


Isabel is a babysitter pregnant of her own child and can't wait to be a mother. Until she meets Joana.

Nataly Fish

La estatua

La estatua

Nataly Fish

Estatua de sal

Estatua de sal

Mateo is a seminarian who lives a simple life dedicated to God. His vision of the world, his ideals and his beliefs will be upset when he meets Salvador, another seminarian, who shows him the world in a different way.

Nataly Fish

Agapito Marazuela, la estatua partida
La estatua de carne

La estatua de carne

Sculptor becomes infatuated with model. Everyone suffers.

Nataly Fish

La estatua de la libertad. El gigante francés
Gold Statue

Gold Statue

En recherchant une statue dorée ayant pu appartenir à ses ancêtres, un jeune homme et son ami atterrissent dans une prison de haute sécurité.

Nataly Fish

Ombres sous la mer

Ombres sous la mer

Près de l'île grecque d'Hydra, Phèdre, une pêcheuse d'éponges, lors d’une de ses plongées en profondeur, découvre une antique sculpture d’or et de laiton qui s’avère être le mythique « Garçon sur un dauphin » doté, dit-on, de certains pouvoirs. Rhif, le petit ami peu scrupuleux de Phèdre, incite celle-ci, qui est pauvre, à la v..

Nataly Fish

La statue

La statue

A living statue causes trouble for unsuspecting bystanders.

Nataly Fish

The Statue

The Statue

Bolt, a British linguist, develops a universal language, so he's a sudden sensation and receives a Nobel prize. An ambitious diplomat, capitalizing on Bolt's celebrity, arranges for the U.S. to commission a statue for a London square to honor Bolt's achievement. Bolt's Italian wife, a renowned artist, sculpts an 18-foot nude of Bolt. In a pique, be..

Nataly Fish



After a warehouse fire, museum director Grove and assistant Pimm find everything destroyed, only one statue withstood the fire mysteriously undamaged. Suddenly Grove is lying dead on the ground, killed by the statue? Pimm finds out that the cursed statue has been created by Rabbi Loew in 16th century and will withstand every human attempt to destro..

Nataly Fish

Más allá del Capitolio

Más allá del Capitolio

A small town celebrates the triumph of their revolution. Under the euphoria of the moment, the town's founder is declared a traitor and the destruction of his statue is decided by the people. A journalist buys the statue before it is destroyed. Later, the townspeople discover that the statue isn't from who they thought it was and they decide to ret..

Nataly Fish

Les Minipouss et la Statue de la Liberté

Les Minipouss et la Statue de la Liberté

À l’occasion du 4 juillet (jour de la fête nationale aux États-Unis), la famille Minipouss s’offre des vacances à New York. Alors qu’ils se trouvent tous dans l’avion de Charlie, une terrible tempête se déchaîne et leur engin doit atterrir en catastrophe sur l’île de la statue de la Liberté. À peine arrivés sur la terre ferme, ..

Nataly Fish

Le diable géant ou Le miracle de la madonne

Le diable géant ou Le miracle de la madonne

At the beginning of the scene Romeo in his gondola sings to Juliet a sentimental song, then goes away. Hardly has he departed when the colonnade falls to pieces, disclosing the devil. Juliet, frightened, runs to the window and calls Romeo. The latter attempts to enter and protect his fiancée, but at a gesture from the devil the window is instantly..

Nataly Fish

Liberty : Mother of Exiles

Liberty : Mother of Exiles

Un regard sur l'histoire de la Statue de la Liberté et la signification de la création du sculpteur Auguste Bartholdi pour les gens du monde entier.

Nataly Fish

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