has come back to play.

Nataly Fish



Little Esther is being held in a cellar by a farmer, against her will but for her own good.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



When Queen Vashti (Pavlina Davis) publicly disgraces King Ahasuerus (David Wickboldt) she is banished from the kingdom, creating a void in the King’s life. To appease his growing displeasure, a plan is agreed upon: a new queen must be found to take Vashti’s place. A massive search spanning the entire empire is finally concluded when a young mai..

Nataly Fish

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