


Young journalist Thea Hartley travels to Singapore to investigate the mysterious death of her sister and discovers a string of bizarre killings involving a cursed email.

Nataly Fish



When an Online Game rakes in money, it excites and becomes an addiction. But when its high time and you are at the point of no return where you realise that it isn't a mere Game but a Scam which eventually threatens and becomes a question of Life & Death of your loved one - how far will you go? At what cost?

Nataly Fish



A frenetic floating head with arms gleefully answers a familiar junk email in this not-so-cautionary tale.

Nataly Fish



Athens in August becomes the place where a group of young people live, fall in love and have fun - guided by, and communicating through, the Internet.

Nataly Fish

E-mail Express

E-mail Express

Sebastian, the creative head of an advertising agency, has just finished a long night and wants to delight his lover with an intimate e-mail. So takes a photo of his best 'piece'. But with a wrong mouse-click posts it to his whole company, with no way to stop it! So do his colleagues also believe that size matters?

Nataly Fish

Homestar Runner: Strong Bad's Emails

Homestar Runner: Strong Bad's Emails

Strong Bad, the opinionated advice columnist and one of the stars of the popular Internet cartoon series Homestar Runner, answers email inquiries with a hilarious combination of sarcasm and biting wit. This collection of shorts features Strong Bad's best moments and all his well-known catchphrases. The set also includes several unreleased shorts, k..

Nataly Fish

Emails From Gary

Emails From Gary

Strange Trace presents a micro-opera by composer Greg Nahabedian. Emails From Gary uses transcriptions of the actual emails and phone calls exchanged between the composer and a former boss as they tried to quit an honestly dangerous working situation. Our presentation ends with a dramatic reading of actual Yelp reviews of the business in question.

Nataly Fish

Rupert and the Seven Russian Email Bride

Rupert and the Seven Russian Email Bride

Rupert leads a mundane life, working in Accounts Receivable, where he dreams of finding love and fulfillment through his email relationships with young Russian women who are seeking to marry. His life is disrupted when a 'real' woman with a Russian name appears in his office.

Nataly Fish

(Tommy-Chat Just E-mailed Me.)

(Tommy-Chat Just E-mailed Me.)

Trecartin describes (Tommy-Chat Just E-mailed Me.) as a "narrative video short that takes place inside and outside of an e-mail." Trecartin's intense visualization of electronic communication is inhabited by a cast of stylized characters: Pam, a lesbian librarian with a screaming baby in an ultra-modern hotel room; Tammy and Beth, who live in an ap..

Nataly Fish

4 Küsse und eine E-Mail

4 Küsse und eine E-Mail

Nataly Fish

Pixi Post & the Gift Bringers

Pixi Post & the Gift Bringers

Nataly Fish

Emails To My Little Sister

Emails To My Little Sister

Emails to My Little Sister is an anthropologically intended film created as part of an MA thesis project concerning the phenomenology of Blackness in Berlin. The film, however, takes place in Ethiopia where becoming Black is reflected back on in siblings’ email conversations.

Nataly Fish

Emailul Mediaș

Emailul Mediaș

The film, by its industrial and advertising aspect, presents chronologically various stages of making household products from varnish, all done at the factory in Mediaș.

Nataly Fish

Email to Bill Gates

Email to Bill Gates

Young German boy whose father tells him that Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates can solve anything. His father dies and the little boy makes a trip to Seattle with his grandfather to find Bill Gates.

Nataly Fish

Could This Have Been An Email

Could This Have Been An Email

Three coworkers struggle with the horrific possibility of speaking with a customer on the phone.

Nataly Fish

E-Mail-Zombies des Grauens - Der Horrorvirus aus dem Internet

E-Mail-Zombies des Grauens - Der Horrorvirus aus dem Internet

The terrific debut work, never-before-seen stunts and special effects! A zombie virus-infested e-mail provokes a rapidly spreading epidemic of zombification and innovative homicides.

Nataly Fish

Marisol Writes an Email

Marisol Writes an Email

Marisol gets into a contest of wills with the AI software helping her write her emails.

Nataly Fish

Vous avez un mess@ge

Vous avez un mess@ge

Tous les deux sont libraires. Kathleen tient une échoppe au charme suranné, The Shop Around the Corner, et a initié aux joies de la lecture des ribambelles d'enfants tandis que Joe possède une chaîne de librairies de grande surface, Fox Books, qui a rapidement éliminé ses concurrentes. Kathleen hait plus que tout au monde Fox Books tandis qu..

Nataly Fish

My Father's Emails

My Father's Emails

The director's father, who did not know how to use a computer, left her an autobiography via email. It includes his whole life through many notable events such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, 88's Seoul Olympic, New Town Development, etc.

Nataly Fish

E-mail Prowler

E-mail Prowler

HK horror flick

Nataly Fish

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