


Two brothers in their seventies, Pa and Moe, have lived together all their lives in a little house in the country, the only interruption being when Pa made a weekend trip to Småland on his moped during the second World War. The past returns when his adult son dating from his Swedish visit, Konrad, comes to live with them after his mother has falle..

Nataly Fish



The spirits of life and death go for a drive in this darkly humorous fantasia featuring an original score by Quincy Jones.

Nataly Fish



Eggs explores the interaction between a young social worker and her client, a young woman who recently lost her husband. The social worker's first meeting with the widow takes place in the latter’s home. While the social worker is eager to do her job well, the widow is weary and exhausted from everyone’s condolences.

Nataly Fish



Animated study of eggs.

Nataly Fish



Eggs is short comedy which proposes what would happen when a suspected terrorist, actually innocent, is faced with the worst possible torture imaginable. Prisoner Ruman is captured and interrogated by the feds. Completely innocent and non-compliant, Ruman insists on his release. However, undeterred, the feds, led by Agent Graf, resort to unpreceden..

Nataly Fish



Two strangers meet by chance on a footbridge and form an unlikely alliance. Revenge is a dish best served... with eggs!

Nataly Fish

L’Âge de glace : La Grande Chasse aux œufs

L’Âge de glace : La Grande Chasse aux œufs

Scrat, Manny, Sid, Diego et tous vos copains préhistoriques de L’Âge de Glace sont de retour pour de nouvelles aventures hilarantes. Sid a créé son entreprise de nounou pour œuf, et ça marche ! Mais lorsque Squint le pirate vole les œufs, Manny, Diego et le reste du gang se mettent en route pour une mission de sauvetage périlleuse qui d..

Nataly Fish

Little Eggs: A Frozen Rescue

Little Eggs: A Frozen Rescue

Le coq Toto a un nouvel ennemi : un pirate qui envisage de le transformer en coq cryogéniquement congelé.

Nataly Fish



Egglantine loves salt on her eggs. Eggbert prefers pepper. Who blinks first in this playful Easter ritual?

Nataly Fish

A Movie of Eggs

A Movie of Eggs

A small egg named Toto decides that he wants to fulfill his purpose in life and become a chicken instead of dying in a frying pan; so he starts a quest to return to the farms along with his new friend, the noisy egg Willy and a crazy bacon stripe. The three friends will face lot of obstacles in their quest.

Nataly Fish

Les Baby Looney Tunes - Joyeuses Pâques

Les Baby Looney Tunes - Joyeuses Pâques

La magie de Pâques arrivant à grands pas, c'est l'effervescence au pays des Baby Looney Tunes. Pour célébrer cette fête, Mémé raconte à Baby Bugs et ses Baby amis la fabuleuse légende du "Lapin de Pâques". Les Baby partent alors à sa recherche, espérant ainsi rapporter des tonnes de chocolat. Commence ainsi pour les bambins une folle av..

Nataly Fish

expired eggs

expired eggs

An egg thinks of a anniversary gift for his wife.

Nataly Fish

Angel's Egg

Angel's Egg

Ayuta, jeune étudiant en arts, est en couple avec Natsuki. Pour son entourage, ils forment le couple parfait. C'est sans compter qu'un beau jour, alors qu'il est dans le tram, une jolie jeune femme accourt et réussit à le prendre de justesse. Ébloui par sa beauté, il ne cesse de penser à elle et de la dessiner. Régulièrement, il rend visit..

Nataly Fish

Berserk, l'âge d'or - Partie 1 - L'Œuf du roi conquérant

Berserk, l'âge d'or - Partie 1 - L'Œuf du roi conquérant

Midland : un royaume pris, depuis un siècle, dans l'étau d'une guerre sans merci. Sur les champs de bataille, Guts, un jeune mercenaire, lutte pour survivre au quotidien. Malgré son jeune âge, il se bat avec la rage d'un chien fou, déploie une effroyable dextérité et traîne derrière lui une épée au gabarit impressionnant. Alors qu'il s..

Nataly Fish

Wasted Eggs

Wasted Eggs

Are you using your egg and germ cells in a manner useful for the society and the humankind? Junko is nearly 30, nearing the traditional ‘best before’ of the Japanese society, and feels increasing pressure: without a partner candidate or even a particular wish to have children anytime soon, she decides to become an egg donor. And not just for th..

Nataly Fish



A tale of an egg and a nation!

Nataly Fish

Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny

Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny

Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless s..

Nataly Fish

The EGGsplosive Easter

The EGGsplosive Easter

The Zabiak family, which has not seen each other for many years, despite the war, is gathering for Easter at their parents' house.

Nataly Fish

La Poule aux Oeufs d'Or

La Poule aux Oeufs d'Or

Étant donné la hausse du prix des œufs, Donald essaie d'en récolter un maximum mais le coq qui règne sur la basse-cour n'est pas du même avis...

Nataly Fish



Un groupe d'étudiants hippies d'Austin, au Texas, emménage dans une vieille grande maison dans les bois. Cependant, il y a autre chose qui les influence.

Nataly Fish

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