
El pisto

El pisto

Nataly Fish

El Padre Pistolas

El Padre Pistolas

Feature on the adventures that develop the most perfect of false priest.

Nataly Fish

El Pistolero

El Pistolero

In June 1994, Nicholas Barclay, a Texan boy of 13, disappeared without a trace. Three years later, surprising news about the case received: the boy has been found in Spain and claims to have been tortured by his abductors. After the initial joy of the family to recover, an inexplicable problem: how is it possible that the blond son of Barclay is no..

Nataly Fish

The Unknown Cowboy

The Unknown Cowboy

The Sheriff of a small town, in his search of a robber bank, gets to another city, working undercover. There, he tooks the place of man recently killed, and falls in love with his widow.

Nataly Fish

El Pistolero

El Pistolero

Nataly Fish

El pistolero y el federal (Venganza mortal)
El último pistolero

El último pistolero

Nataly Fish

The Devil Gunman

The Devil Gunman

A man is continuously vilified by the other members of the small community in which he lives. One day he meets a strange "doctor" who offers him a great ability with the gun through mysterious magical arts. The man accepts and his vengeance begins. But the price to be paid for the newly acquired skills could be too high.

Nataly Fish

El rey de la pistola

El rey de la pistola

Western heist movie; a complicated bank job goes bad, and two groups of thieves fight the sheriff and each other.

Nataly Fish

Under the Glow of Rock and Roll - The Creative Universe of Jorge Pistocchi

Under the Glow of Rock and Roll - The Creative Universe of Jorge Pistocchi

With a musical, psychedelic and poetic proposal, it portrays the editor and journalist Jorge Pistocchi and an entire generation that carries rock in its luggage, and whose driving force is to generate a space for independent thought, community action and experimentation.

Nataly Fish

Blazon Blatzom: El Pistolera Blatzo

Blazon Blatzom: El Pistolera Blatzo

A documentation of Jeff Keen painting, using montage to turn a mild-mannered English painter into a Wild West gunslinger.

Nataly Fish

Pistoleros bajo el sol

Pistoleros bajo el sol

A brave man arrives in a lawless town, where people live in terror, to find the scoundrel guilty of the death of his brother.

Nataly Fish

Se Equivoco El Pistolero

Se Equivoco El Pistolero

Nataly Fish

El hijo del pistolero

El hijo del pistolero

A gun for hire's son decides to follow in his father's footsteps but must fight to earn his mother's love once more.

Nataly Fish

El corrido de María Pistolas

El corrido de María Pistolas

Sequel to Maria Pistolas. Comic-tomgirl member of Villa's army has boy trouble.

Nataly Fish

El Dilema de la Pistola

El Dilema de la Pistola

Nataly Fish



Au nord du Mexique, Desperado, le guitariste à la gâchette facile, parcourt le pays pour venger sa bien-aimée, abattue par un puissant trafiquant de drogue. Sa route est jonchée des cadavres de ceux qui ont tenté de l'arrêter ou n'ont pas répondu à ses questions.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme au pistolet d'or

L'Homme au pistolet d'or

Le fabuleux tueur Scaramanga, l'homme au Pistolet d'Or dont les " contrats " lui rapportent chacun un million de dollars, a reçu pour mission d'exécuter James Bond, l'as des services secrets britanniques. Selon son habitude, Scaramanga prévient sa future victime en lui envoyant une balle en or marquée à ses initiales. " M ", le patron de Bond,..

Nataly Fish

L'Ange et le Mauvais Garçon

L'Ange et le Mauvais Garçon

Quirt Evans, un pistolero blessé lors d'une course-poursuite avec une bande de cavaliers armés, est sauvé d'une mort certaine par les bons soins de Penelope Worth, une fille de quakers, qui ne tarde pas à tomber amoureuse du charismatique cow-boy. Désormais redevable de sa vie et sensible aux preuves d'affection de la jeune femme, Evans est co..

Nataly Fish

Le grand Bill

Le grand Bill

A peine arrivé en ville, le paisible cow-boy Melody Jones est pris pour le dangereux Monte Jarrad, un hors-la-loi qui sème la terreur dans la région. Mais la supercherie est vite découverte et Jones doit affronter Jarrad.

Nataly Fish

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